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Hod-HaSharon, Israel
grow circa 20 different fruits
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University of Pittsburgh, Pgh,PA,Biochem,PhD
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Earth life, evolution
plastics consultant, freelance
- Baryon
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Baryon (4/13)
Subverting Organized Religious Science I embarked on comprehending gravity in the process of my Don Quixotic mission to un-theosophize religious Science of the trade-union-church AAAS. I pondered: IF life is just another mass format, as per my own long life experiences it is, then ALL mass formats must basically have common evolutionary origins-drives-features-ends, then the whole universe must have this same ESSENTIAL PARENT basic origin-nature. Thus I arrived at comprehending what gravity is and why it is the monotheism of the universe. And thus I became a denounced subverter of Organized Religious Science… Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) http://universe-life.com/ ================================== What Holds In The Real World The Nobel Prize Committee Is Wrong. There is Definitely NO Higgs Particle. Gravitons are the elementary particles of the universe. Origin and nature of "may be gravitational waves" are continuously released gravitons since the last big-bang as singularity mass reconverts to energy. ============================ On The Essence And Matrix Of The Universe-Life The following three sentences are the shortest data-based TOE. Seriously. Very seriously. The clearer the shorter Natural Selection to Self-Replication is Gravity - Self-replication is the ultimate mode of natural selection is the essence and drive and purpose of the universe. Period. - The pre-Big-Bang singularity is the ultimate self-replication (SR) of the cycling mass-energy universe. Period. (mother of universal SR mode…) - Earth’s RNA nucleotides life is just one of the myriad modes of self-replication. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) http://universe-life.com/ http://universe-life.com/2012/11/14/701/ -The 20yrs development, and comprehensive data-based scientism worldview, in a succinct format. -The Genome is a base organism evolved, and continuously modified, by the genes of its higher organism as their functional template. - Everything in the universe derives from mass-energy duality, from the universe cycle between its two poles all-mass/all-energy. - The Origin Of Gravitons is the ONLY thing unknown-unexplained in the Scientism Universe. PS: Spoon feeding The universe is a (circa 20 hillion yrs?) cyclic affair between all-mass and all-energy poles. NATURAL SELECTION of a mass format mandates energy intake because since the big-bang the resolved mass is reconverting at a constant rate from inert mass to energy, to moving mass. The mass that reconverts to energy SELF-REPLICATES to mass, in black holes, for the eventual re-singularity. The energy-to-mass SELF-REPLICATION process is GRAVITY. All this is enabled and goes on and mandated by/due to the small size and shape and inter-attraction of the gravitons that enable zero distance between them to re-form singularity. Black holes extract the gravitons from matter and store them at low energy level. Singularity is attained only ONCE per circa 20 billion years when ALL the gravitons of the universe are together at zero inter-gravitons space because it takes the totality of their combined low inter-attraction force to form the universal singularity. I hope that now it is understood what gravity is and why it is the monotheism of the universe…DH ================================================= Black Holes Whence and Whither A. Black Holes Whence http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/345481/title/Cohabiting_black_holes_challenge_theory http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/351747/description/Milky_Ways_black_hole_pulling_in_gas_cloud From http://universe-life.com/2011/12/13/21st-century-science-whence-and-whither/ http://universe-life.com/2012/09/02/all-the-mass-of-the-universe-formed-at-the-pre-big-bang-singularity/ Galactic clusters formed by conglomeration? No. Galactic clusters formed by Big-Bang's fragments dispersion, the released built-in singularity’s stresses, evidenced by their Newtonian behavior including their separation acceleration. The big bang is the shattering of the short-lived singularity mass into fragments that later became galactic clusters. This is inflation. The shattering is the start of movement of the shatters i.e. the start of reconversion of mass into energy, which is mass in motion. This reconversion proceeds at a constant rate since the big bang as the resolution of gravitons, their release from their shatters-clusters, proceeds at constant rate due to their weak specific force due to their small size. B. Black Holes Whither http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/345421/title/Team_glimpses_black_hole%E2%80%99s_secrets From http://universe-life.com/2011/12/10/eotoe-embarrassingly-obvious-theory-of-everything/ A commonsensible conjecture is that