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Everything posted by Hal.

  1. Murshid , If you would like to know modern information about the European Union from the Wiki just click here and for the page of Barclays PLC click here .
  2. Their was a very interesting European law which developed all throughout the boom years , which meant in essence that a company could not get money put into it by a government if the company got into difficulties , as this could be seen as favouring a particular player in a market . So , this became unlawful . When companies started to go bust all over the place , suddenly , money was being put into them to keep them afloat . In my opinion , they , whoever they may be , will use a law to exclude competition from a market or to set the competition up for a cheap takeover when it suits them , whereas , when the shoe is on the other foot , as the expression goes , memories of the rules will fade .
  3. Just an idea , group the students/school with foreign students/schools to work together on projects through internet communication media .
  4. Gambling ! The result ? The next race has started already !
  5. Last comment Matt880 , there is enough information from me to sort your problem , I wish you well !
  6. Experimental conclusions can contain answers to questions you may ask yourself such as , 1 . Did you learn anything about the scientific concept ( osmosis ) from what you did ? 2 . Were there problems that occured which you only saw from experimentation ? 3 . Is the procedure that you used a bad procedure ? Why ? 4 . Would you do anything differently if you did the same experiment again ? 5 . Was it a stupid or pointless experiment ? Why ? 6 . Do you need better samples of fruit or more of them ? 7 . Would you like better equipment ? Why ? 8 . Did you do what you wanted to do ?
  7. Here's some fuel for the fire ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_fat_percentage http://www.livestrong.com/article/436005-guidelines-for-percentage-of-body-fat/ http://www.thinreport.com/healthy-range-of-body-fat.html
  8. The component of a persons cholesterol in their body which depends on their diet of fat is reduced if they avoid the wrong types of fatty foods . Cholesterol reduction from fatty food sources becomes very important as someone gets older .
  9. 20 % of the energy from fat in a diet sounds like a medium amount to me ! Let's say I needed 2250 Calories for a day . Then the fat from this rule would account for 450 Calories . If I'm correct in thinking that 1 gram of fat gives 9 Calories of energy then this 450 Calories would be from 50 grams of fat . If I was aiming for a low fat diet , I would be trying to lower this 50 grams of fat to under 20 grams of fat per day . I'd try to transfer the other energy that 30 grams of fat gives to protein and carbohydrates instead . I'm no dietician , I've just tried to put on good weight and lose fat a few times and this is what suits me .
  10. If you want to maintain a high body mass and have a low proportion of fat on your body you have to eat a high proportion of protein and as little fat as you can get . A balanced diet is the recommended thing to do though for living ' normally ' .
  11. From the Mathmatics thread where I placed the question which as per SFN rules must stay on Math Topics , There are some very good ones, Anyone who would unequivocably name the number 1 or even the top 10 doesn't understand mathematics very well. DrRocket does progress to mention some noted Mathmaticians and areas of applicable interest while reminiscing nostalgically . While thinking the same could be applicable to the Chemical variant of this topic , surely Mississippichem , John Cuthber and hypervalent_iodine can give us a slight insight into their world of guru's , like the Doctor did ?
  12. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus argument ensued over a difference of opinion as to what should be said in this thread as being the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus . If the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is going to be altered for the purpose of explanation then the explanation may not be describing what the person says they are describing .
  13. Yes , alive today ?
  14. Who is the world's best computer programmer and why ?
  15. Who is the world's top earth scientist and why ?
  16. Who is the world's top engineer and why ?
  17. Who is the world's top medical scientist and why ?
  18. Who is the world's top mathmatician and why ?
  19. Who is the world's top biologist and why ?
  20. Who is the world's top chemist and why ?
  21. Who is the world's top physicist and why ?
  22. English public , French public , German public , Canadian Public , Calfawnyans ? International Doping Tests & Management Stockholmsvägen 18 SE-181 33 Lidingö Sweden
  23. I thought these were symptoms of my computer showing its age , the cursor was blinking weird , pardon the pun and what I was typing into the search engine wasn't appearing in the textbox until a few seconds later .
  24. The best perception of the colour is if a person sees the book in person . A computer can only give an electronic representation . Blonde/yellow hair and a brown beard is not unusual as a combination especially in the world of 9th century Scandinavia and it's trading countries . Some Scandinavians were a right bunch of hooligans , supposedly , to speculate slightly , maybe the image depicts a view that might persuade a few hooligans to convert to a peaceful life . It only takes one person to do a lot of artistic work over a few months , one person who is religiously minded who thinks Jesus is important could do hundreds of images in a short time , the question is whether or not they can be preserved over thousands of years .
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