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Dear Sir I have a question, are people who have been exposed to nuclear radiation transmitting it to others?
yes..religion affect to happiness. when we have nothing... the religion still stay in our believe , guide us through the darkness day into the light of tomorrow
History can be a science as long there were some approach with mathematic and statistic that explain about past event. That was mean the situation in past could be calculated in future but not in predicted
I think crocodile, shark and also comodo was a living relict of dinosaur Well.. i'm living in Indonesia, but there was no dinosaur fossils found in my area..is there any conditions in the past or geological formations that being dinosaur's places to live?
Dear friends I have a homework about preparation the teaching material content of plant tissue analysis, if you have an material as an example, i hope you don't mine for sending to me..
Flowering period change in clove plant as climate change Impact
Kikis replied to Kikis's topic in Climate Science
<br /><br /><br /> Thanks for your information Sir.. it's all about phenology right? -
The plant clove need temperature rate about 200 C in a month for induce the flower in one year. Below in 1990 many farmer was suggested with high yield of clove plant with commercial promise from many local company that would received their harvest. The fever of clover cultivation begin flourish in 1990 with 3 years prediction the harvest time would comes. The cultivation area were not consider with the climate regime, the farmer believe the plant need cold temperature, as their planted in highland. After 5 years the clove plant were have no flower. Many farmer sold their clove plantation because no chance for benefit and false with area blocking in clove cultivation, it was in 1995 to 1998. But in year of 2000 those clove plant were rise with flower, and makes the agriculturist wonder and asking what happen. The survey had been start with the climate as the main cause, and the data prove about the rate of temperature in month already change become warm about 250 C , the climate change were affected to clove plant flowering period.
i had a task to create teaching material about plant tissue analysis.. i hope someone could give me some information about that
Where did viruses come from?
Kikis replied to Incendia's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
Some of the scientists believed the virus was very ancient material in our universe beside the microorganism like bacteria. Both of them had been fight against each other for a million years to conquer our earth. Until new species like plants, animals, also human was appear in the earth, their attention had been averted to prey those species like that were happen till today -
I ever floor the statement about Dolphin and whale was not a fish but its classified in sea mamals. Many audiences was not believed, they need a proved . I tried my best to prove it but i had shortage with concept and theory and also evolution picture. I need help for some material, and picture that could explain much about dolphin evolution from its ancestor till recent species.
I think that was a worse action for drinking your own urine. If the reason was about for health, i think there were many healthy drink but not urine, because the human urine had been through digestion process in human body and it had been punish as liquid waste. Why don't we drink an orange juice, tomato juice, that's healthy i guess
according with my opinion, the rainfall amount in rain forest should be in > 2500 mm/years, and basically the rainfall should be equal in rainfall rate for entire mount in one year and the water content from rainfall could support many vegetations and animals in the forest
Computer Science & Web Design Education: Where do I start?
Kikis replied to Kathie's topic in Science Education
well done with your BA Sir...i suggest you to learn about how to make a blog and website. After that you can continued with learn about XHTML, because HTML was a main require in making the website. -
Right ..but do you have any date or research report that could support your argument? I have some date and report that organic farming with using bacteria could reduced soil acidity, increase plant growth and increase pH soil level beneath the neutral level. Normally, off course green manure can not support plant nutrient supply in short time, we still count on chemical fertilizer to increase high yield crop production, but in order to balance, conserve and increase soil productivity it promised. There was nothing wrong with modern agriculture in modern world in order to support human feed, but as we considered in third world country, organic farming have some good contribution to conserve the land and also still take a place for feed the world
Ok..thanks for your comment Sir. By the way we are living in tropic land, in which the climate were very excessive to reduce the soil fertility and the used of chemical fertilizer seems not very effective, because high rate of run off could leach the fertilizer away from the root area, so green manure were become good choice for us as the effort in order to returning the soil productivity including to recover soil physic, chemical, and biological condition. The other way, in tropic area there were two seasons in which rain and dry seasons, the pest life cycle were not broken as affected by that kind tropic climate type. It means pesticide was very excessive in used, we can imagine about the impact to our environment. The used of plant resistant variety, crop circle, plant rotation were the best solution to reduce the pesticide need in cultivation activities. So that is why the organic farming as we considered as the good choice. Ok..thanks for your comment I agree with you. By the way we are living in tropic land, in which the climate were very excessive to reduce the soil fertility and the used of chemical fertilizer seems not very effective, because high rate of run off could leach the fertilizer away from the root area, so green manure were become good choice for us as the effort in order to returning the soil productivity including to recover soil physic, chemical, and biological condition. The other way, in tropic area there were two seasons in which rain and dry seasons, the pest life cycle were not broken as affected by that kind tropic climate type. It means pesticide was very excessive in used, we can imagine about the impact to our environment. The used of plant resistant variety, crop circle, plant rotation were the best solution to reduce the pesticide need in cultivation activities. So that is why the organic farming as we considered as the good choice. The organic farming was introduce from the outside of development countries. We as the development country, third world country still push to run of it. We are still accused as forest defoliation, shifting cultivation, chemical excessive used in many agriculture activities, and we conscious that we have to legacy our environment to young generation, so we received and accept the concept about green agriculture and we believe that was a good way to help our environment, and we run that concept. But the pesticide production was not from our country, that was came out from the outside of us, the chemical fertilizer not as our own production, formerly that was came from the outside of us. Now we run the concept of "Back to the Nature" but why the many peoples from Developing Countries seems to reverse direction against the organic farming?
