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Everything posted by JorgeLobo

  1. Without a doubt, your post of evolutionary medicine is garbage.

  2. No press agent?
  3. This speaks to risk avoidance (ala "precautionary principle") rather than risk assessment.
  4. Suppose this works as an initial try at the freshman but your message is not clear. Recomendation of estabishing "parallels" is vague and has little techncal meaning in conext offered - and the apparent balance concept is hardly novel nor specific enough to be useful. Just what is your central message(s) - in a simple sentence or two. II see this is policy rather than science, but you might be a little less melodramatic (controversy raged and destroy the fragile marine ecosystem) and subjective (neither "damage" nor "nature" has an objective meaning), etc.. Suggest a technical approach -speak of affect and ecology. Shrimp don't" hold on to toxins" if they bioconcentrate chemcal components of oil spil - say so - and give a reference. Offering what appear to be casual, unreferenced statements will harm credibility. Drop the contrived (some mixed) metophors - BP as a "lens", "examine" an atmosphere(?), parallels,dangerous drop in shrimp industry (what's a drop and how is it dangerous?), etc, One doesn't make th enviroment safer - one makes driling less impactful. How is the current (assume post spill) state of gulf ecology a paraellel for the current state of marine animals in Alaska (recall tthere's substantial terrestial exposure.
  5. Don't try to force fit identification based on apparently limited knowledge - Serratia is not known typically to produce colonies of the type you describe and other bacteria also produce red pigmentation (including production of prodigiosin). Map out a scheme of identification and test accordingly, as I'm sure is the idea of the course. Ensuring a pure culture, initial determinations would include determining the isolate's cellular morphology, response to oxygen (as an aerobe, facultative, microaerophile etc.), motility. Pigmentation and colony consistency are still a very good criteria for narrowing the potential candidates - might look at Rugamonas (it's pigmentation is often slow to develop) but do go through the process.
  6. Are these college seniors? If so, i sure hope you demand more of them - the concepts you offered are more appropriate for a high school science fair. What facilities and equipment can your seniors access?
  7. I see - the question was a teaser so you could expand on your favorite concept.
  8. Why would you think response to an image has any affect on immunity?
  9. Apparently not - we all die.
  10. Sustainability is not a science, ecology is.
  11. REACH and all the other silly programs would have done nothing re. BP. Please stay on subject.
  12. Sorry - meant Staphylococcus epidermidis
  13. TThese program establish enormous regulatory burden on indsutries largely effectively in compliance without it. No wonder the economy is in such a mess - this burden can only be absorbed by big companies that can afford to maintain regulatory compliance personel. Small companies have no such expertise and typically go out of business or are gobbled up by these big guy who do not maitain their small companies employees. Thosecconsidering starting businesses find these regulatory burden to be excessive.
  14. Simple aseptic technique and streaking for isolation should allow you to isolate these bugs from each other. The colonial morphology should be distinct enough - but you could also perform Gram stain as cellular morphology is also distinctive. I assume you meant Stephylococcus epidermidis -I'm not aware there is a "Streptococcus epidermidis."
  15. None of the above. Believe Mycoplasma are in the Kingdom Bacteria and have no cell walls.
  16. These treatments do not work by penetrating the skin - they provide a loca;ized syuperficial senation that distracts from the deeper pain.
  17. Why would someone claiming the name Waksman have to ask?
  18. There really is nothing obvious. In parasitology, microscopic diagnosis is an affirmative process where "looks like" means negative. Hairs, clothing fibers, whatever can be attributed to these slides.
  19. You'll probabky be ok this time but your very poor technique places you at conintued risk. Perhaps you shouldn't ne in a lab.
  20. I haven't been able to see the slides images.
  21. not sure there is a benefit to the plant normally
  22. I'm happy it works for you - doubt if any scientist would start there. The inquiry was for scientiifc articles not a casual overview. Citations are much more accurately and simply obtained at pubmed and google shcolar.
  23. Dispute that Wikipedia is a good starting point for anything but a high school report. Pubmed and Google scholar as well as focused searches in specific journals offer the best source of data-based info vs. the dumbed-down, unrefereed Wikipedia summaries. Google scholar reports a number of such articles, following is one. Also suggest you search the Weed Science journal at: http://www.wssa.net/WSSA/Pubs/IPSM.htm “Transgenic treadmill”: Responses to the emergence and spread of glyphosate-resistant johnsongrass in Argentina [PDF] from uab.esR Binimelis, W Pengue… - Geoforum, 2009 - Elsevier The broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate has become the largest-selling crop-protection product worldwide. The increased use of glyphosate is associated with the appearance of a growing number of tolerant or resistant weeds, with socio-environmental consequences apart from ...
  24. Every element and in general its childish speculation. Do you really think there would be no health consequence in introducing bacteria into the blood stream? That those bacteria would survive and synthesize enzymes to your offered objectives wthout the host attacking them as well? That all functional metabolic targets are effectively at the control of enzymes in the bloodstream? but you could try it on yourself and let us know how it worked.
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