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Everything posted by eisenfaust2009

  1. http://www.mail-archive.com/epistemology@googlegroups.com/msg00590.html Read this and tell me if this is true. I have no idea obviously.
  2. you nuts, read my post carefully. the video content is irrelevant. go look down at the comments section who says that "the universe is annoying as him". he says big bang does not work with brown dwarfs. READ HIS COMMENT plz because the main sequence is greater than 14b yrs and univ is only 13.7b yrs old
  3. I watched this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4rv9BqTWzI&NR=1 and below in the comments one guy said that Brown dwarf stars take a lot longer than 14B years to move through the Main Sequence! Is this true? Im only basic about cosmology because i am a business student. Please explain simply and non-biased(non religious people making pseudo scientific claims to make me lose trust in science) I really think that big bang theory is true. please tell me its true... sigh, i dont wanna lose faith in science even if its empirical i searched up brown dwarfs and big bang in google and it came up with this!!!!!! are u kidding me? plz explain ! Moderator Note copyrighted material edited. If you want to present this, please provide a link to the specific material (not advertising links, like to book publishers). You can quote small parts, but not whole sections.
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