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Quantum Relativity Theory of Everything Alignment Theory A suggested unification of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and Cosmology Alignment Theory is an emergent-phenomena dynamic based at the zero point energy/quantum foam level. It appears to give an inherent, automatic and very simple mechanism for all the major elements of cosmology, relativity, and quantum mechanics and quantizes relativity in the process. It seems to demonstrate the source and nature of mass, light and quantum chaos among many other things. It is based on a mixture of existing mainstream ideas and some new ones, put together in a new way. Relativity and Quantum mechanics describe the effects, it is suggested that Alignment theory is the mechanism. The following major elements are some of the automatic outcomes. The unification of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. The source and nature of Mass and Gravity. The nature and speed of light. The mechanism and nature of "hidden variables". Mechanism of relativistic effects. The nature and speed of quantum chaos and entanglement. The mechanism of cosmic Inflation (and the cosmological constant) and the possible variations in the rate of Inflation and the speed of Light over time. The lumpiness of the Universe. Mechanism of Dark energy. Source of "random" radioactive decay. There are at least three major Predictions that come out of Alignment Theory: 1. Light is bent away from cosmic voids, in the reverse manner and degree of light being bent towards mass. The predicted value is the exact inverse of Einstein's 1915 prediction. 2. The speed of quantum entanglement, in relationship to that of light, is: 3. The rate of Cosmic Inflation at any era of the universe: Inflation space divided by Mass equals One. The Theory: There are two simple, linked zero-sum dynamics in the interactions of zero point energy fluctuations at the Planck scale: 1. The Alignment Field: Quantum foam is a simple field where each fleeting Plank-scale virtual particle has a direction vector and an amplitude of energy. (The direction vectors are asymmetries of orientations of action in the fleeting manifestations of zero point virtual particles - in, out, no direction, or any particular specific vector of direction in three dimensions. See diagram below. These direction vectors can be visualized as self-powered "rollers" that come and go continuously, moving energy fluctuations along as they do so.) The virtual particles manifest varying values (0, +, or -) of amplitudes of energy. There are two dynamics here: " Each fluctuation attempts to align with the overall direction vector of its direct neighbours. " Each fluctuation attempts to neutralize the overall energy amplitude of its direct neighbours. Source of Mass and nature of Gravity: Individual fluctuation Direction vectors can focus, locally, locally, towards a common centre in Direction Alignments, point away, locally, from a common centre in Anti-Alignments, or have "random" direction vectors in "vacuum" regions. The effect of Mass is created from stable or semi stable Direction Alignments, individually or in larger groupings. Gravity is an outcome of focused direction alignments directing energy fluctuations and other smaller focus alignments into the centre of focus-alignments - at an accelerating rate because there are more and more focus-aligned "rollers" the further into a focus alignment they go. The "curvature" of space-time is an outcome of differing regions of alignment, random and anti-alignment. A "particle' moves through this field in a path that is curved by the "in-out", or random nature these various regions. Light and Time: As fluctuations attempt to neutralize the energy of their neighbours, the direction vectors move excess neutralizing energy values, or borrow deficit energy values around the field, passing them on, neighbour to neighbour. The overall propagation of these "passed-on/borrowed" amplitudes through the field is light. Its "speed" is an average of the propagations across particular configurations of direction alignments in the field. This creates the dimension of time. Light = Time. (Is matter, space-time without the time dimension? See discussion about black holes below.) Quantum entanglement: The continual ongoing chaotic action of every individual fleeting fluctuation attempting to align with the direction vectors of its neighbours and neutralize the amplitudes of its neighbours, is quantum entanglement. It is impossibly chaotic, and interlinks the whole field almost instantaneously. (This could be pictured as an immensely chaotic field of "live, demented cogs" entrained in negative feedback loops, creating emergent phenomena.) (Also, if the universe began in a singularity of any kind, all quantum states would have been superimposed in the beginning - that is, all were, and still are, entangled, every state with every other state. The universe is essentially a single quantum particle, spread out into four dimensions) Lumpiness of space: Direction alignments "direct/pull" Amplitude propagations into their foci, and anti-alignments "direct/push" Amplitude propagations away from their anti-foci. This "pushing" away of matter towards alignment foci, adds to the effect of gravity at alignment foci. Anti-alignments manifest in a space-time distribution essentially opposite to that of mass/Alignments. This gives an extra mechanism for the lumpiness and the "film and void" fractal structure of the universe. Summary: Virtual particle's Amplitudes attempt to zero-sum the energy of their immediate neighbours. Virtual particle's Direction vectors attempt to align with the summed-over vectors of their immediate neighbours. 