wow, great post.
re turbulence, I thought the less movement of the water the more efficient it would be.
re steam, I hadn't thought about the generated steam obstructing the generation. Perhaps if the beam entered the chamber at an angle, and the steam was sucked away on the other side. Or, as you say, boiling up the whole chamber, but there you need to regulate water in/out plus there's heat-up time, so you lose efficiency two ways.
I guess this is where practical experimentation would be worthwhile, to find the optimum setup. There might even be different optimums for different environments.
re 2600 m^2, that's not as efficient as I hoped it might be, but it's still a smaller footprint than a recycling or desalination plant, and would be a lot cheaper to run. 1kg/second sounds pretty good too -- about 3600 litres per hour of sunlight.
I'll see if I can find how that compares to desal/recycle/rain.
Thanks for the great post.