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  1. Women who swallow their lovers/husbands sperm have a smaller chance of immune system reactions toward the foetus, leading to all kinds of pregnancy complications (HELP syndrome as the worst (have not got the reference at hand). So that might be your an answer
  2. The question could be ; Do toys have any effect on the development of children. The advertising above shows that the one who posted the subject did not know too much about the state of the art. But we can look at this internet forum subject as a toy for adults. Does a forum used as playing field have a positive impact on social development of adults. I gues it might
  3. Hey scienceforum physiologists Yesterday we got into a discussion about sports and physiology, among which why does Shaquille O'Neal shoot such poor free shots. We considered that the shear weight of his arms is making coordination in such a fine tuned movement difficult, combines with the length of his nerves. And other mechanics seem to play a role too, his hands seem simply too big to hold the ball precisely. But how about his physiology? How much blood does such a huge guy's body contain? 147 kg, 2.17 meter (I live in Sweden). Considering he is a well trained athlete. And how much would it be if he were a fat guy, not trained at all. Thnx for helping
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