2. Cosmic Inflation: The alignment field also contains another conservation dynamic: A balancing of overall alignment/energy density of the alignment field and completely opposite-propertied "inflation" space. There is one dynamic here: " For every "quantity" of Focus alignment and energy density there is a balancing "quantity" of Inflation space created. This dynamic is attempting to zero-sum the density of the universe. This Inflation space has no Direction, no Amplitude and no density as it manifests, but then it immediately becomes available to the Amplitude / Direction "dance", taking on values of each, as relevant, from their neighbours. The cosmological constant is not an exact constant value, but an exact constant ratio: Inflation space divided by Mass equals One at all times. Inflation space is "dark energy" and it drives cosmic inflation. Summary: Inflation space attempts to neutralize the overall alignment and energy density of the alignment field. Figure 1: Alignments Some Relativistic Effects: Increasing mass with acceleration and space-time dilation: When a rocket is accelerated to near the speed of light, in effect, a narrow focus-alignment of increasingly black hole proportions is created back along the path of the rocket. In effect, it is creating a "bow wave" of alignments pointing at the rocket, making it harder and harder to increase speed. At the speed of light the rocket would be within the event horizon of its own black hole and would need an infinite amount of energy to increase speed and escape the black hole. The more energy that is added to acceleration, the deeper the black hole, the more energy needed, etc. This also creates time dilation: As the overall "speed" of the focus-alignment towards its centre overtakes the speed of light, the time dimension decreases accordingly. Black holes: At the Event Horizon of a black hole, the dimension of time decreases to zero (because space-time itself "moves" faster than light towards the centre at that point). The remaining three-dimensional region inside is then cut off from the four-dimensional universe - the event horizon. Information/history is lost at the horizon because that is where the time dimension is lost. The deeper into the black hole, the more overall focus-aligned it becomes, the less dimensionality it has. At the singularity/domain-"fault", (Planck dimension), the transition within the Black Hole from four dimensions back to zero is complete. (Over time, the overall focus alignment of a black hole can be "diluted" with inflation space and the black hole can unravel) Hidden Variables:Space-time is completely, complexly, chaotically deterministic: Space-time is quantum in nature at the Planck scale and is inherently deterministic. There is no "rolling of dice". The deterministic chaos is an outcome of the continual emergent entangled dynamics of the whole field, acted on neighbour to neighbour, continuously. Space-time looks smooth only because of scale and averaging. The "curvature" of space-time is an outcome of alignments of quantum foam. Geodesics follow "straight' lines as dictated by the nature of various alignment regions. SomeQuantum Mechanical Effects: Collapse of the wave function: Any intrusion of an alignment focus "structure" into the alignment field creates a polarizing effect on the action of the field. This effect is focused on the intrusion and is affected by its nature. This "collapses" the chaotic overlap of the field into a "classical" outcome state, relevant to the intrusion. Radioactive Decay: What looks like random decay in alpha, beta and gamma processes, is an outcome of the overall action of the underlying alignment field destabilizing very unstable particles or nuclei. The particular internal composition of some these may be a bit more unstable than another, and the overall action of the field may tip them into decomposition. The statistics of half-lives are a measure of these two dynamics. Overall Summary The Complete Alignment Theory: 1. Each fluctuation attempts to align with the overall direction vector of its direct neighbours. 2. Each fluctuation attempts to neutralize the overall energy amplitude of its direct neighbours. 3. Inflation space attempts to neutralize the overall alignment density of the alignment field. 4. Relativity is an outcome of the action of amplitude propagations and direction vectors. 