Universe Contraction is initiated following the Big-Bang event, as released moving gravitons (energy) start reconverting to mass (gravity) and eventually returning to black holes, steadily leading to the re-formation of The Universe Singularity, simultaneously with the inflation and expansion, i.e. that universal expansion and contraction are going on simultaneously. Conjectured implications are that the Universe is a product of A Single Universal Black Hole with an extremely brief singularity of ALL the gravitons of the universe, which is feasible and possible and mandated because gravitation is a very weak force due to the small size of the gravitons, the primal mass-energy particles of the universe. This implies also that when all the mass of the presently expanding universe is consumed by the present black holes, expansion will cease and be replaced with empansion back to THE Single Universal Black Hole. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) =========================== The Universe, Some Updates What Big Banged To Produce The Universe From : http://universe-life.com/2011/12/10/eotoe-embarrassingly-obvious-theory-of-everything/ A commonsensible conjecture is that Universe Contraction is initiated following the Big-Bang event, as released moving gravitons (energy) start reconverting to mass (gravity) and eventually returning to black holes, steadily leading to the re-formation of The Universe Singularity, simultaneously with the inflation and expansion, i.e. that universal expansion and contraction are going on simultaneously. Conjectured implications are that the Universe is a product of A Single Universal Black Hole with an extremely brief singularity of ALL the gravitons of the universe, which is feasible and possible and mandated because gravitation is a very weak force due to the small size of the gravitons, the primal mass-energy particles of the universe. This implies also that when all the mass of the presently expanding universe is collected and stored at very low energy level in black holes, expansion will cease and be replaced with empansion back to THE Single Universal Black Hole. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) ==================== Universe Inflation And Expansion Inflation on Trial Astrophysicists interrogate one of their most successful theories http://www.sciencenews.org/view/feature/id/342219/title/Inflation_on_Trial Commonsense: Inflation and expansion are per Newton. Since the Big Bang galactic clusters loose mass at constant rate. Mass, gravitons, continue escaping at constant rate from their Big Bang fragments-clusters thus becoming energy, mass in motion, thus thrusting the clusters. Constant thrust and decreasing galactic clusters weight accelerate the separation of clusters from each other. Common sense. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) url deleted
From Scientism Worldview, Some things to think about... On The Essence And Matrix Of The Universe-Life Natural Selection/ Self Replication/ Gravity Self-replication is the ultimate mode of natural selection is the essence and drive and purpose of the universe. Period. The pre-Big-Bang singularity is the ultimate self-replication of the cycling mass-energy universe. Period. Earth’s RNA nucleotides life is just one of the myriad modes of self-replication. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) ============================== My Don Quixotic mission: Un-theosophize religious Science of trade-union-church AAAS. It takes a change of culture, of the mode of reactions to circumstances, to effect a change of habit, of genetics. Genetics is the progeny of culture, not vice versa. This applies in ALL fields of human activities, including economics, to ALL personal and social behavioral aspects. Since the early 1900’s ALL “science” has been taken over by the Technology Culture of the religious Americans, represented by the trade-union-church AAAS. Plain and simple. There has not been any science in the world since then except “religious-American-science”. On the blissful religious science ignorance…: USA-World Science Hegemony Is Science Blind Since the early 2000s I have been posting many articles on science items surveyed and analyzed by me, without religious background-concepts. I have been doing this because I was deeply disturbed by the religiosity of the 1848-founded AAAS trade-union and by the consequent religious background-tint of its extensive “scientific” publications and activities. On my next birthday I’ll be 89-yrs old. I know that I’m deeply engaged in a Don Quixotic mission-war to extricate-free the USA and world Science from the clutches and consequences of the religious-trade-union-church AAAS, adopted strangely by the majority of scientifically ignorant religious god-trusting Americans and by their most other humanity following flocks… But I am sincerely confident that only thus it is feasible and possible to embark on a new, rational, Human culture (Scientism) and on new more beneficial and effective technology courses for humanity… Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) http://universe-life.com/ Energy-Mass Poles Of The Universe