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  • Quark

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  1. Cause Unknown (Will never be known) Step 1. The Big Bang Happens Step 2. The Universe Expands Step 3. The Universe stops expanding Step 4. The Universe starts to pull back together to a single point due to gravity. Step 5. After sometime another big bang happens
  2. Wasnt another person that came up with that one thing considered loony to and now we look back on him and think wow how could those people not see what he was trying to say?
  3. How do we know which way is outward ?
  4. Maybe someone has already invented a time machine that takes everything back in time and we just keep repeating the same things over and over again! That is why we dont know about it. Edit: The could explain De Ja Vu !
  5. How do we determine mass in a vacuum?
  6. I read some idea's on cnn.com. Some include solar sail's, rockets to slow it down till we are out of the way, or explosions not to blow it up but to knock it off course.
  7. I still wont believe this till we have the technology that can actaully get us as fast as we can go. At 99.9% of C there may be unforseen things that we just dont see now. Even at 50% of C things could be way different. So you can not say we cant go faster than light till we acutally reach 99.9% of C. The stuff you all know now might just go out the window at those speeds.
  8. Now that we passed all the light that came from Earth or whever your starting point is it should look like the past. Now we get back in and head back faster than light. Now it should look like its speeding up returning to its original position + the time it took for the trip. Right?
  9. We are standing on earth and the light that we see today from all the stars in the sky are that of "the past". Now we get in our spacecraft now we are going faster than light toward whichever star, would it not seem like time is speeding up?
  10. Faster Than Light Speed
  11. This is my point of view. If you travel faster than light and look behind you things will look like they are going in reverse just because you pass up the light that has already traveled that far. Once you turn around and head back things will look like they are speeding up until they are back to the normal. So you dont travel in time. but you may see light from the past !
  12. Until we actually obtain the speed of 99.9% of c i believe we will never know the true anwser. Just as people said the sound barrier could not be broken its just a matter of finding the right way to do it.
  13. Thats where a read only chip is implented, and the chip encypted to only be able to read from your Phone and vice vs. each one will have a 512 encryption maybe more.
  14. Im not sure where think it was cnn but a few scientist teleported a few molecules a short distance. Looked for the article but could not find it.
  15. Just like in The One. A Multi Verse without the Different Dimension part so there are no different versions of you.
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