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Everything posted by chris

  1. MERNA, Neb. - A mysterious mile-wide dent in the earth has generated a debate among scientists about whether the depression was the catastrophic creation of a meteorite, or the patient work of Mother Nature. Kinda interesting. Its an AOL keyword, ill get a link to the story in a few days. Sorry to any non-AOL users. [[Link for non-aol users mystery crater -blike]]
  2. ive been saying that for years to my mom. that it helps me study better. now i can prove it to her, that it really does
  3. i think i put in there that he wasn't lucky and calling him lucky is being ignorant. He was just a good buisness man. plain and simple. just cause hes a billonaire cause he helped create the microsoft empire. would you get mad at the man who created velcro? hes a bazlionare too. stop complaing people about bill gates cause your jealous of his wealth. and do what i do. write him 500 times a day asking for money to go to college.
  4. that kinda freaks the hell out of me. i remeber collecting halogram cards as a kid. i dont wanna live in one.
  5. you spelled sophomore wrong. but besides that. Welcome.
  6. no. the goverement didnt invent email. i still have the discover magazine with the article. and it says this guy did for his work. so . btw i wouldnt bang natalie portman.
  7. Well, if thats the case. Im really screwed. :/ <3 gta3. Well I haven't played it much since I beat it. Oh well.
  8. hat would be kind of cool. To be brought back to life. But kenel does have a point. You wont be you anymore. Youll be something else. Your soul will be gone, but just a body to remain. I don't know about you. But when I die, I most likely want to remain dead. maybe...
  9. When you mean blow up, do you mean kaboom? or a poof. Because my old ass computer went poof. And if thats the case, then its been around for quite some time now. (exploding silicon that is)
  10. id bang the shit out of her. but keep that on the d-l. Kinda odd email got us talking bout some hot chick. :X
  11. If you can tell me how non-living things (single celled organisms) magicly turned into living things. Ill give you a cookie. If not.. then, your wrong.
  12. chris


    well.. that sucks for you.
  13. Your not just born with a personality. You have to inherit it. If both of your parents are quiet, meek people. Most likly you will be too. If your parents are outgoing, you probably are too. You can inherit personality. Why can't you inherit your social status too.
  14. no not al gore. even though he fits all those quality's. WAIT ::recalls a gore speech:: 'I practicly invented the internet' Oh yea, must be.
  15. I do not know if this fits in this catagory. But, is it possible to teleport any type of matter? I tend to not believe this. With movies such as star trek used teleporting. Sure 24th century. But, how would you be able to break down matter to its simplist form and transport t anywhere. A theory that remains true even today 'matter can not be created or destroyed'. How would you go about moving it at once. Wouldn't you be destroying the matter for an instant then bringing it somewhere else? Or would you just be able to move it atom by atom. You decide.
  16. sounds like a bad acid trip
  17. Ok, i found the discover magazine, (March 2002). its not 50. that was a guess cause i was to lazy to look for it. but for who ever signed up. heres the real distance. (4.2 billion light years) k? happy. there
  18. In biology in 10th grade, we were learning about aquiring traits and what not. And someone brought up if your social status can be inherited. I think it can be. But not directly. I mean with like your personality and stuff. Maybe if your parent were 'cool' or what not or 'nerds' would you be one to? your thoughts >
  19. This is just a tidbit. Not really a post, just some information. The person who originally invented e-mail did it for his computer company for sending messages from one computer to another. Then he linked them up for sending to another company. Patented the idea, and his company madea fortune selling it. Ironicly, Hes a multi-millionaire, but he still drives some beat up old car, and lives in a small house. Thats a real nerd.
  20. I have to agree with faf. If the students where in honors classes they should know the basics of chemistry. But then again, they could of been learning something. and the instrments might not of been clean. I heard of stories like this. They are few and far apart. Its like a plane crash. It happens. are they gonna ban people fling on planes? No, its impractical. Just follow the directions and pray its not you that gets hurt.
  21. I read in last month discover magazine about how scientists can only explain the odd orbit of the planet neptune and pluto, is that there is a very large planet out there that distorts them. Now, for some time I have accepted this theory. But in this months, it describes a galaxy on the collapse 50 billion light years away. Now, it makes me wonder. Pluto is no where near 50 billion light years. It's not even a billion, So, if this theroy was to be true, This planet would have to be big enough to attract them. But, if we can see 50 billion light years away, and we havent found this 10th planet, it would have to be hard to fathom the size of this planet.
  22. chris


    No. Babies come from the belly button. Haven't you seen Dennis the menace?
  23. For school I had to do a report on the Anti-Trust lawsuit thats still going on. And when I was looking up inormation about it. I came to some on Bill Gates life. Now, Bill Gates wasnt lucky. And yes he is a normal man. I don't care what you say. Gates wasn't lucky. He simply marketed the right thing at the right time. Don't be jealous cause he has more money then you. He took an idea, and had a good marketing pitch. He started off programing small stuff for companies then created microsoft. And launced his first OS from there. He's not lucky, he knew what he was doing. Calling Bill Gates lucky is just showing your ignorant. Calling him anything else, is aOk.
  24. I do not know if this can happen. But I was thinking and this came to mind: Light travels at ~3x10^8m/s. (thanks faf). Now if we could get a strong enough telescope (or a transponder, if we were to recieve any tv images) far away enough earth. Would it be possible to look into the telescope and view the images from earth from the past? Or is it impossible?
  25. I think that Windows 95 is the most stable. Even though most newer software isn't win 95 compatable (or doesnt say it is). It was the one that Microsoft put the most time into and has the least ammount of errors of all the MS OS's.
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