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  • Quark

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  1. This might be a dumb question but when solving ODE's with scilab and you set the independent variable points at which you want to evaluate, what is the middle number used for in t = 0:0.1:5 for the example: function dx = f ( t , x ) dx = sin (2 t ) ; endfunction t0 = 0 x0= -0.5 t=0:0.1:5; x = ode(x0, t0, t, f); plot2d(t, x) Here's the link for the example: http://scilab.in/files/workshops/15-04-2010-mumbai/sengupta-ode.pdf Thanks for the help!
  2. I was wondering if anybody knew how titanium butoxide was synthesized? I didn't think just throwing titanium in butanol would work so does anybody have any info on that? I want to use it for synthesizing TiO2 spheres. Thanks!
  3. If you have a solution that's a mixture of Magnesium salts (SO2-, Cl-, NO3-, F-) and then add any of one of the more reactive metal salts (CaCl, CaNO3, etc), which is going to be the most prominent Ca salt formed in a metathesis reaction? Is there a particular order to which anion is more stable with the more reactive metal? Thanks for the help
  4. I'm trying to synthesize sodium aluminate from NaOH and old pop cans, but when the reaction goes it produces a dark gray solution, when it should theoretically be clear. Is this because of an impurity in the aluminum? Why do a lot of aluminum reactions like this produce dark, gray sludge? Thanks for the info.
  5. Does separating the anode and cathode with an electrolyte bridge have any influence on what happens to the silver?
  6. I was thinking about doing electrolysis of copper sulfate solution with a sterling silver anode and wondered what would plate out on the cathode? Will only copper plate out leaving behind silver anode sludge, or will the silver plate out on the cathode? Will a combination of the two plate out on the cathode? Thanks for the help
  7. I found nothing in that thread about separating sodium chloride from sodium hydroxide in solution. Remember, I don't care about sodium metal, I want to produce sodium hydroxide by electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride, since NaCl is so cheap and readily available. Maybe i missed something, but thanks.
  8. I'm sorry if this has already been covered in any sodium making electrolysis threads, but I was wondering how I could separate the hypochlorous ion from the hydroxide produced, or prevent the hypochlorous ion from being produced? I would like to make some sodium hydroxide this way, but it seems as though the OCl- is a hurdle. Thanks for any help. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI guess I could have two chambers linked with a salt bridge, but then I would have a mixture of sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide in the cathode chamber. Is there a way to separate the salt from the hydroxide would be the better question? Thanks
  9. So I bought ammonium phosphate monobasic, thinking it was just the ammonium phosphate to use as a fertilizer for algae growing. Then I realized it's the acid form and will lower the pH. Is there a way i can convert ammoium phosphate monobasic to just the ammonium phosphate itself? Or should I counteract the pH change with ammonium hydroxide? Thanks for any help
  10. Hi, I was wondering if there was a cheap way to make 1-propanol from isopropyl alcohol, since IPA is so cheaply available? I'm making a catalyst and I need a primary alcohol and 1-propanol has the best properties for my procedure. Thanks a bunch for any help!
  11. I'm a rookie when it comes to electronics, but I was wondering, if you have a 12kV rated capacitor and then you charge it with a 3 kV power supply, does the capacitor discharge at the rated voltage of 12kV or does it discharge at 3kV becasue that was what it was charged with? This is prolly a dumb question, but thanks for any info.
  12. Sorry, this is a really late reply, but can you please explain the reactions involved with hydroquinone and sodium carbonate that lead to the O2 removal? i'm just curious, Thanks a bunch for the info!
  13. I've heard the tanks store the hydrogen as hydrides, which means a bullet could pass through the tank and it wouldn't explode. You can store a whole lot more hydrogen too as oppossed to liquid hydrogen. United nuclear has some good info about it on their hydrogen conversion kit for cars page.
  14. Thanks for the info!
  15. I'm using a sealed presure vessel at about 300 degrees celsius. Actually, it could be aluminum, just got it off the internet. What's the best way to acquire phosphorus as an individual? I want the end result to be primarily liquid. Thanks for the info.
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