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Everything posted by geoguy
Most of North America's species of whiptail lizzards reproduce this way. The individuals are all female.
Excellent post . In paleontology we sometimes rue the day that Linnaeus introduced binomial species/genus taxonomy...not because it is flawed in itself but because it has been take too literally as a biological clasification rather that one of taxonomy (your mention of cataloging). As with any term is science , 'species' must be defined when used in general use....or have an accepted definition within a particular zoological discipline...sometimes as refined as that accepted among a particular family of beetles, etc. We were classifying some rugose corals and the criteria for a genus was having a visible feature distinct from another....and a species within that genus was the difference within that particular sfeature. 99% of species out of the millions named in literature have no have no record of sexual compatibility. Reproduction might be 'assumed' but many species, especially those of the tens of thousands of beetles, moths and so on actually have two named species...one for male and one for female. Their species names are based strictly on morphology and the species only combined together if, in the rare event, someone take the time to study them in detail.
71% of Americans do not believe in anthropogenically forced climate change
geoguy replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
So again. No answer. The 'explanation is? You've confirmed my expectation. -
71% of Americans do not believe in anthropogenically forced climate change
geoguy replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
A typical non-answer. You don't have a friggin clue what those numbers mean or don't mean. This isn't about 'opinion' but SCIENCE. Figures are thrown about and you lap them up as enthusiastically as a fundamentalist laps up proof of Creationism. Quotes are used to 'prove' something or another even though the cultists have no clue if the numbers are accurate or, if they are, what they mean. 5.8 BILLION tons means what?...what if it was 6.8 BILLION tons?... 4.8 BILLION tons? -
71% of Americans do not believe in anthropogenically forced climate change
geoguy replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
You've written down some numbers. Is that a lot? Not a lot? If reduced by 2% means what? Increased by 2% means what? If inaccuarate by 10% means what? Those are just numbers you throw out and it would mean ZILCH difference to you if they were 10 times larger or 10 times smaller. You just buy into the cult with ZERO understanding of those numbers. -
71% of Americans do not believe in anthropogenically forced climate change
geoguy replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
I'm a geologist and know NOTHING about the release of carbon molecules, their impact on a global scale...I don't even know the properties of gases beyond a few fundamentals learned in first year physics. What I do know is acceptable scientific methodology and I don't see it in reports on climate change and especially to do with man's impact and potential consequences. Mathematical models are fine as long as all the variables are taken into account and all are assigned correct weight. Perhaps all the doom and gloom is correct but it's by chance and not because of 'science'. The concept of 90% 'certainty' is such baloney when variables are not known. The 'science' (I call it the 'cult') of global warming would get an 'F' if presented in any undergraduate paper. It might get a 'B' as educated speculation at the coffee table. I'm less amused by those who don't accept the cult as much as those who claim to. They wouldn't be able to draw a carbon atom or carbon gas molecule if their life depended on it but they are sure they are 'right'. -
71% of Americans do not believe in anthropogenically forced climate change
geoguy replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
Cripes, you said it a lot more precise than I did. It's a common falacy in logic trying to link unrelated items to 'prove' some aspect of science. Because man once said 'we can never fly' is the classic case to add value to some other unrelated argument such as why it might indeed be possible one day to exceed the speed of light. 'that's what they said about flight' adds nothing to the reality of physics of matter and energy one way or the other. -
71% of Americans do not believe in anthropogenically forced climate change
geoguy replied to bascule's topic in The Lounge
I'm a geologist and have been for just under 30 years and I agree with 71% of Americans. Perhaps not for the same reasons but am sceptical when I read of 'scientists' predictions on phenomea as intricate and involves so many variables as predicting climate patterns. What does climatology have to do with evolutionary debate? That's a non-sequitor which adds nothing to the science of climatology. It's akin to saying that O.J. was guilty because Charles Manson was guilty. I think creatonism and the god dude is a pile of Doo Doo but that is a variable in climatology because...? -
your reference is comical. WMDs. wow. It's June of 2007 and your pathetic attempts to justify the lies are akin to Hitler in his bunker pointing to a Jew in a Soviet uniform and screaming 'See. I told you so!' Fortunately not all Americans are willing to roll around in cow dung of lies any longer.
Some quantum theory involves the impact of observation...not the necessity of it. Reality existed before humans came into exstence to 'observe' matter and energy.
Agreed. Reality exists independent of human awareness of it. Ethics, morality, etc. are products of human interaction as social beings...products of evolution of life forms. They don't arise out of 'nothingness' but natural selection.
Odd. the warmongers claim there is a 'mission' and that there is an 'enemy'. The mission is not achieved...the enemy is not defeated. the war is lost. Why else would the warmongers insist on a 'surge' and not bring the troops back to the USA? It's amusing how some americans when speaking of the Iraq defeat, as in Vietnam, do anything to embrace a polyanish language to avoid the idea that the USA LOST the war. The world is a safer place now that the USA has been slapped on the bottom. The most dangerous nation, with a moron in control, has been humiliated and won't be lying and fudging evidence any time soon to pursue the next target in the fight of 'good vs evil'.
"No, because if only ONE person was left, they would still attack and CNN would report it like it matters." Your point? You are proving that it is NOT possible to win such a war in the 21st century with the eyes of the world focused on activity. Torture at Abu Graib and the killing of civilians does not go unnoticed. CNN, BBC, the press, etc. existed BEFORE the invasion. BEFORE the lies for going into Iraq. TV cameras recorded 'Mission Accomplished'....TV cameras record all the 'great progress' statements of Rumsfeld. What part of the equation wasn't there before the invasion? The war was lost from the beginning. Bush played into the hands of the Islamic nutbars. The crazies play the USA like a fish on the line. What was the 'great mystery' that the USA didn't GET before it invaded? What was unknown about Iraq....unknown about the press...unknown about the american public's distate for protracted guerilla warfare...unknown about the world's potential reaction against the USA? Ignore reality and then act 'surprised' when Iraq becomes Iraqinam. The cards were all laid out on the table face up and one of them was your: ""No, because if only ONE person was left, they would still attack and CNN would report it like it matters." Instead the USA had a temper tantrum and went through the Freedom Fries episode.
