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Everything posted by albertlee

  1. but admiral, what I wonder is, in Linux, the excecutable file is not .exe, so wont Micrsoft's Visual C compile the code into Windows program? just for wondering....How can another system's specific compiler compile other thing which is not compatible to itself? Albert
  2. Admiral, Do you think what I mean is that it is easier to build a new OS on unix? As you have said before, we can program the code on any OS..yes thats true, but that is not what I mean....... What I mean is we could make a new OS which has same kernel as Unix...Will it be possible? Secondly ,Can we simply use visual c++ to compile the code a new OS? Apreciate for furthur responds... Albert
  3. First of all, do we really need MIPS card to compile C code? is'nt there any software that can do it? Secondly, making an OS founded on UNix kernel is easier to do, because since unix kernel is open code, you can build the functions on unix kernel.... APreciate for the responds Albert
  4. Admiral, is'nt MIPS a CPU which is used to test how fast another CPU runs? And is'nt ROM is unchangeable, where BIOS is installed? Any way, my most question is...How do you compile the C code of an OS, like Unix? Is the compiler a software, or a device? To me, I think the best way to develop a new OS which is UNix kernel.... Apreciate for responds Albert
  5. I am currently using Java.... How do you call the document which we use like a dictionary? which contains many packages, classes, methods, and functions? Albert
  6. wrong statement!
  7. who designed qbasic? secondly, do the basic codes in vb and qb look the same? Albert
  8. oh........admiral, if the OS is not on the computer, but for other devices, I am sure he needs to make a new compiler, because I believe no one has made a compiler yet for that device's CPU......... Secondly, if you want to program an 32 bit OS, can you still porgram that OS under 16 bit OS like Dos? thirdly, I cant understand why Dos cant be 32 bits if the computer "is" 32 bits........? Albert
  9. Is the only difference of visual basic than qbasic is that visual basic can do things easier visually, and make windows programs, which qbasic cant? thats all? Albert
  10. Then what is difference on the "language" of visual basic and qbaisc? since both are basic.. Albert
  11. Aomaster, do you mean that qbasic cannot creat forms ,box ,and etc? or it just takes more time? secondly, if learning visual basic's main difference to qbasic is just that it can do things more quickly and easily than qbasic, then I think qbasic would be more completely to learn as learning basic language....... Any suggestion? Albert
  12. yo! every one...... My first programming language I learn is Java......Personally, I think Java is quite easy too.......And the programs made by Java can run on any platform.......you can also make an Internet programs like applet....It is such a purposeful and ideal language now in this momment.. Is VB even easier than Java? Albert
  13. I have a book about qbasic, but on my computer, there is Visual Basic from Microsoft Office 2000........ If I want to learn basic on Visual Basic, can I just read my qbasic book? or do I have to buy a new book? .... because I dont know is there a difference on the basic of VB and QB....... Any suggestion? Albert
  14. dave, I mean in what circumstances, like Do they programme a new OS under what other Operating System? using what compiler? Albert
  15. just for self wondering,.... In what circustances do Microsoft programmers use C lnaguage to program OS like Windows?
  16. but Dave, you say that vbscript is used on Internet, Does nt it have other uses on Windows except on Internet? Albert
  17. Acutally, What is the name of Windows script? is it vbscript? What does Windows script do? Albert
  18. Do all scripting languages use for making webiste? if not, then what is the use of scripting language in another ways? Albert
  19. how about Vbscript, can I make a program from that?
  20. So, there is even no command line in Xp?
  21. Then , What is the difference of Unix Shell and Unix commands? Albert
  22. no, Dave, I have VB in my Mircrosoft Office 2000............
  23. Ok, so since windows xp is graphical userinterfaces.......how do we go to its text only interfaces? like for Macintosh, it has a Unix as its kernel&Shell, hence you can use Unix commands in text only interfaces...... Albert
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