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  1. thanks for the replies to cap: I have disabled all my firewalls, but problems still appear. to insane: I always use the administrator privilege to open up my programs, by right clicking their icons and select the open with administrator privilege option. I can definitely access the Internet on IE. BUT, I can't even do a "ping" command on the command prompt in Vista. This is indeed very strange, since if there is connection, "ping" command should always work. That is, I can't ping a host like google or yahoo for example, but the strange thing is I can ping and get response from my ISP's DNS server. Any help or explanation to my problem? thanks
  2. I have this problem. None of my programs on my Vista can access the Internet except Microsoft Internet Explorer. My vista version is Basic, installed on a laptop. Any one can help? thanks
  3. For the transition metal element Cr why are there 5 electrons filling the 3d orbital and only 1 electron filling the 4s orbital? I initially think that there should be 4e in 3d and 2e in 4s Why is my way of electron configuration less stable than the one in the question? please help thanks
  4. It needs a force pushing the car towards the center... However, that force is a component of the normal force............
  5. One question, why does the normal force of a car on a banked road is actually greater than the downwards mg newtons of the car? shouldn't the normal force be simply a reaction force to one of the components of the weight of the car? please help~~~thanks
  6. alright...thanks dave
  7. say, on a graphic of cubic function, there is a root at 2, a y point on 8 when x is 1, and another on 8 also when x is -1, and when x is 0, y = 8. 1) if I solve this by: (x-2)(ax^2+bx+c).... I get an answer because I can solve a, b, c by 3 different simul equations. but 2) if I solve this by: (x-2)(ax+b)(x+c), I get more answers because when I try to solve c, I get a quadratic equation for it, which means c can have 2 values...... but this cannot be possible, since c can only be one value as a root. plz help
  8. thx Aeternus...but can you help me with other questions on this thread? Which refer to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th posts here. thx
  9. btw, why I cant compile this code? public class b{ static class a{} static class b1 extends a{} static class c extends b{} static <A extends b.a> void adds(LinkedList<A> l, A b1){l.[b]add(b1)[/b];} static public void main(String[] sfg){ LinkedList<c> l = new LinkedList<c>(); adds(l, new c()); } } and the problem originates from the bold part of the code above....during compile time. Please help thx
  10. 3rd question... Simply put, why cant we declare an array of generic types??? please help, along with the 2nd question... thx
  11. ok... I understand the 1st question...please ignore... for the second question, an example is: static <T extends Shape> void draw(List<T> l) {drawOnCanvas(l.get(0));} versus static void draw(List<? extends Shape> l) {drawOnCanvas(l.get(0));} The above code should elaborate what I mean! please help thx
  12. btw... Can any explain, with examples, the real difference between wilcard type method and generic type method in practice? The only thing it seems to me is that generic type is more concrete, hence we can, for example, add elements to a collection while with wildcard type, we are like assuming to take any thing unknown.... please help
  13. public <T> void meth1(T extends Something a){..}; public <T extends Something> void meth2(T a){...}; public <T extends Something> void meth3(T extends Something a){...}; Can any one tell me the difference between these 3??? please help thx
  14. Ok, so... When will the hashcode of k2 really be changed to "1" in the HashSet?
  15. Ok... sorry, forget about my last post. Weird, it did work like the day before yesterday, now I get a compile time error, as you said. Any way, protected class A{ int a; static int b; void meth1(){}; static void meth2(){}; } is the above code equivalent to the below one in terms of accessibility? public class A{ protected int a; protected static int b; protected void meth1(){}; protected static void meth2(){}; protected A(){}; } btw, why cant you use "private" modifier to a class? plz help thx
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