So if at the speed of light time slow's down , then does that mean time really doesn't exsits......... , what is time ? , the revoulotoion of earth around the sun , or the rotation of the earth in a 24 hour period , if there is no sun where is time ? , unless time is measured in changes and evnets , but then how can anyone say what the frist event was ? , even the starting of the universe is not an absolute , and in that case nothing has an absolute , everyone still trying to come up with more qeustions , and answers that makes more qeustions , so in the on going pull and tug , i say there's no such thing as a boundery , oh and just a thought that craweld up my ass , what if we are a germ just floating and a bigger being in a bigger universe , and just hasn't been disinfected yet , lol.........
so many ? , hard to uput your finger on anything........