The big problem is anti bodies in the chimpanze or human semen. This problem can be avoided useing common cattle and horse breeding techniques. The other species immune system will auto attack and destroy the semen from the other species. taking the semen from the donor, mixing it with isotonic saline at body temp (to prevent shock) with the addition of a small ammount of dextrose, and an anti biotic such as gentimyacin, the semen can be carefully mixed with the saline by several gentle inversions of the test tube they are placed in a centrifuge, and allow to spin for several mintues (forgive me I don't have my notes handy at this point for RCF's or RPM's) the sperm will form a pellette at the bottom of the tube, and can be gentley drawn off with a pippette, this whole process can be repeated a second to to insure purity, but this sometimes reduces the fertility of the sperm. The sperm pellette can them be injected directly into the uterus of the host subject using very simple techniques, mostly all that is required are stainless steel dilator probes to open the vervix up, and very narrow 1/16" O.D. renathane or teflon tubeing connected to a syringe to supply the injection. first the syring would get like 1/8ml of the saline/glucose solution then the sperm pellete, so that the whole pellette would get injected.
You can get a professional sperm storage for processing from NASCO science's farm sciences catalog, they have PORCINE (pig), Bovine (cattle), and equine (horse) formulations, the bovine is clossest to human.
you would use inter-uterine insemination techniques to implant a purified semen pellete into the host uterus. See animal husbandry referances on google. NASCO SCIENCE company's farm and ranch catalog for supplies, etc.
Thankyou, you have captured the essence of the experiment perfectly, yes it really is no different than a liger or a mule, or geep blending, actually from what I've read, humans and chimps are closer related than the previously mentioned creations.
Close but not quite, you need to pruify the semen to extract the sperm, and remove the antibodies that would cause a rejection. look up the term SEMEN PROCESSING, it's used into intrauterine insemination techniques.