good question. But we should consider much longer than just the last 100,000 years, that's a blink of an eye in geologic time. The reason we should be considering long time scales is so that we can understand how much of the current global change is anthropogenic. For instance, how do we answer this question "what if Global warming isn't caused by us and it's just a natural cycle?" Well we would need to know how the Earth's climate has changed throughout its history to determine how much of the current global change is anthropogenic and how much is a natural paleo-climactic cycle.
By the way, this whole article is garbage. First of all, if volcanic eruptions cause cooling then it is probably because of the ash and soot that eruptions eject into the atmosphere and nothing to do with the greenhouse gases. Second, just so we're all clear, Human sources of Co2 are an order of magnitude greater than volcanic activity. And what the hell was with all the political crap. This is the problem with so many people with an opinion on global warming, they don't know or care one iota about the actual science, they just have some political-economic agenda they want to advance and they'll spread all kinds of garbage. That's why the public is so confused. You have left-wing fear-mongers telling us that global warming is leading us to a Doomsday apocalypse and right-wing greedy morons telling us that it's all a myth. The truth is that global warming IS real and it WILL be a challenge for the future, but it won't result in any sort of apocalyptic disaster.