http://universe-life.com/2012/11/14/701/ ============================ Decide Humanity: Scientism Or Natural Selection http://www.sciencemag.org/site/special/conflict/index.xhtml http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/05/roots-of-racism.html?ref=em Scientism: A doctrine and method characteristic of scientists, and the proposition that scientific doctrine and methods of studying natural sciences should be used in all areas of investigation and in conduct of politics-social-cultural-civil affairs in pursuit of an efficient practical, as fair as possible, civics framework. Natural Selection: All mass formats, inanimate and animate, follow natural selection, i.e. intake of energy or their energy taken in by other mass formats. All politics and economics, local, national and international, are about evolutionary biology, about Darwinian evolution, about survival, about obtaining and maintaining and distributing energy. Religion: is a virtual factor-component in human’s natural selection. Its target-function is to preserve-proliferate specific cultural phenotypes. Natural selection-religion are compatible with technology-capitalism but are obviously incompatible with science-scientism, that targets preservation-proliferation of the genotype. Science-scientism is an obvious threat to the survival of a cultural phenotype. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) Universe-Energy-Mass-Life Compilation http://universe-life.com/2012/02/03/universe-energy-mass-life-compilation/ For A Scientism Culture http://universe-life.com/2011/06/11/for-a-scientism-culture/ ================================== On religion-accommodating AAAS science: How can science be more theosophized than by regarding life-brain-mind-spirituality as being mysteriously apart-different from other mass formats? Life is just another mass format. Self-replicating. Most phenomena attributed (erroneously) to life only are ubiquitous, including culture, natural selection and (apparent) intelligence… Why RNA genes are the heart of medicine… Life underneath the academEnglish verbiage… Intelliget Life Life: self-replicating mass format of evolving naturally selected RNA nucleotide(s), which is life’s primal organism. Natural selection: ubiquitous phenomenon of material, a mass format, that augments its energy constraint. Mass-Energy: inert-moving graviton(s), the fundamental particle of the universe, inert extremely briefly at the pre-big-bang singularity . Intelligence: learning from experience. Intelligent Life Life is an evolving system continuously undergoing natural selection i.e. continuously selecting, intelligently, opportunities to augment its energy constraint in order to survive i.e. in order to avoid its own mass format being re-converted to energy. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) http://universe-life.com/ PS: Genome is a base organism evolved, and continuously modified, by the genes, the elementary organisms of their higher organism, as their functional template. DH ======================== Virtual Reality And Science Virtual = Existing in the mind, a product of imagination.. From http://lofi.forum.physorg.com/Inception-And-Prevalence-Of-Western-Monotheism_18243.html 15 June 2006 Science and Religion Psychiatrist draws a straight vertical line on a sheet of paper, shows it to the patient and asks: "what do you see?" Patient, somewhat excited: "A standing naked woman..." The psychiatrist draws a horizontal line, shows it and asks: "What do you see now?" Patient, more excitedly: "A lying naked woman..." The psychiatrist now draws a 90-deg angle and asks: "And what do you see now?" Patient, overcome with excitement: "A naked woman lying with her legs up..." "Man", says the psychiatrist, "You're sex crazy!" "Doc", says the patient, "It's you who draws these sexy drawings, not I!" Scientists see the lines, religious persons see the drawings... Science can deal with every subject. Including virtual reality. Virtual reality cultures create real technologies but only virtual sciences. http://universe-life.com/2013/01/11/usa-world-science-hegemony-is-science-blind/ Whatever the genomics impact on the U.S. economy is, it is without the present USA-World science hegemony understanding what is the genome. Imagine , just imagine, what the impact can be if the USA-World science hegemony would have understood what is the genome... Conscientious life is a real life with a virtual reality culture, a culture driven by natural selection along roads rolled by survival needs combined with imaginative apprehensions and aspirations. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) http://universe-life.com/ http://universe-life.com/2012/11/14/701/ -The 20yrs development, and comprehensive data-based scientism worldview, in a succinct format. -The Genome is a base organism evolved, and continuously modified, by the genes of its higher organism as their functional template. - Everything in the universe derives from mass-energy duality, from the universe cycle between the two poles all-mass-all energy. - The Origin Of Gravitons is the ONLY thing unknown-unexplained in the Scientism Universe.