Too funny. The mission is? The enemy is? Your children AND grandchildren will still be killing Iraqis not because the USA will RETURUN to Iraq but because the USA will never have left. The Americans won't be just rotating current troops but training a new generation of troops to continue the never ending kicking down of the doors of Iraqi homes. The Parrot is dead. Go home. Get out of Iraq. Start picking up the few moral scraps that are left and rebuild the image of the USA from the most distrusted nation with the most despised leader to one of a positive force in the world.
The queen was eating a crustless cucumber sandwich during the reception after the Knighthood. Between nibbles she was quoted by a relaible source: "Rushdie wrote what? : I thought he wrote those Harry Potter books by grandchildren rave about "
blame? According to Bush and Cheney it would be 'praise'. Both have repeated that if the clock was turned back they would have followed the same course...invade and occupy Iraq. There has even ben 'tremendous progress'... 'Iraq' is like the last 5 years of the 'Vietnam' war in the USA. Both are more about image and internal American politics than those countries. Positions are taken looking towards domestic U.S. elections and so on. The war in Iraq is lost. It's a question of spin and the presidential candidates, the current government, etc not accepting reality. The best analogy is Monty Python's dead parrot skit. The Parrot is DEAD. For Americans the Iraq war is LOST. No amount of prodding, poking or 'surge' is going to make a difference in the outcome. "It's not a greatly productive exercise even now but if it gives you pleasure...." Not pleasure but feeling a lot safer. What if the USA was successful in Iraq? Who would have been next? would the Americans then have invaded Iran? N. Korea?...Venezuela...Cuba?...what lies would have been trumped up to invade other countries? The USA has been humiliated in Iraq and the world won't accept American 'evidence' to justify more aggression. The USA reached a low point with its 'Freedom Fries' tantrum and, after it is forced out of Iraq, the USA will have the opportunity to redeem its tainted image.
Not really. S.R. is an esteemed writer with a substantial body of literature of which Satanic Verses is only one book. Even that book is not a mockery of Islam and, if it was, then 'too bad' if some nutbars are put out. Knighthhods, . are given out as recognition of a persons total contribution rather than 'an event'. There is a movement in the Pakistani parliament to bestow an equivalent award upon Osama bin Laden. That's their choice.
Bush and Cheney have the answer. Ask them to explain the 'what then' by staying another 3, 5 or 15 years. Surely the Americans thought this through when they were chomping at the bit to occupy Iraq. Just a question of training the Iraqi security forces. Perhaps they can use Lebanon or Palestine as a model....Hamas and Hezbolla...democracy at it's finest in the Arab world.
Stop the occupation today and it will happen Stop the occupation in 5 years and it will happen. Just a matter of when the invaders leave. Why this American need to protect thug regimes and women-haters in the Saudi royal mafia? The Bush monkey when introducing the Saudi leader: ' I'm pleased to welcome our good friend'.
Fortunately most Americans do finally have a clue...they finally know that it was idiotic to all chant 'Rah, Rah, Rah' it's off to war we go. We are right and they are wrong. Good vs Evil. With us or against us. Axis of Evil. It's akin to a Shakespearean tragedy....Americans are are victims of their own hubris. Iraqis are Iraqis. The same people they were when the USA was chomping at the bit to 'nation build'. But nope. Americans wouldn't listen. Even lied to the UN and the world. Faked evidence. Father knows best. White man's burden. Save the savages from themselves. Freedom and democracy. 'Gee, let's go play in the quick sand' Now the Iraqis won't pick up the ball and co-operate? What idiot ever thought they would do otherwise? It's friggin Mesopotamia...what part of the last 8,000 years did the American not get? Invade and occupy a people and then act 'gosh gee' they don't like us.
Americans lost the Iraq war the day they invaded. The only issue is, as it was in Vietnam, how to get out without their tails between the legs. Do you get out after 4,000 deaths? 5,000 deaths? Another trillion spent? The farce has gone on longer than it took to defeat the Japanese empire in WW2. The stupid morons don't even know who the so-called 'enemy' is after 4 years in Iraqinam. The goal now is no more than establishing 'stability' under a whacky fundy regime allied to Tehran. American soldiers kicking down doors in Baghdad and terrorizing the population because they don't have a clue what else to do. Pathetic. The USA lost. Get out. Those still with some polyanish hope of 'victory' can go back to eating ther Freedon Fries and hoping for a slice of Yellow Cake for dessert. The most despised man in the world is George W. Moron Bush The guy who should be wearing the white hat is a lying, torture-condoning murderer.
Akin to the uncertainty principle of a comedian not knowing whether a joke is going to be funny or not until it is heard by the audience. Some folks in the audience just 'sort of laugh' because they are uncertain of the punch line....I participate in discussions on the quantum because it's a bravado earning me respect while being in cahoots with diverse geniuses as Einstein and Tweety Bird who didn't quite get the Unertainty Principle either. "I tought I taw a kitty cat...I did...I did"
No, you miss the point that you wouldn't know if could eplain everything or not and it's not just a matter of 'looking up'. You can't begin to look up a fraction of the science that is publised and make any sense out of more than a fraction you might look up. There is no individual or discipline that is the judge of 'explaining everything'.