Application of Mathematics in supporting the Agricultural Experiment Design Model The experiment is a series of activities in which each stage in the series is really defined; done to find answers about the problems examined through a hypothesis testing. The experiment used to test a hypothesis or provisional estimates of a natural occurrence or non-natural in the physical and non physical environment resulting from the hypothesis or answer these allegations. The hypothesis to be used can be positive or negative in the sense of receiving the results of the experiment as a positive value and reject the results of the experiment as a negative value. By the time we observe a set of objects, for example a set of cultivation in paddy fields, we see different things that look cons, giving rise to these allegations or hypotheses, including: 1. Why is the appearance of each object seen varies, there is a high, low, good, bad growth, not attacked by pests and pest attack. 2. What are the causes of differences or variations in these? 3. What actions can we do for there uniformity in the object? 4. How the application or treatment provided? To answer these questions have to do a series of studies or a series of experiments. The experiment became a tool for researchers in seeking answers to the allegations or non-natural and natural conditions that happen. The answer is a statement of the results of scientific experiments during the experiments conducted to follow the concepts and principles of scientific research. Definition and Types of experiment Pattern or ordinances implementing measures (treatment and non treatment) in an experiment on certain environmental conditions that later became the basis of the arrangement and method of statistical analysis of outcome data, called the Experimental Design (Experimental Design). In the field of agriculture are known several types of experimental design, among others: 1. Completely Randomized Design (completly randomized design) 2. Randomized block design (randomized Block Design) 3. Latin Square Design (Latin Square Design) 4. Factorial Design (factorial design) 5. Split Plot Design (Split Splot Design) In this course will only be discussed Rancangang completely randomized, randomized block design, and factorial design. Usefulness of rancagan-bill vary, depending on environmental conditions. The main principle in the design of experiments In the experimental design is known that some key principles, which are an important part in using a model of experimental design. These principles should be owned in every model of experimental design used. As these principles are: 1. Replication (Deuteronomy) If a treatment more than one pattern of study, then we say, a repetition occurs in the experiment. The purpose of the repetition is: in order to assess the diversity of experimental material. The more closely replicates the outcome, but rather the higher cost and difficult to control. 2. Randomization (Randomization) Randomization performed for all variables or treatment used to have an equal opportunity to receive placement and observation, Randomization aims to ensure proper assessment of experimental error and avoid bias, and some things that need to provisions in determining the opportunities associated with the lapse of estimators and null hypothesis testing, making it possible to do statistical tests in which the changes are changes observed yyang have free distribution. 3. Local Control (Local Control) What is meant by local control is actually the setting of research units in groups or blocks of a diverse group. The objective is to enhance local control efficiency of a trial because of trial error becomes smaller so as to show the differences between the results. Some terms: 1. Trial and error Trial Unit Experimental error is to describe the results between the two sets of experiments with the same treatment that should give the same result, while the unit is an attempt to give the same result, is a unit test is a unit where a single experiment performed on a replication / replication of the experiment. Experimental error can be minimized by means of: a. Enhance the uniformity of experimental material b. Careful in supervising the experiment c. Using a more efficient experimental design 2. Treatment (Treatment) Treatment means a set of special conditions imposed on the experiment on a limited set of experiments and design were selected. 3. Factor and Level Is a factor that affects things or experimental measurable parameters that can be either deliberate treatment and can also not a treatment. While the level is the level of treatment in units smaller than a factor in each treatment. 4. Influence (effects) and interaction Understanding the effect intended to investigate differences in outcomes of treatment when an environmental change. Medium interaction is intended to investigate the effect of differences in the results of the 2 factors on a treatment if one does not change or both.
