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Everything posted by albertlee

  1. Can any one show me the step to derive to K.E. = mv2/2 from F*d?? thx
  2. Well, What I really want to know, is, since F*d is used as work done, there must be more ideas/concepts apart from momentum interms of work done..... It is hard to give a plain explanation to momentum other than mathematical equation, but to me, it is the "quantity of motion" In one sentence, why not the scientist let "quantity of motion" = work done???? Albert
  3. This is just how I think: Force * Distance Force * Time If you have a force exerting on an object going for a longer distance, more work will be done..... Similarly, if a force exerting on an object going for a longer period, more work will be done as well.... To me, they both "can" express work done. It is simply saying like in terms of time or in terms of distance...... To me, impulse, the change in momentum of an object actually tells how much work has been done, ie, how much does the object accelerate, and of course, the longer the object accelerates, the longer its distance will be, right?? Albert
  4. Why work = F*d??? I dont see there is no reason why we cant express work such that it equals to F*t??? Is there a relationship between work and change in momentum?? Albert
  5. Why we cant express Work interms of Momentum??? One is F*d and another F*t..... Albert
  6. Any one can refer to my previous message?? thx Albert
  7. Oh, so, do you mean that the left most bit of a byte is always 0 in char??? Albert
  8. It depends on what kind of triangle you are dealing with.....
  9. In Java, char is an unsigned data type Does any one know what does "unsigned" mean in that sense??? thx Albert
  10. thx raivo by the way Any body for more info??? thx in advance
  11. An ionic substance like CuSO4, if I pour some pure water on it, it turns blue, my teacher explains this is that it is "hydrated", and what I am curious is how do the water molecules bond to the ions of Copper Sulphate??? For sure, not all the ionic compounds can be "hydrated"...., like table salt, it will not be hydrated, but dissolved.... so, how come Copper Sulphate dont dissolve??? Any help?? Albert
  12. oh, sorry, I mean can you do anything you want on unix computer without x??? as dave suggested, "If you want a gui, you don't really have a lot of choice" Any body?? thx Albert
  13. I still dont get, what is the difference of API and Libraries??? As dave has said, "same difference", does he mean "no difference"???? thx for responds albert
  14. so, Silencer, can you do anything you want on unix computer with x??? How about listening to music, typing words, drawing a picture??? By the way, what is the difference of 'x' and 'x windows'??? thx Albert
  15. I have tried FreeBSD on my own X86 computer, and I feel quite touchy about its configuration menu since it is very un-user-friendly..... By the way, I also feel abit despair that some of my hardware are not supported by FreeBSD.... but fortunately I am going to get a MacMini for my birthday present, and since Mac OS X is unix based, I am conjecturing that it has the easy-to-use, user-friendly interface, and the flexibility of UNIX.... what do guys think?? but I feel quite absurd, that, on FreeBSD, the graphical program runs under X window, if I run a graphic unix program on Mac OS X, will the program just run normally like running a Mac Program, or there is a X window in Mac OS X??? Albert
  16. Have you guys ever tried Unix software on Max OS X?? Albert
  17. What is the difference of APIs and Libraries?? Secondly, why windows libraries are called DLLs in abriviation?? Albert
  18. Why the kernel modules for drivers are not open source?? secondly, just for curiosity, is it the reason that Linux does not have the windows Library, so it cant execute windows program?? Albert
  19. what!? Isn't Linux completely open source?? How come you could make a partially open source Linux?? Albert
  20. yeah, I was puzzled about that by the way, as you can see in this link:http://www.sun.com/software/javadesktopsystem/ds/index.xml it says the Os contains Open Source Components, what is it?? for examples, SuSE Linux Desktop 1.0 Variant GNOME 2.2 Ximian Evolution 1.4 Mozilla 1.4 browser OpenOffice.org 1.1 (basis for StarOffice 7 suite) Secondly, sorry if this is too basic, since linux system comes in different distrbutions, can I use a linux software from one distro another distro version of linux?? thx Albert
  21. Here it is: http://www.sun.com/software/javadesktopsystem/index.html what do you guys think about this OS??
  22. It is a linux OS made by Sun..... but, what kind of platform does JDS run on?? or, what platform does Sun usually choose for its OS??? for eg, Solaris? I found that it is a linux OS, which is mostly for the company use, because it comes with many software and support with a cheap anual price but whatever that is, I found no information what it has to do with "java", as its name suggests... Any one?? Albert
  23. What kind of platform does Java Desktop System runs?? X86, Sparc, or PowerPC??? secondly, since it is a linux system, what does it have to do with java?? Albert
  24. Can we change the boot screen by Registry??? isn't that part of the OS configuration setting?? Albert
  25. I know HCl (aq) exists, because it is a solution that is called Hydrochloric acid but, what happened if I evaporate the water?? Will I get Hydrogen Chloride?? What does it look like and what kind of bonding it has?? thx Albert
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