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Everything posted by asprung
I am not proposing a universal clock. Iam proposing that the "now" starting with the big bang, so to speak,rolls along toward the future,carrying all of the mass and energy.
Given what you say, the earth twin could have a long history that the space had not yet arrived at. Is the space twin’s future predetermined by this history or can he perform acts to change it? As I speculate, an event would occur at a specific age of the universe, and to view it as it occurred the twins would have to be at that age. I do not question the evidence of slower running clocks but am unable to reconcile time as measured by clocks with the progression of “now”.
I know you dissagree. But I would think that the twins would age by a universal clock. I have trouble with a universe where every bit of matter moving reletive another, as they all are, is ageing at its own rate.
I hate to go back to this,but how would the twins age, by their clocks or by the progression of "nows" ?
Unless someone could put together the progression of "now" and the diffrent running clocks.
I appreciate all of your input on this and take no offence of anything said. The theory was developed from naive imagination and yet nothing said nor the authorities cited would seem to completely shoot it down. I am comfortable with the concept of the universe and the twins ageing together with the progression of “now” but I am not smart enough to put this together with their different running clocks. I would define “now” as that between the past and the future where mass and energy exists. While this may be an abstract concept I am confortable with it until something better comes along.
It may allways be "now". But "now"progressed from former "nows". Why is it not physics? It presents a view of the universe and its ageing.
Where and when might the universe exsit other than "now"? It seems that there is a problem equating the progression of "now" with time. As I see the progression of "now" It is a demension (other than distance) that occurs between events.
You are not seeing the past. You are seeing its history "now". Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedMaybe its a starting pont to put relativity and QM together.
I see the universe as a single ever progressing "now". You dont. What do you see it as?
If we could quantatize "now" and the progression of "now" we might have a better understanding of the universe.
I am confused. If the universe only exists "now" what could be more absolute?
Why is "now" not absolute ? It is the essence of exsistance.
Do the space twins share the same “now” and progression of “nows”? If not how would they simultaneously view an event and not fall into the past and future with respect to each other?
If the twins start at the same "now" and end at the same "now' with their clocks, which measure time, showing diffrent values, time as we measure it cannot accuratly show the rate of progression of "now".
It seems that most agree that the twins share the same "nows" though their clocks may run at diffrent speeds. I believe that the true ageing of the universe is determined by the rate of advancment of "nows" and that this should also determin the twins ageing and not the speed of their clocks.
If the universe only exists "now" the twins would have to share the same "nows". If not they would pass into the past and future with respect to each other and the space twin could not return to the earths present.
"now" is when the event occurs, and is the same for both twins. They only dissagree as to its time.
Now" And the Big Bang The universe only exists "now". Its future is yet to come and its past is but history reflected as a collection of successive previous "nows". The "now” at the time of the big bang would have to have a history of previous "nows" or would have had to spontaneously come into existence. Such history could reflect a steady-state or a collapsing. I find the latter more palatable. With this we could envision a universe collapsing into the Big Bang, expanding and then collapsing again into a Big Bang in a cycle having no beginning and no end.
How is it that an earth twin and space twin can both continuously share the same "now" while there clocks run at different rates? The universe only exists "now" its past is but history formed of a collection of successive past "now’s" and its future is yet to arrive. It follows that events can only occur "now" and that the lag between events occurring during former and later "now’s” cannot be measured by clocks. Thus a twin traveling at a speed approaching the speed of light, and his earth twin should share the same "now" while there clocks would run at different rates. Each event occurring could be viewed simultaneously by each of the twins (adjusting for the differences in time it would take a signal from the event to reach the respective twin). When the space twin returns to earth, since he shares earths "now" he could step on to earth and merely adjust his calendar and clock to earths. If this were not so he would find himself in earth's non-existent past with earth in his future. Since the twins continuously share the same "now’" they should be the same biological age, though their clocks would indicate vastly different ages. I do not know how the speed of the progression of "now" would be measured. It would have to be fast enough so that light could not pass into the nonexistent future. Maybe the speed of “now” is the brake on the speed of light. In any event, the rate of the passage of "now" would seem to be the correct measure of the aging of the universe.
Events have allready occured in the past,and have not yet occured in the future. They can only occur "now". But how long is "now" ?
Does it follow that nothing physical has happend to the spaceman. He only has different appearences from different frames of reference. A physical change would be an event the occurence of which could only be viewed "now" by all [though there may be a disagreement as to its time] and I could not see how he could physical change and not change in the same "now"
Thats the whole point. He hasnt changed but only appears to from other time frames.
Thats the way he starts and thats the way he should end up unless altered.
They would not be wrong as to how they see him, but they would be as to how he is in his own frame which should be controlling. Thats how he starts out and without actual phisical distortion thats how he should remain.