Soil ProductivityOptimization Model from Entisols Soil after Demolition of Parent Materials and Giving of CompostingWeeds This study aimed toincrease productivity Entisol soil in Pangkep (The one of Regency in SouthSulawesi Province) area to be planted soybean crops. In general, this studyconducted in six stages, namely: 1. The process ofland survey and identify locations that are categorized as having type Entisolssoil. Include identification of factorsof climate, topography, landscape, soil chemical and physical conditions on theground Entisols as initial data. 2.Observations of physical and chemical soil data after treatment demolition andsoil organic matter. 3.Testing continued with the planting of crops will be observed the growth andproduction. 4. Provide recommendations on how toEntisols soil management based on the results of experiments cond 1. Background Entisols soil Pangkepnumerous in South Sulawesi Province, the spread includes dry climates withrainfall of less than 1500 mm / year .. Land Entisols numerous in thehighlands, and the basic areas mountain slopes. These lands belong to marginaland its use is not optimal due to the physical condition of soil that is notpossible for the purpose of crop cultivation. Entisols soil tend not to developa deep solum due to climatic factors in this low rainfall in which the processof water infiltration and leaching of water into the soil solum less soinhibited the formation of soil horizons. These conditions cause the soil andshallow Entisols have solum solum only has A and C. Solum A or layers ofvarying thickness (10-30 cm) and is dominated by the mineral quartz sand andsoil, while the solum C is dominated by parent rock mold that has not beenperfect, and difficult to be penetrated by water and plant roots. Theseconditions become limiting factors to crop cultivation, so that the user effortis often directed to non-cultivation purposes. Intensive tillage canreduce soil density Entisols. Demolition of the land until the solum C orparent material is expected to reduce the physical barriers to rooting andwater permeability. Solum C, which revealed expected to mold quickly, but thespeed is very dependent pelapukannya with the presence of water andmicroorganisms. To accelerate the weathering process of organic materials is alikely alternative. The use of organic materials to improve the physical,chemical, and biological soil by providing organic matter into the soil, thesoil becomes more crumb structure due to the elastic properties of organicmaterials, in addition to the water holding capacity of soil also increased.Content of organic matter in soil can also increase the number ofmicroorganisms so that the decomposition process can run faster. Based on this,the combination of demolition and the use of soil organic matter is expected toimprove soil physical properties Entisols that can support plant growth. 2. SpecificObjectives This study aims toobtain data on soil productivity improvement efforts Entisols and chances forcultivation of soybean crop, so the marginal status of land owned by landEntisols be turned into productive land and can be planted by crop cultivation.In particular, this study aims to: 1. Knowing theinfluence of parent material and the dismantling of weeds as compost organicmaterial to changes in physical and chemical conditions on the ground Entisols. 2. Knowing the growthand yield of soybean in soil after demolition Entisols parent material and theprovision of compost weeds. 3. Primacy Research Entisols there islots of land in the district classified Pangkep difficult cultivated marginalland. The land is classified as N1 class with the inhibiting factors of theshallow soil depth. Efforts to increase productivity to be fit for the purposeof crop cultivation can be cultivated through effort pembangkaran parentmaterial, with the hope of the host when exposed to mold, so that the soil physicalinhibiting factors can be reduced. Weathering process can also be acceleratedby providing additional input in the form of organic matter into the soil, sothe activity of microorganisms that will make the process of decomposition canalso be increased. Utilization of microorganisms in accelerating the weatheringprocess can be done by means of bacterial culture originating from EM4 isexpected to multiply rapidly as a result of organic matter derived from compostweeds that are acquired from approximately the location of the study. If the process ofdecomposition of soil parent material has occurred, then the soil is expectedto be ready and able to support plant growth, In this study selected soybeanplants, because plants are short-lived, easy to measure the growth andproduction and can be used as indicators of soil fertility by looking at thedevelopment of nodules formed . Based on dataobtained from both soil and plant factors, it can be recommended a package oftechnology on how to land management Entisols of its status as marginal landinto productive land suitable for cultivation purposes.
In the recent year, organic farming were become popular in order to improve the soil productivity. Many agriculture activities likes fertilizer, and ploughing were responsible to soil productivity reduce. With using microorganism like microbe, fungi, the soil productivity were promised to heal.
If the soil is dug up to a certain depth, from vertical cross-section can be seen that the color gradation forming layers (horizons) or so-called soil profile. In the forest land that has been cooked there three important horizon of horizons A, B and C Horizon A or Top Soil is the uppermost layer of soil The most frequent and most easily influenced by climatic factors and biological factors. In this layer most of the organic materials collected and experience decay. B horizon is also called the accumulation zone (illuvation zone). This horizon has a more organic matter a little but more an element of soil leaching than horizon A. Horizon C is a zone of weathered rock which is part of the parent rock. Agricultural activities are generally located on the horizon A and B.
Are wild "weed" edible plants more nutritious?
Kikis replied to pippo's topic in Ecology and the Environment
Hello People In my opinion the cultivated plant was well-borne from wild plant. The wild plant was similar with the weed. The weed and wild plant would take its status as disrupt plant when they growth between or among the cultivated plant or in among in human life. But some of the cultivated plant also well-borne from the weed, maybe they pulverized each other and made a new species, like some of the members from gramineae family. So weed status could be switch when its conveniences are found.