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Everything posted by Payne_sx

  1. Hi there, Randomly stumbled across this thread - so I thought someone might care about my experience with this I smoke weed on a daily basis (just as a side note, I live in Holland where's it perfectly legal) - mind you it's not a lot in quantity (maybe up to 5 grams in two-four weeks of Holland's better stuff) - and I also recently started using a vaporizer (out of heath precautions; I do a lot of sports). Based on my own experience with alcohol and weed - that you can still get quite a sizable hangover even if you've smoked recently. By recently I of course do not mean right before drinking, because as someone pointed out - that's VERY bad. Ill cover that a bit at the end. If it's of any use: I also generally have pretty high alcohol tolerance; exceptionally high metabolism; and always hydrate properly; and rarely overdo alcohol or weed as I enjoy both in moderation. So anyway, like I said just last night I was at a party and .. well ended up going with the hype and drinking a bit too much. I drank about a liter of water overnight (was out of sports drinks, which usually do it for me) and I'm experiencing a nasty hangover. As the day progressed I actually forced myself to vomit, drank tons of sports drinks (which did not necessarily help as I was already hangover) and it's subsiding now. I just smoked a bit of weed and it does seem to be helping a bit, perhaps I should've tried it sooner . Now to alcohol and weed at the same time - it's not horrible if done in extreme moderation. The problem is that you can very easily overdo it. Mixing a slight buzz with a little highness can be awesome, however the line to "totally passed out and drained of all energy" is extremely thin. Hence why I rarely do this, and would advise anyone against it. By the way - I'm sorry as I only read about half the posts in this thread, and I normally dislike posting without getting the whole picture. But as I pointed out I'm hangover and not in the best of states, so I thought my experience with this might help someone.
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