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Everything posted by Caligar

  1. Alright, I have a question. I've been working on this question with a friend for over an hour, and simply cannot get it. "A curve is parametrized by the equations x=square-root t, and y=(t-3)^2. Find an equation of the line tangent to the curve at the point defined by t=9" I know the answer is y=72x-180, because it is a study sheet, not actual homeowork. However, I need to understand how to do it for obvious reasons. Any help would be appreciated EDIT: Gaah, got it. We were taking the first derivative at the wrong time Delete please, Admins
  2. Fair enough. Here what I did: Took e=f/q and e=v/d (F is electric force, q is charge, e is energy in field, v is volts, and d is distance, but Im sure you guys know these formulas) Got f/q=v/d Got fd/v=q Then plugged it in and got 5.4*10^-9, if memory serves. Problem is the group I was in didn't get consistent answers, and this makes me want to check my answer, but my teacher wouldn't help me, so I came to you guys to see if you had the same procedure, or at least a proceduce that resulted in the same answer. Hope that helps, and thanks in advance to any answers I get.
  3. In terms of online refrence, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=omim is rediculously good. EDIT: Something that was on my computer http://www.freewebs.com/caligar/TTC%20Guidebook%20-%20Understanding%20Genetics.pdf
  4. A negatively charged, graphite coated sphere is suspended from the ceiling on an insulating string in the region between opositely charged parallel plates. The plates are 20cm apart, and are maintained at an electrical potential difference of 3.1*10^2. The charged sphere experiences an electric force of 8.4*10^-7N. What is the charge on the graphite coated shpere? My teacher is a jerk and won't help me, even though its the first question I've asked him all year. Walk me through it if you could, people.
  5. "Brown haired men scored higher than their blonde and red haired counterparts. Black haired men scored significantly lower than everyone else." Intelligencetest.com
  6. Grade nine. Thats when I started with Law. (Im assuming you mean 8th year of highschool. If you meant 8th year of college, you should have started 10 years ago)
  7. Ive found people tend to be jerks for two reasons: Superiority complex (as in my case) or the opposite, an inferiority complex. The two often manifest in different ways however; those with superiority complexes tend to be mean in a better-than-you passive agressive manner, while inferiority complexes tend to be the "Lashing out at the world" type of jerk.
  8. For one, Topamax has FDA approval, so its at least realitively safe. Nonetheless, it would but unwise (to say the least) to buy it on the internet. Also, its a preventative (not something you take while the migraine is doing its damage).
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