Dear Bignose, Again, everything I write-post is based on THE evidence that's all around us. Some observers see them one way whereas I see them another way. Nothing new in this process. Some who saw them 2,000 yrs ago saw them one way whereas I see them now another way. You see them mostly as you learned to see them whereas my life experiences drove me to see them my present way... Respectfully and best regards, Dov ======================= Dear Ringer, Sorry to learn that you "have no idea" what I'm "saying" about some things, and that you diagree with some my other things and that you find some of my definitions-concepts to be different than published elsewher. This is life.... I'm still going on with my Don Quixotic mission-war to extricate-free the USA and world Science from the clutches and consequences of the religious-trade-union-church AAAS, adopted strangely by the majority of the great scientifically ignorant religious god-trusting Americans and by their most other humanity following flocks… And I am still confident that only thus it is feasible and possible to embark on a new, rational, Human culture (Scientism) and on new more beneficial and effective technology courses for humanity... With respect and best regards, Dov
How can science be more theosophized than by regarding life-brain-mind-spirituality as being mysteriously apart-different from other mass formats? Life is just another mass format. Self-replicating. Most phenomena attributed (erroneously) to life only are ubiquitous, including culture, natural selection and (apparent) intelligence… Why RNA genes are the heart of medicine… Life underneath the academEnglish verbiage… Intelliget Life Life: self-replicating mass format of evolving naturally selected RNA nucleotide(s), which is life’s primal organism. Natural selection: ubiquitous phenomenon of material, a mass format, that augments its energy constraint. Mass-Energy: inert-moving graviton(s), the fundamental particle of the universe, inert extremely briefly at the pre-big-bang singularity . Intelligence: learning from experience. Intelligent Life Life is an evolving system continuously undergoing natural selection i.e. continuously selecting, intelligently, opportunities to augment its energy constraint in order to survive i.e. in order to avoid its own mass format being re-converted to energy. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) url deleted by mod, per rule 2.7 PS: Genome is a base organism evolved, and continuously modified, by the genes of its higher organism as its functional template. DH
Dear Bignose, Since I rely on Newton I'll first try to reach him and ask for evidence for his comprehensions and on this occasion also for his research equipment supplier for his falling apple incident... respectfully, Dov PS: The wonders of evolution of the thinking human: the matching diameters of the human nostrils and his forefingers...
- 31 replies
Science Comprehension Derives From Data Assessment And most data is all around us. We just have to look around, notice, assess. Remember that EVERYTHING in the present universe started from a minute singularity and that the universe keeps expanding. This is an evolving system, a system that derives from moving between two poles, all-mass and all-energy. This is possible only if the elementary particle of the universe is a mass-energy duality, inert-moving duality. This defines everything in the universe and this renders that ALL things in the universe are just various formats of the base elementary particles and all forces and processes derive from the ongoing motion between the mass/energy poles. And this means that the universe is not a collection of disciplines but a oneness of intertwined TEMPORARY sub-evolutions. And that life is just one of them. And this means that commonsense, not academEnglish, is the best scientific approach to comprehension of the universe. Dov Henis (comments from the 22nd century)
With full respect, I do not speculate. All I write is data-based SCIENCE. Dov Henis Hod-HaSharon, Israel. Born (1925) and raised in Israel. WWII vet N.Africa & Europe. 1956 BioChem PhD Univ of Pgh, Pgh, PA. Industrial R&D, consultant, retired 2006. Interests: universe/life/humans evolutions.
Genetics is another example of religious-based AAAS "science". The neural system, including the brain, was evolved by unicells communities (cultures) to react to-exploit the environments for survival-natural selection. Update Comprehension Of Culture-Genetics I. Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People by Harry Ostrer http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/342238/title/Legacy_A_Genetic_History_of_the_Jewish_People_by_Harry_Ostrer A genetic history of a cultural phenotype is the progeny of its cultural history. Genetics is the progeny of culture. Culture, the reaction to and exploitation of circumstances, shapes the genetic expressions and profile. Genes are organisms, life’s primal organisms. See Darwin, Pavlov and cause and cure of addictions… II. Eating tiny amounts of eggs helps some children overcome their egg allergy http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/342999/title/FOR_KIDS_Bye-bye%2C_egg_allergy Our RNA genes are our primal base organisms. Now see Darwin, Pavlov , and cause/cure of addictions and of allergies… III. On Brain And Natural Selection A. