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Alan Bergman

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Everything posted by Alan Bergman

  1. I am experimenting with hydrogen production like you can commonly see on the internet using a "dry cell" hydrogen generator (or HHO generator). I am wanting to find the best electrolyte for the process. Most people on the internet use Lye, or Sodium Hydroxide, as an electrolyte. However, I am using aluminum plates vice stainless steel as my electrode's due to the relatively affordability and good conductive properties (over stainless). My understanding is that the Lye would prevent the oxidation layer forming on the aluminum and the water would basically eat (oxidize) the aluminum? Ideally I would want a electrolyte that wouldn't leave a large build up in the cell and would help with the production of hydrogen. Please excuse me to my complete ignorance to basic chemistry, I came here to learn, not because I know what I am doing. Thank you, Alan Bergman
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