Hi All,
I recently received the following e-mail(Via a friend) from a professor at a local university. I am looking for a broader sense of feedback from the community who are involved in the field. The paper is 44 pages long according to the PDF and has a lot of formulae etc. that I do not understand.
" The Green House Effect
You will recall that Ireferred you to a paper by Joseph Postma that challenges current theory abouthow the GHE is supposed to work. Download from
This has triggered a furiousdebate among the climate change community which is quite remarkable in itsintensity, reinforcing the notion that there is still a lot that is notunderstood about how the atmospere is supposed to work, and how carbon dioxideand other green house gases can cause global warming.
One of the more objectiveclimate blog sites has featured no less than 1 277 comments since a threadabout Postma's paper was opened. Many commentators have said that Postma iswrong, but he has himself participated in the exchanges and defended his casewith remarkable patience and good humour.
I recommend this blog to youfor an insight about the doubts that still exist around the very basis ofclimate change theory – the Green House Effect. And this at a time when South Africa isgearing up to host CoP17, and Al Gore is arriving here soon to tell us aboutthe terrible things that will happen if we don't stop emitting carbon dioxide.Coincidentally, I heard on the radio this morning that the seventh billionhuman being will soon be born!
Best wishes
Thanks in advance,