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2012/07/bad-news-for-big-brains.html?ref=em “experimentally manipulate brain size, you get cleverer fish". “Experimentally manipulate” is Pavlov. Pavlov experimentally manipulated dogs’ genes. Manipulating creatures is manipulating their genes by manipulating their culture, which modifies their genes’ expressions since genetics is the progeny of culture. Genes themselves are organisms, life’s primal organisms, evolved from modified RNA nucleotides in a cultural-natural selection-reaction to energetic circumstances. THIS IS DARWINIAN EVOLUTION. NATURAL SELECTION IS UBIQUITOUS TO ALL MASS FORMATS. LIFE IS JUST ANOTHER MASS FORMAT. B. I grow various fruits. Fruit trees are brainless, mindless, of low intelligence i.e. low capacity to learn from experience. A fruit tree sprouts, starts producing, a great number of fruits, of which only a small fraction complete their growth, of which in nature only few if any at all evolve into a fruit tree to reproduce the fruit-tree genes. This is the genes reproduction mode of the mindless creatures… Look around you at other creatures including humans and draw your own conclusion… Dov Henis PS: Re "the secret life of plants"... Sentience, the ability to feel, perceive, or be conscious, or to have subjective experiences, is correct for every organism. In essence it is the reaction of the organism to its circumstances. Note : genes are life's primal organisms, genetics is the progeny of culture, culture is response-reaction to circumstances, the extent and nature of genetics of an organism is proportional to the extent of challenges it has been facing and to the extent of its resultant genetic-neural constitution-history… Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)
2012 science things to think about... Starting with: E energy is m mass in motion, gravity is propensity of energy reconversion to mass. Then: Re some presently esteemed basic science concepts…: Betrayal Of The Enlightenment Science Heritage Three glaring examples of betrayal of the Enlightenment science heritage: - The Higgs particle case: by plain common sense and data the origin of all mass in the universe is the minuscule pre-big-bang gravitons singularity… - Life nature and genesis: by plain common sense and data life is just another mass format …a self-replicating format… - The Genetics concepts: by plain common sense and data culture and natural selection are ubiquitous for ALL mass formats, and genetics are their evolving RNA nucleotide progenies…subject to Darwin and Pavlov processes… PS: 1.Ponder why Mass = Energy at singularity… 2.Ponder that Culture is reaction-to-circumstances/drive-to-survival by ALL MASS FORMATS… 3.Ponder the implications of the various modes of Cooperation in nature… 4.Ponder that Intelligence = learning from experience… 5.Ponder that in an evolving two-pole system (m/E, singularity/max expanded) there cannot be randomness… 6. Ponder that in an evolving two-pole system m/E, gravitation is propensity of energy reconversion to mass… 7. Re “randomness” in nature: Change of mass format is not randomizing Thus, for example, heating a material, a mass format, is not “randomizing” it. It is changing the mobilities of its constituents, their energetic characteristics. It is changing the mass format properties. ============================= 2012: Restructure Science Plans, Policies, Budgets A. Higgs Particle YOK Eppur Si Muove, Higgs Particle YOK Regardless Of Whatever Whoever Regardless Of Whatever Is Said By Whoever Says It - Higgs Particle YOK. S Hawking is simply wrong in accepting it. Obviously wrong. Everyone who accepts the story of the Higgs particle is simply wrong. Plain commonsense. Singularity and the Big Bang MUST have happened with the smallest base universe particles, the gravitons, that MUST be both energy and mass, even if they are inert mass just one smallest fraction of a second at singularity. All mass formats evolve from gravitons that convert into energy i.e. extricate from their gravitons clusters into mass formats in motion, energy. And they all end up again as mass in a repeat singularity. Universe expansion and re-contraction proceed simultaneously.. http://universe-life.com/ http://universe-life.com/2012/02/03/universe-energy-mass-life-compilation/ B. Refresh Present SCIENCE Comprehensions And Restructure Science Plans, Policies And Budgets Who Suppresses Science Creativity? Does Academia Suppress Creativity? Again and again, ad absurdum: Since the 1920s SCIENCE is suppressed by a Technology Culture, tightly supervised by a religious old style trade union , the AAAS… Liberate Your Mind From Concepts Dictated By The Religious Trade-Union AAAS: USA Science? Re-Comprehend Origins And Essence * Higgs Particle? Dark Energy/Matter? Epigenetics? All YOK! * Earth-life is just another, self-replicating, mass format. * All mass formats evolve from gravitons, the primal universe mass-energy particles. * Since singularity gravitons are extricated from their big-bang clusters , i.e. become mobile, energy, at a constant rate. * All mass formats follow natural selection, i.e. intake of energy or their energy taken in by other mass formats. * Evolution Is The Quantum Mechanics Of Natural Selection. * Quantum mechanics are mechanisms, possible or probable or actual mechanisms of natural selection. * Life’s Evolution is the quantum mechanics of biology. * Every evolution, of all disciplines, is