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  1. Yeh, had a problem getting it to ferment and had to add some enxymes, it didn't have a chance to oxidize. Speaking of rocket science, I just replaced our water heater and am getting pretty good at soldering copper tubing (non-leaded of course) and was thinking of trying to build a still.
  2. There was nothing "nice" about the "help" in a forum on "physics". You seem to have an attitude.
  3. I used elderberries, it turned out pretty good.
  4. Yes, everything is moving away from everything else but it all originated with the "big bang".
  5. Existing knowledge indicates space/time is flat and was created by the "big bang" from which it is expanding (along with matter and energy) but there is the question of what it is expanding into. However each particle of matter, star, and galaxy are being pull toward each other during this expansion, not toward a center of mass but away from it. A deceleration of the expansion might indicate a cyclic universe but an acceleration does not.
  6. A rupture of spacetime (i.e. gravitation) would cause it's predominance? According to General Relativity, gravitation is a warp of space/time by mass. The question of causes mass is, is currently being search for at CERN. The range of it's influence is theoretically infinite but as I said it's influence decreases with distance. However dispersion is a better way of conceptualizing increasing entropy rather than a tendency toward disorder, the universe tends toward uniformity.
  7. I've brewed some beer and a little wine but on a cautionary note I've heard bad things about bathtub cheese and one of my most vivid memories is when my father tried to make beer, he must have bottled it a little too soon because there was a problem with the bottles exploding.
  8. (sacscale, please learn how to use the quote tag. You need to put at the end.) Please learn physics.
  9. Theoretical physics is limited by agreement with observation. There are many observations that are asthetically interesting (such as those by Hubble) but you might be interested in the planet Vulcan.
  10. The evidence indicates the expansion is accelerating thus the need for "dark energy". Since gravitational force decreases with increasing distance it seems unlikely gravity will pull it back togeather.
  11. I believe synergy is the opposite of entropy and gravity does seem to be synergistic however such stratification (from less dense to more dense) is a localized phenomina and there are other forces. If such stratification continues a star is formed, energy is radiated, and most stars eventually explode but even carried to the extreme of a blackhole, mass is still lost to quantum evaporation. Another example would be spontaneous crystal formation in a supersaturated solution but there would be the question of how the supersaturated solution was arrived at, kind of like the condensation of matter from the high energy of the "big bang". The question in my mind is if our universe is a closed system or if the second law is a local approximation similar to an inertial frame of reference. A closed system would seem to preclude a "big bang" and where is the "dark energy" coming from?
  12. Looks like the fourth one should be edited to "global" rather than "local" but the advantages are a cheap and relatively endless energy supply with very little pollution, the downside is finding a place to develop and the cost of development.
  13. Hawkins discussed this in "A Short History of Time" however the evidence indicates that not only does the universe continue to expand but that expansion is accelerating.
  14. A closed system is a required condition for the second law and the lack of a perfect vacuum would diffuse the energy of a spinning object.
  15. There are no perfectly reversible processes just as there isn't a perfect vacuum. Radioactive decay is spontaneous in a closed system while an object spinning in space is not a closed system and affected by other objects and energies.
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