5. Quantum mechanics is an outcome of the overall almost instantaneous action of the emergent actions of the whole entangled alignment field.) Additional Considerations: Pre-Universe State: The Pre-Universe State is one of Infinite Positive and infinite negative energy. These cancel out almost totally, with continual quantum fluctuations of that cancellation in the four dimensional "interface". Within that interface of this "Omni" Universe there is an occasional fluctuation too large to be immediately "re-absorbed" into the +/- infinity. This is the source of "our" universe. (This could have been the "positive" half of a virtual pair fluctuation created in the Omniverse, where the negative half was lost in an "Omni Black Hole", as in Hawking Radiation? This being why our Universe is "matter" rather than "antimatter"?) Dimensions: The Universe's ground state is Zero dimensions. This happens in the same way as different alignments within crystal composite structures form zero-dimensional boundaries. That is, there is nothing there other than a change of "state". (Of energy, in this case). Big Bang: The original zero-dimensional-fluctuation energy was neither sustainable nor re-absorbable, and exploded "outwards", across the infinite +/- "ground", like water on a hot pan, seeking the lowest possible energy state, "borrowing" energy from that ground state for the zero-sum process as it goes. Becoming the Zero Point, Quantum foam that is the basis and content of our four- dimensional universe. The original zero-dimensioned "singularity" is now the outside "surface" of our universe. (Our universe is an inversion of the original zero dimension). Quantum States: Directions: The Directions are anti-focused in void regions of the field, are chaotic in "vacuum" regions of the field, and coherent (Focus-Aligned) in regions of "mass". Particles will move at different speeds through the field, depending on the inter-relating of the "internal" alignments of the particles and the alignments of the field fluctuations they move through. Particles are semi-stable patterns of fluctuation, "fuelled" by the entangled quantum foam, but not directly affected by it - a "higher" order of emergent manifestation. Amplitudes: Amplitudes are also entangled almost instantaneously with every other Amplitude. Amplitude variations propagate through the field as Light, an outcome of this "summed-over" entanglement. In this theory, the original Big Bang fluctuation was an Amplitude fluctuation with self-focused Direction (An immensely dense Focus Alignment). From an emergence point of view, every "particle" is everywhere in the field, until an "external" intervention of some kind "polarizes" a Focus alignment at that point, in an emergent-process reaction to the intervention. Entanglement: Quantum Entanglement is to be taken literally. All Quantum Directions and Amplitudes are entangled with all others, almost instantaneously. The "speed" of quantum "jumps", (e.g. electron orbit changes), is the speed of Entanglement. Time: The propagation of Amplitude variations is the 4th dimension, Time. (Movement = Time. Time = Light. Light = Movement). A Black Hole is created when the size of a Focus-Alignment reaches a certain threshold and the combined "roller speed" of the focus-alignment is faster than the average, summed-over energy propagation speed of the field. Forces: The only Force in this model is the action of the two-polarity Zero-point energy Field trying to become Zero in all of its characteristics. Emergent phenomena, stable and semi-stable resonances, driven by the entangled Direction and Amplitude field are what we see as the other Forces and particles. Particles: One, two and three dimensional "faults' in the propagation patterns of the neutralizing process of energy fluctuations in the alignment field may be what we see as particles. They may be the source of strings. Cosmic Inflation: The zero point energy field doesn't sum to infinity, because of the dampening effect of the field Amplitudes' continual attempt to neutralize the Amplitudes of their neighbours. There will also be a dampening effect from the mass / inflation dynamic, which continually dilutes the energy content of the field. This process pulls/creates energy from the cancelled-infinity "substrate" as it acts. There is the possibility (showing up in incomplete computer modelling of the alignment field) that this will lead to runaway inflation as fluctuation energies become ever larger in their attempt to neutralize their neighbours. See Prediction 3 above. (There is much evidence for this current increase in the rate of cosmic inflation.) I'm having code written for a complete computer simulation of this theory, but it's not ready at this time. Even so, incomplete versions create some very beautiful evolving patterns! Any problems and please don't hesitate to contact my fellow colleague Dr. Bill Jones, but you can call him Willy. Dr William Jones Materials Chemistry Group Sidney Sussex College Telephone: 01223 336468 E-mail: wj10@cam.ac.uk
isnt latex found in ruber johnnys?
He is obviously an addict:-p
That is completely wrong, lattice energy does not exist formally. In addition to this energy released is never "negative" as negative energy would be taking us back through he abyss of time. When I completed my PhD at Cambridge University I discovered the new theorem that energy does not exist. Please do not hesitate to contact my fellow graduate Dr Bill Jones. Dr William Jones Materials Chemistry Group Sidney Sussex College Telephone: 01223 336468 E-mail: wj10@cam.ac.uk