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Everything posted by PoWW

  1. Right, understand and will go try that out. Thanks about the x&y positions. I did say it has been rather a long time since enjoying the challenges of maths. Thank you ever so much for your help. I have finally figured out the answer. Result = square root of (x squared + y squared) I actually feel a little intelligent. Is there a way I can spend you praise for the handling of this question??
  2. Wow, I am impressed how quickly you have resolved this. Sorry, but it has been a long while since I played with maths, so very rusty. I did think it would have something to do with your suggestion, but it just isn't happening for me. Just so I'm heading in the right path, I need to find the square root of each figure and try and find the relationship it has with x and y. So for example taking where x=5 & y=5 the result is 7.07. Square root of result = 2.658947. I like you approach btw
  3. Hi there, I hope I have placed this question in the right area. I am trying to workout the rule(s) to the below numbers. Sorry about the ---, but only way to line up numbers. I have managed to workout that if x=y then the result = x*1.414 I have also managed to workout that if x or y = 1 then the result (example if x=1) = y+(x/y)/2 I haven't managed to workout anything else. If you can give me a few tips or direct me in the right way, I would much appreciate it. Thanks for all your help in advance Vincent X 10--10.05--10.20--10.44--10.77--11.18--11.66--12.21--12.81--13.45--14.14 -9---9.06---9.22---9.49---9.85--10.30--10.82--11.40--12.04--12.73--13.45 -8---8.06---8.25---8.54---8.94---9.43--10.00--10.63--11.31--12.04--12.81 -7---7.07---7.28---7.62---8.06---8.60---9.22---9.90--10.63--11.40--12.21 -6---6.08---6.32---6.71---7.21---7.81---8.49---9.22--10.00--10.82--11.66 -5---5.10---5.39---5.83---6.40---7.07---7.81---8.60---9.43--10.30--11.18 -4---4.12---4.47---5.00---5.66---6.40---7.21---8.06---8.94---9.85--10.77 -3---3.16---3.61---4.24---5.00---5.83---6.71---7.62---8.54---9.49--10.44 -2---2.24---2.83---3.61---4.47---5.39---6.32---7.28---8.25---9.22--10.20 -1---1.41---2.24---3.16---4.12---5.10---6.08---7.07---8.06---9.06--10.50 -0---1.00---2.00---3.00---4.00---5.00---6.00---7.00---8.00---9.00--10.00 Y
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