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Everything posted by Wearden

  1. Hey guys, I thought i'd broadcast the news to ya about the London Eclipse that happened at Approx. 5:44 p.m. EST. "LONDON - The moon darkened, reddened, and turned shades of gray and orange Saturday night during the first total lunar eclipse in nearly three years, thrilling stargazers and astronomers around the world. The Earth’s shadow took over six hours to crawl across the moon’s surface, eating it into a crescent shape before engulfing it completely in a spectacle at least partly visible on every continent. About a dozen amateur astronomers braved the cold and mud outside the Croydon Observatory in southeast London to watch the start of the eclipse. “It’s starting to go!” said Alex Gikas, 8, a Cub Scout who was studying for his astronomy badge. “I’ve never seen anything like it before. I’m really excited.” By the time greatest eclipse, shortly after 5:44 p.m. EST, the light of the full moon was replaced by near-total obscurity. “It was really very dark,” said Paul Harper, Chairman of the Croydon Astronomical Society, who estimated that moon had lost over four-fifths of its luminosity. “It was quite a nice one.” Lunar eclipses occur when Earth passes between the sun and the moon, an uncommon event because the moon spends most of its time either above or below the plane of Earth’s orbit. Sunlight still reaches the moon during total eclipses, but it is refracted through Earth’s atmosphere, bathing the moon in an eerie crimson light. Mike Ealay, a 60-year-old architect who wandered over to the observatory to watch the eclipse, said the red color of the moon made it look like a close-up version of Mars. “I think it’s quite exciting. It’s like having the red planet on your doorstep,” he said. Despite cloudy conditions over much of Europe, a variety of Webcasts carried the event live, and astronomers urged the public not to miss out on the spectacle. “It’s not an event that has any scientific value, but it’s something everybody can enjoy,” said Robert Massey, of Britain’s Royal Astronomical Society. The moon’s red blush faded as it began moving out of Earth’s shadow just after 8 p.m. EST. The eclipse ended a little more than hour later. Residents of east Asia saw the eclipse cut short by moonset, while those in the eastern parts of North and South America had the moon already partially or totally eclipsed by the time it rose over the horizon in the evening. While eastern Australia, Alaska and New Zealand missed Saturday’s show, they will have front row seats to the next total lunar eclipse, on Aug. 28. Hehe, Hope you enjoyed reading it. Thanks and all the best. Ben.
  2. I'm not the best at these kind of topics, But i'd say Take the 'Master of Science' course first. That way, you may have a better chance at being accepted into a Med/Pharmacy College if they see how much you have studied. But to be honest, The decision is yours. ^^ All the best.. Ben
  3. Many things may leave to your capture. 1. Your car tyre marks, They can compare them the Suspects cars. 2. You may have ripped your clothes, left a footprint, Your DNA in the Form of Spit, From Chewing Gum etc. 3. There may be witnesses that you did not see. 4. CCTV. Really, 95% of all cases are solved, If you are part of that 5% that get away with your crime, Your lucky.
  4. Hey, Thanks you two. I'm not a Kid, But a ordinary 14 year old Teenager. I've always liked Science, But this is the first time i have been involved in a Science forum, It's all new to me and sometimes it's pretty hard to grasp the concepts of what people are going on about. Still, There is still time to learn. Thanks! ^^ These two shall help me on my way to being a CSI
  5. Aah, Thank you very much Spikerz! All i did was 17+9+7 This clear shows how to work out those not-so-pesky Algebra questions. Thanks! Ben.
  6. Aah, Thanks people. I'll go give my science teacher a 'Lecture' about light, Photons and Thermal energy now.. He needs it! ^^ All the best.. Ben.
  7. Hey, I'm not the greatest whizz kid at maths but i know my bit. I've recently been having problems with Algebra, Well, To be honest i've never really grasped the true concepts of Algebra, I know a fair bit, Although i get kind of confused on a certain type of equation. Eg. If X=9, Then what is 17X + 7. If anyone can give me a brief explanation on how to solve these and what units to use, That would be awesome and would really help out when my SATS come along in May. Thanks, Ben.
  8. Hey Guys, Awhile ago, My class was studying a little on space. They werent the most satisfying lessons but they did well, We were all learning about how light travelling through the Atmosphere and around the earth. My science teacher said "Light needs particles/Something to travel through", This does not describe how light travels through space. Correct me if i am wrong but i though Space was a 'Vaccum', My teacher said there is no particles present... So how does light travel from the sun to the Atmosphere and so on? Thanks.. Ben.
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