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Posts posted by paradigm

  1. “For a completely consistent and connected understanding of the Universe you need to begin from the most fundamental rational and materialist perspective that’s possible. With its over-riding commitment to mathematics and measurements and other abstractions, the physics establishment is an abstractionist paradigm that’s not completely rational and materialist and doesn’t begin from the most fundamental perspective. By adopting a completely rational and materialist and truly fundamental perspective, many of the theories and interpretations of the abstractionist paradigm are overthrown and this leads to the realization of new fundamental laws and the infinite existence and reoccurring nature of everything. This has a revolutionary effect on cosmology and a profound impact upon the way in which we can understand the context of Human existence.” From “Debunking Physics and Discovering Forever (A Rational and Materialist Perspective of the Fundamental nature of the Universe)”. The essay can be accessed at: home.spin.net.au/paradigm/essay.pdf

  2. Predicting the existing a what you call the CBMR is completely ordinary if you happen to believe in the big bang theory.


    Within the absorption of emission theory of attraction, emission (light) is constructed into densities (waves) through the convergence of emission from different sources. If the Universe did not have an absorption/emission groundstate that emitted, the emission (light) that we observe would not exist. The Universe has an absorption/emission groundstate that absorbs and emits and this was detected by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson by radio telescope in 1964, and is mistakenly believed to be radiation left over from the big bang. Within the absorption/emission groundstate there must be regions of absorption exceeding emission from which elliptical galaxies and the cores of spiral galaxies emerge as states of emission exceeding absorption. These regions couldappear as voids. NASA has detected voids as “cold spots” with its Wilkinson Microwave Anisotopy Probe(WMAP) satellite. There must be athreshold point at which absorption exceeding emission becomes emissionexceeding absorption and an elliptical galaxy or the core of a spiral galaxybecomes readily visible. The core of spiral galaxies is probably the S0 type withinHubble’s classification of galaxies.





  3. With the big bang theory, the increasing wavelength of the light from distant galaxies is said to be the result of a Doppler Effect due to the galaxies accelerating away and not a result of light increasing in wavelength as it travels towards us. The CMBR is not left over from the big bang, but is indictative of the fact that there is an emission groundstate to the Universe.



  4. You state that "Our best scientific understanding of cosmological redshift is that space is expanding..." There is a minority of Scientists who would disagree with that statement. They see the cosmic redshift as indicative of the way in which light increases in wavelength as it travels across the Universe. The big bang theory requires that we believe that light doesn't increase in wavelength as it travels across the Universe. Something of an absurdity.



  5. "The Universeis a self-creating, self-organizing, totally connected and strictly determinedand evolving infinite process and cycle of the construction and de-constructionof matter. Fundamental to our understanding of the Universe is the phenomena ofattraction and repulsion. By establishing the true cause of attraction andrepulsion, we gain an understanding of how the Universe works at this mostfundamental level. The result in the generation of theories that challenge manyof the theories and assumptions of Physics, establishes the cause of thenuclear and gravity forces, gives rise to a new law of Physics, and presents aprofound aspect of Human existence."


    The above is the introduction to an essay titled "The Materialist and Infinite Universe", which can be located by putting the title into a search engine on your computer. You can enter into discussion about what is presented in the essay on this thread.



  6. There is a new Physics Paradigm, a Paradigm of Types, which is presented in an essay titled "The Materialist and Infinite Universe beyond the Abstractionist Paradigm of Physics". It can be located by putting the title into a search engine on your computer.


    A central aspect of this new Paradigm is that all attraction, including that of gravity, is caused by the absorption of emission. Also, the nuclear fusion process which leads to the construction of stars and planets is seen as a product of the absorption of emission within the context of the increasing density of impacting emission.


    The Paradigm is both descriptive and predictive in terms of the possible types which can exist.



  7. There's a new Paradigm that applies across Biology and Cosmology which indicates that there are 37 types of biological organism within five domains comprising one meta-domain of four and one meta-domain of one. Biological evolution occurred twice, with the meta-domain of one becoming extinct.




  8. The new Typology and Paradigm of science is presented in the article "Beyond the Abstractionist Paradigm of Physics". This is located at: http://home.spin.net.au/paradigm/beyond.pdf


    The Typology/Paradigm gives rise to the first law of the Universe, which states that "matter is constructed into higher forms through the absorption of emission within the context of the increasing density of impacting emission, and its stability is relative to the density of the impacting emission".


    This new Typology/Paradigm is in addition to the Abstractionist Paradigm of Physics.


    Discussion about the article can be conducted here is that is what is desired.

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