the quantum mechanics of the discipline’s natural selection. See: Update Concepts-Comprehension… http://universe-life.com/2011/12/13/21st-century-science-whence-and-whither/ Earth life genesis from aromaticity-H bonding http://universe-life.com/2011/09/30/earthlife-genesis-from-aromaticityh-bonding/ Universe-Energy-Mass-Life Compilation http://universe-life.com/2012/02/03/universe-energy-mass-life-compilation/ Seed of human-chimp genome diversity http://universe-life.com/2011/07/10/seed-of-human-chimp-genomes-diversity/ New Era For Science Including Genomics http://universe-life.com/2012/04/14/new-era-for-science-including-genomics/ SCM, suggested online educational program promoting rational-science-based over present faith-belief-based civilization/culture http://universe-life.com/2006/03/13/science-creed-manifest-scm/ C. Universe Inflation And Expansion Inflation on Trial Astrophysicists interrogate one of their most successful theories http://www.sciencenews.org/view/feature/id/342219/title/Inflation_on_Trial Commonsense: Inflation and expansion are per Newton. Since the Big Bang galactic clusters loose mass at constant rate. Mass, gravitons, continue escaping at constant rate from their Big Bang fragments-clusters thus becoming energy, mass in motion, thus thrusting the clusters. Constant thrust and decreasing galactic clusters weight accelerate the separation of clusters from each other. Common sense. ============================== Natural Selection Is Built-In Hypocrisy In US Science Structure In addition to the omnipotency of the AAAS trade-union-church with its science testament and gospels...: A. http://www.nas.edu/ Where the Nation Turns for Independent, Expert Advice THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering, and Medicine B. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_policy_of_the_United_States In the Executive Office of the President, the main body advising the president on science policy is the Office of Science and Technology Policy. Other advisory bodies exist within the Executive Office of the President, including the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology and the National Science and Technology Council. Further advice (on legislating science policy) is provided by extra-governmental organizations such as The National Academies, which was created and mostly funded by the federal government,[2] and the RAND Corporation, as well as other non-profit organizations such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Chemical Society among others. C. Conflict of interest arises whenever the personal or professional interests of a board or committee member or of an expert adviser are potentially at odds with the best interests of the nonprofit…by the people for the people… D. I rest the people’s case… Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)
Since the early 1900’s ALL “science” has been taken over by the Technology Culture of the religious Americans, represented by the trade-union-church AAAS. Plain and simple. There has not been any science in the world since then except “religious-American-science”. On the blissful religious science ignorance…: USA-World Science Hegemony Is Science Blind Since the early 2000s I have been posting many articles on science items surveyed and analyzed by me, without religious background-concepts. I have been doing this because I was deeply disturbed by the religiosity of the 1848-founded AAAS trade-union and by the consequent religious background-tint of its extensive “scientific” publications and activities. On my next birthday I’ll be 88-yrs old. I know that I’m deeply engaged in a Don Quixotic mission-war to extricate-free the USA and world Science from the clutches and consequences of the religious-trade-union-church AAAS, adopted strangely by the majority of scientifically ignorant religious god-trusting Americans and by their most other humanity following flocks… But I am sincerely confident that only thus it is feasible and possible to embark on a new, rational, Human culture (Scientism) and on new more beneficial and effective technology courses for humanity… Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) link to external blog removed per SFN Rule 2.7
Origin And Nature Of Earth Life, An Update… Liberate your mind from concepts dictated by religious trade-union AAAS. 1) Life is just another mass format. 2) re-comprehend natural selection. 3) natural selection is ubiquitous, for all mass formats. Life Evolved by Naturally Selected Organic Matter http://universe-life.com/2011/06/10/update-comprehension-of-universelife-evolution/ EarthLife Genesis From Aromaticity/H-Bonding http://universe-life.com/2011/09/30/earthlife-genesis-from-aromaticityh-bonding/ September 30, 2011 A. Purines and pyrimidines are two of the building blocks of nucleic acids. Only two purines and three pyrimidines occur widely in nucleic acids. B. Pyrimidine is a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound similar to benzene and pyridine, containing two nitrogen atoms at positions 1 and 3 of the six-member ring. A purine is a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound, consisting of a pyrimidine ring fused to an imidazole ring. Purines, including substituted purines and their tautomers, are the most widely distributed kind of nitrogen-containing heterocycle in nature. Aromaticity ( Kekule, Loschmidt, Thiele) is essential for the Krebs Cycle for energy production. C. Natural selection is E (energy) temporarily constrained in an m (mass) format. Natural selection is a universal ubiquitous trait of ALL mass spin formats, inanimate and animate. Life began/evolved on Earth with the natural selection of inanimate RNA, then of some RNA nucleotides, then arriving at the ultimate mode of natural selection – self replication. Aromaticity enables good constraining of energy and good propensity to hydrogen bonding. The address of Earth Life Genesis, of phasing from inanimate to animate natural selection, is Aromaticity.Hydrogen Bonding. