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Everything posted by keelanz

  1. keelanz


    ill take it A) you cant prove scientifically im wrong or B) youve given up trying.
  2. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=9Tin7x8OPho who defines good and bad? its subjective. You cant say weather its better or worse without defining your opinion on what is good or bad, sounds weird i know but if you enjoy pain then being "aware" of certain aspects of humanity is a good thing, compared to the other 90% of the population who would says its negative. were all blind in reality to a certain extent anyway so who says we know when were getting hurt? we cry when our child is born and when our parents die, what the difference? were just learning machines were not as unique as you think, just more advanced versions of mice IMO. On another note im fairly sure 99% of us presume it is good otherwise we'd commit suicide and try to come back as a butterfly. Self awareness is the best card nature has to play.
  3. keelanz

    My Poem

    one and many pound and a penny i like your poem
  4. dont kid yourself, you can rebel but your not choosing freedom your choosing death. The best you can hope for is some stockholm syndrome whereby we just hope they are doing what is in our interest and not their own and appreciate that fact (then fall in love with capturers and help the captives)
  5. this is some zeitgeist stuff essentially the borrowing only increases which causes inflation which on its own isnt that bad(its relative), when interest gets added a few problems start arising and then when the whole monetary system is rules by a few private companies then shit really hits the fan. there isnt much anybody can do without destroying the whole monetary system and with what? who knows thats why its a problem. capitalism is a very easy system to work in but a very hard system to change but i suppose it starts with a post like this there is a ceiling to it approximately every 20 or so year. the most realistic thing to do is to spend your money wisely, dont invest in corrupt companies & use things like building societies instead of private banks, decide what aspects of commercialization you want to improve and spend your money in them area's (I.E. invest in green technology rather than buying power from the grid) thats not much we can do really without getting rid of central banks and creating some other system. sorry i couldnt be of more help.
  6. Binary
  7. i was just referring to the general necessity of a species for survival, if the >99.99% of us did what newton did then well...you wouldnt be here to get the picture
  8. logically it could be proven, logical manipulation/simulation of physical machines can prove scientific theory's relative to each other, so scientific facts? fairly sure we cant physically create anything quite powerful enough too map the whole of relativity yet, but theoretically its as possible as e=mc^2, you love it.
  9. Their getting screwed by the music industry anyway? and their parents im sure. We dont all get sheltered upbringings, i said puck, i find it funny, im over it, are you? w8, w8, w8, i dont care. BTW puck isnt a swear word and as he said in his post nobody's noticed the glitch yet which obviously means there isnt enough profanity for any of the mods or admins to take note. oh yeh im sure theres plenty of 8 year old learning special relativity.... im done with you sorry btw its gone my bed time, its now 12:15 pm so ive only missed it by 14 hours? i dont mean to be sarcastic or aggressive im just playign around cuz im tired mate, not much else is happening
  10. no i kinda agree with hal, scientists and the religious are the same, they sometimes hold their own truth above reality such that a new theory or idea could breath new life into new areas of science but is blindly refuted by scientists because past theory's constrain its progression, im not sure if hal is an r*tard or what but people are hating on him quite alot, maybe hes just misunderstood? TROLOLOLOL like i mean i dont think scientists are so ready to take on new idea's, well not idea's that contradict what is, they will accept new idea's that help prove or aid what is ... like quantum mechanics TROLOLOLOL
  11. aww lol, guess they didnt give you a sense of humor with that degree? <3 u longtime
  12. i think you'll find science works in a similar way to religion, if i wanted to create my own religion right now it wouldnt be worth anything to anybody (other than you guys who would throw yourself off a bridge for me i know) however if i was to go and study all the different religions of the world and then try and create something from all of them, more people will be not only willing to listen but to believe. Science is much the same, you have to understand firstly everything about the boat your trying to rock, its size/max speed/max capacity etc once you have a solid grasp maybe then someone may be willing to listen not always though, regardless alot of scientists wont revolt against theories they are being taught because they have to take the theory's as fact or else science itself would be useless. its all just one big illusion but the philosophers cant explain to the physicists and the physicists try to prove the illusion is truth & the masses dont care either way.
  13. what the puck are you on about?
  14. your a bit skrewed without some computer knowledge, heres what you do if you dont want to pay for domain hosting...download ubuntu, install apache, open port 80 then you are essentially running your own server, download notepad++ its a half decent IDE for websites. also its <a href = "www.scienceforums.net" > most loved </a> ..... not sure if your asking how to link to a site tho? this isnt web hosting
  15. i kinda feel insulted by this post lol i can pronounce antidisestablishmentarianism so what? anybody who thinks in "english" is "english", i dont give 2 damns about nationality but the language you speak dictates who you are as you are constrained by it. essentially whatever language you "think" in determines your nationality, accent's really have nothing to do with mentality or trying to be a baby. 1 out of 10 english people mumble they dont have a lisp
  16. America has ONE duty and thats to its people. democracy is worthless without a political platform & the general support of its population, america and us guys in europe will soon find out that you cant bomb democracy into a nation, mark my words so sinister but true, look inward before you look outward its in the rule book. & please china putting pressure on your economy? SERIOUSLY? was you never taught what slave labour is.... im genuinely upset & its not the "east" you do realise how many countries are actually east of you right? we are dealing with revolutionary's in north africa and the middle east not the east per say you'll find alot of these native cultures do less damage to the earth than us earth dwellers do in the west, infact were the negative to their positive. they dont eat certain meat, they live a natural existence, they dont cage animals for pleasure, enslave entire cultures or eat up all the earth resources as if it were a race......ahh man some peoples political views go straight over my head
  17. too funny
  18. sorry i thought this part of the forum may be more laid back, he did get anal though nah ill conform cant be bothered getting shot by the cowboy on another note, the american bill has "in god we trust" the sterling has "charles darwin born 1809 - 1882", thats government censorship on a whole new level
  19. im live on a few sites if anyone cares to play, blitz or correspondence its all good. this can be an ongoing discussion into chess to if anyone cares to take it up. peace all.
  20. where does the simplest numbering system fit into all this jargon?
  21. i think you got the general rule right, i think the amount of shapes that you can get on 1 3x3 is relative to the shape, so the circle misses one shape as its 1 line, x misses 2 shapes as its 2 lines and the triangle misses 3 shapes as its 3 lines HOWEVER theres a few answers which fit that logic so following this rule there must be something else relative to the overlay of the other shapes too......far too much thinking at 9am
  22. by taking the pragmatic approach it is likely mostly everything we hold as being true or logical will either evolve in complexity and void our current truth or become totally fallacious of the new truth which means almost every belief (other than perhaps existence itself) are and will be proved void. To me things like morals and ethics are just like taste, we all have our own preferences, some are willing to try new things and some are not, some like sweet and some sour, we cant dictate our taste we just grow to accept it and in some cases if we know its bad for us or others we will choose not to eat it anymore (like fatty food or having a fking conscience) i think actual truth is exclusive to the particular subject however to grow as a race we must create some collective consciousness in which we all accept our duty to the human race within a certain set of laws & to be open with each other about our own subjective beliefs. In the long run the rationals like me will destroy us all anyway so fuckit have fun and get laid....
  23. great site, i seen a documentary on topdocs about fractals your site seems very informative but would it be possible to actually re-create computer code so we can all play with the algorithms changing the fractals colours and sets etc. cheers
  24. somebody with the name of MysteryOfGodST im not quite sure it is appropriate
  25. Whos Alexa? google and yahoo & why cant we view their profiles

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