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Everything posted by jadef7
Do things start to seem more "non important" as life goes on?
jadef7 replied to jadef7's topic in The Lounge
i know what your trying to say haha, ive tried to imagin what heaven looks like when i was younger, and it was so beautiful, quite euphoric, but I think i'm starting to believe that people only believe in god/heaven/etc... just so they arent scared to do, and that if they loook forward to being somewhere when they're dead there is nothing to fear, sorry if that offended anyone thanks, Jade -
Do things start to seem more "non important" as life goes on?
jadef7 replied to jadef7's topic in The Lounge
time has started flying. the days are ZOOMING! literally very fast. -
what are trace quantities? ..
Do things start to seem more "non important" as life goes on?
jadef7 replied to jadef7's topic in The Lounge
thanks for everyones replys, but to answe a few questions, no i dont really believe in god, i would say i have no preference, as i cant see god actually existing, but i cant see how everyone was just made, nothing can be created or destoryed, lol atleast, what i've known.. and idk. i just hade no preference with religion. but I've swam for 10 years, ever since i was 6.. very competitive you could say. you could also so I am very fast, a lot of kids are fast , but they're not efficent as I am. i move through the water very easily, it works well with me, i guess i just naturally fow through it, but thats only because i've swim 2/3 of my life lol. but swimming is another good example of things getting old. before races when i was younger, i would be so so so nervous, especially at big meets. i would get very nervous and tense to swim fast. but now, pssh. its more of a lets just get it over type thing lol.. im stilll one of the fastest around here but i mean, it doesnt really mean that much to me anymore , it does, but it doesnt SEEM like a big deal at all really. like the state meet here in washington, i got first in an event and it's like, dang, why cant i be a little kid when i would actually be VERY VERY VERY excited about this. yea its cool i got a first but like, i dont no it doesnt seem so real and intense. its like wow, lol IM LOSING EMOTIONS, jkjk haha, and btw, im a dude, i dont have the girl hormones or w/e lmao.. im not moody and another thing, i find joy and pleasure in studying, like learning new things. im a sophmore in highscool, but this is my second year of calculus, 2nd year of phhysics, ive taken bio and chem... idk i just like learning new things (4th year spanish) at my school i would need so many credits to graduate, and i have all the requiremnts dont, i just need electives, (like pottery and web design and dumb stuff) lol, wastes of my life i call it, so i elect to take core classes. im not really a nerd or a genius, i just have a passion for learning things. its wierd lol thanks again for all the posts (: Jade -
but why do we see the electrons as light or whatever? what makes us see them? why cant we see electrons outside of the electrical glass tube thing?
yes!!!!!!!!!!! i love manowar and dio and motorhead!! very good music but then again, i will listen to anything, depends on the point in time haha
Alright, hopefully this is the correct place to post this, but the other day i was reading something about how the electron was first discovered, a man named J.J. Thomson did tests on certain gases and passed electrical current thur those gases. well, i have a few questions, and would like more clarifaction on how the procedure works. So, you have a gas sealed inside of a glass tube, and they're sealed at both ends with electrodes. (what is an electrode?) and evidentally the electrodes became one anode and one cathode. when the source of electricity was turned on or whatever, the cathode(negatively charged) produced a glowing beam to the anode (positvely charged) I understand this, but why does one electrode get turned into an anode, and one into a cathode? what determines it?? also, what exactly is this cathode ray? is it light? why and how is it being produced. what makes the light/beam/ray or whatever you call it. i dont really understand how light (if it is being gaven off) is produced, like what exactly is the cathode ray? thanks for trying to answer this/ or read iit... and it may seem basic but I would like some clarifacation. thank you! Jade
Do things start to seem more "non important" as life goes on?
jadef7 replied to jadef7's topic in The Lounge
haha yea thanks for the reply, so is it normal or what.. i find a lot of joy in things but i know what your saying 100% lol. analogy's are always good lol theres not a bad one for anything , unless it makes no sense. and my post wasnt meant to be like.. you no a confidence builder or anything wierd , was just like a "constructive question" lol, wondered if a lot of people go thru it -
Over the years, things have just been getting boring, and like.. in a way some thigns in life have started to not mean much. I could remember when i was like 10-13 and i would always look forward to holidays and my birthday, and it would be so exciting and what not, but now im almost 17.. and my birthday comes around, pssh.. its just another day. christmas? ehh.. just another day. i dont understand lol. the days seem to go on very VERY fast now, and things like making out with girls and having fun are starting to just get "ehh". am i losing the importance of life or does it happen as you get older lol? i dont really have problems and psychological issues, just wondering why things are geettting so bland lol. thatnks Jade
i think thats just a headline so someone would read the article lol. man egss break all the time... you buy them already broken. im pretty sure with all the machines and proccess's the eggs go through, atleast one out of every 10,000 would break or something. nothings perfect llloll. and props to the above post ^^
why are humans so dominant in the world, why are we able to talk and communicate than lol are we from monkeys or whats that piece?
are mice's genes and dna similar to humans?
thats so interesting, but i've always been curious why do we use mice as test subjects? does it have to be certain types of mice? why dont we use monkeys? and is any of it illegal?
lol well are the eggs packaged or something, how did this happpen