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century) http://universe-life.com/2011/07/10/seed-of-human-chimp-genomes-diversity/ http://universe-life.com/2012/02/03/universe-energy-mass-life-compilation/ tags: life genesis, natural selection, life mass format ======================== Earth Life In plain English, not in academEnglish verbiage. - Earth life, self-replicating mass format, is just another naturally selected mass format. - The primal base organisms of Earth life are the genes, i.e. the RNA nucleotides. - All Earth life formats are progenies of genes evolution. - Genomes are organisms evolved, and continuously modified, by the genes as their functional templates. - Genetics is a progeny of culture, which is reaction to circumstances. - The drive and goal of evolution of ALL mass formats is to enhance their energy constraint, to postpone their reconversion to energy, which goes on at constant rate since the Big Bang. Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)
More on the "nature of life" and on its significance/implication to humans: (1) All forms of Earth life presently known are genetically interrelated. Most scientists (maybe all of them) suggest/accept that it began with individual cell/cells, from origin and in manner not yet known. Very few persons, including myself, postulate that per Pasteur's "life comes from life" cell/cells are evolutionary products preceded by and evolved from archaic RNA genes associations with their accessories-entourages. In this scenario the yet unknown is/are the origin and manner of occurrence of the early gene(s). This possible scenario is supported by inability of a cell deprived of genes-association to replicate. (2)Comparing the state of affairs in a living complex with its dying/dead form uggests that life is most probably a "bubble of energy storage system" initiated and maintained by energy in a direction opposite the universal/cosmic thermodynamic drive to a state of ever dissipating order and energy. Going backwords in time to either the pre-cell life scenario or to the cell-ex-machina life scenario, both well earlier than Pasteur, there must have been a "situation" in which the combination of energy flow/balance plus combined presence of RNA- or pre-RNA type oligomer/polymer with its entourage of associated molecules happened to be in the direction of replication of this archaic gene, thus initiating Life. (3) Thus many questions arise, starting with: is life a unique extremely rare random "energy bubble" phenomenon only on Earth ( so far we have not found life unrelated to us ), or also in the universe? Also as posited earlier re "intelligent life", humans are a rare random mutation even on Earth; it is staggering to reflect on the course of the tremendous number of random mutation junctions between early archaic gene(s) or archaic cell and an intelligent human. (4) And ,again, as posited earlier, a most essential, and uniquely human, ingrained/inherent need is some degree of self-esteem. This self-esteem leads to "esteem" of other humans so that survival and welfare of human individuals and communities is anchored and established on a foundation of human-esteem-based cultures/civilizations which are neatly complete creations of humans. Now just imagine how this enormous functioning world human edifice might be shaken under the impact of such new insights re the nature of life, and how humans will be faced with the vital need to re-formulate the foundation of culture, to anchor and build cooperative life edifice on modified bindings/committments-justifications of vital moral/ethical/social covictions/commandments...
Dear Sayonara, If I understand the dictionary definition of "(you are) waffling" I completely agree with you that "Patronising people is not the way forward". And as to "you can't make yourself understood", I sincerely suggest that maybe this thread should be closed as there are very few other ways to say that there is a "difference between studying mechanisms of living systems and studying the nature of life".
You might, or might not, understand one day...the difference between studying mechanisms of living systems and studying the nature of life...
Sayonara, Given the fact that there is no end of biologists, ecologists, zoologists, botanists, biochemists, microbiologists, geneticists, and so on and so forth, all of whom investigating mechanisms and other aspects of living systems but not tackling the basic nature of life, I do not think I am wrong. And if indeed there are virtually no exobiologists my above positing is augmented. Poor anxious prospective exobiologists, they have no samples for studying life mechanisms. Why don't they apply themselves, together with earthly biologists, to answering the question what is life ?