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Everything posted by chris

  1. has absolutly nothing to do wiith it. i just relized me and mike are going to the same college.
  2. chris


    i buy cans. but there russian. the only reason they go without a handle is because they couldnt afford it. and a spade on a plane? good luck. they dont even let u keep the cans on the plane. they give it to u in a cup.
  3. Mike and me gonna party. Anyway. related to nothing. I ordered dominos last nite. woke up this morning. went to get some pizza. and there was no pizza. but american beer!
  4. which will offer you more oppurtunities in life
  5. chris


    diggin a hole in siberia? why would hell be in siberia. its to cold. hell is hot.. right? :scratch:
  6. so what happens to the matter?
  7. can a black hole destroy matter?
  8. chris


    I think i might try that...
  9. G.E.D FOR LIFE BABY :owned:
  10. simple. let them talk to faf for an hour.
  11. Well look who everyone is faf... With that, Kenel i mean FBI, knocking on fafs door because he wants to know how to make bio-bombs.
  12. ::gets worried:: where would i stand in all of this!?
  13. isnt a hologram kinda like a mirage. something we think is real but isnt?
  14. easier said then done.
  15. anywho. we should just let ed decide.
  16. I dunno about that dragoon. btw. -mage
  17. Plus, I don't know if Rutgers offers it. And i wanna stay close to home. :/
  18. An unidentified 12-year-old died Friday after being infected with an amoeba while swimming in a Florida lake. Man, if that doesn't suck nothing does. Just one more thing we have to worry about. Oh well. If the super virus's weren't enough. Heres a link: http://www.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/conditions/07/26/dangerous.amoebas/index.html
  19. chandrasekhar limit... what is that?
  20. Not all the time. I mean they said it was cloudy outside. ::looks out window:: sounds like they were right. They often give the worst possibility. so they can be like 'at least this didn't happen'.
  21. So salt creates electromagnetic fields?
  22. what just happened? i got really lost.
  23. I use the fact that its cloudy outside. That theres a chance of rain. or the weather channel. either or.
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