Hello Divine-Sparks (made, partially, of star-dust!) I'm new to Sf (n) but otherwise very old as a soul.
PS: I believe in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Charter - Article 19, namely: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Also - a free-spirit and individual-thinker, virtually completely self-taught* (*like Edison, etc.) - I trust that the respect for everyone's opinions without interference - reigns supreme on this very special forum - and that I'll not only enjoy open-minded; individually-inspired, light-hearted* (*non-dictatorial) discussions about (virtually) every subject under the sun - but also learn something new; thought-provoking and valuable. Something that makes my (precious) time - spent with other Sf (n) members - hugely rewarding and worthwhile.
And, sure you feel the same way, one thing I can and do guarantee - is to think! Deeply, where it is called for; not so deeply where the discussion and/or debate at hand, is in itself (primarily) thoughtless.
Thanks. I believe a unique and very interesting learning curve lies ahead!
All good wishes,
Aster C. Linn.
Eastern Cape South Africa
That's brilliant, Kirsty! I read all about plants and their (growth) responses under different colored lights in an old Pear's Cyclopaedia of my Dad's. PS: he was born in Edinburgh, Scotland - so, both Scots, I guess we're related? Happy studying!
Well . . . that's nice? How old are you now?
Brief, straightforward and to the point - no embellishments and no 'frills.' I like that. Are you a Sagittarian, by any chance?