If you are simply looking to agitate the balls to improve the feeding.....the simple way is to tap into the side of body of the marker and run a line (macro line works well) into the bottom of the loader. A drill, 1/8th inch NPT tap, macro line and fitting is all you need to do the job. Denny Tippmann ( Jr.) and I have both done this is the past and it work surprisingly well. Every time you fire the marker a burst of gas blows the balls around. You of course need to be careful about the placement of the macro line going into the loader. And you need to be real careful where you drill into the marker body. You want to steal the wasted gas not the gas needed to re-cock the marker.
This is relatively simple to do on say... a Spyder. If you take the grip frame off you will notice that on the body that there are holes for the grip screws, a hole with a brass screw that holds the valve in, and in between it and the milled slot where the sear goes, another hole. This is a pressure relief hole. It relieves the air trapped in front of the hammer as it goes forward. Without it, air gets trapped between the hammer o-ring and the valve and acts as a cushion there by reducing the velocity. Of course when the marker hammer blows back to re-cock......it vents the blow back gas. Any pressure vented is wasted......and this is the gas you use to agitate the loader. Of course this only works on blow back markers.
Now if you are looking to feed one of the modern day hose beast at 20+ balls per second......well that is another thing. Just remember, to shoot 20 per second you have to feed 30 a second, the bolt takes up a lot of your feeding time and balls can't feed through it.