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Everything posted by rakuenso

  1. anyone know a reaction with aluminum foils that can be done with common household chemicals to yield powdered aluminum?
  2. the bonsai kitten was actually a good photoshop
  3. seriously there is no competition, intelligent design isn't even a theory, its propaganda.
  4. ok, another unrelated question but didn't want to start up another thread in fear of spam. It's about hybridisation: Take for example CH3+, carbon here would be sp2 hybridized correct? Since it appears that it would sit in a planar, and thus has an empty p orbital. OH-'s Oxygen would be sp3 hybridized since it would have 3 lone pairs and one sigma bond, and it would resemble a tetrahedral shape. So when CH3(+) + OH(-) -> CH4O, you end up with carbon's empty p orbital overlapping Oxygen's sp3 orbital and a sigma bond is formed. How does this work? The net result is that both Carbon and Oxygen becomes sp3 hybridized.
  5. ooh i wonder what it tastes like
  6. i thought that was required to be aromatic..?
  7. alright thx alot, its clear to me now. But now i've a technicality question Say you add glucose(s) into water, and glucose molecules dissociate, then does that mean a reaction has occured. Or is a reaction only when you add an acid/base to a functional group? would you write it as: R-COOH(s) + NaOH (aq) -> R-COO(-)NA(+)(aq) + H2O(l)
  8. I read that functional groups that can be converted into charged species are able to overcoe the 5-carbon barrier to solubility in water. Why is it that a charged species is able to become soluble? Also if the functional group is acidic (like COOH) do I add a base to give it a charge? and the FG is basic (like NH2), do i then add a acid? [EDITED, lol original was quite idiotic] What is relationship between being resonance stabilized and being more water soluble? And does dissolving something mean that bonds are broken between molecules or within molecules
  9. With introductory and some more intermediate level content. (Meaning no journals)
  10. rakuenso

    DTC Users

    bmp has no compression
  11. water has a dipole moment that is a result of differing electronegativities
  12. hi why is that cyclobutadiene doesn't have resonance forms? If possible, explain it using the Valence Bond Theory as opposed to the Molecular orbital theory
  13. so whats the relationship between the pKa and pH?
  14. a decent centrifuge alone can cost more than 10,000 dollars
  15. maybe because its done in vitro?
  16. thats why i live in canada, even though our healthcare system is going to FUBAR us anyways
  17. Even if it does work, you can say bye bye to stem cells as well as your bone marrow.
  18. "Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." Best Reagan Quote Ever.
  19. If humans can survive even another 10,000 years i'd be surprised
  20. or the universe is a figment of your imagination, just like everything else.
  21. lol have you considered the fact that spaceships require fuel?
  22. lol 7 years of residency wtf? are you sure its 7? most med specialties have about 2 years max for residency. If you don't mind me asking, what med school is he at?
  23. Can someone give me a brief explanation of what a wave function Ψ is, and how you can derive from Ψ n, l, ml and how it can be graphed, along with \its importance with respect to Schrodinger's model of the atom?
  24. genetics may play a part of the role, but the nuture part also has alot to do with a person's height. Calcium deficiency may greatly limit someone's height as its an integral part to bone development
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