I just realized what I wrote doesn't read correctly. I meant: Can the individual ball bearings that are actually touching a magnet be attached to the ruler/track and not effect the device's action?
I realized the answer last night. They can be attached to the ruler/track. Here's why we think so. In normal operation the moving ball bearing hits the magnet (which is attached to the ruler/track) and transfers its energy to the magnet. The magnet is still able to transfer this energy to the ball bearing that is touching it. Therefore, if the magnet is attached to the ruler/track and still be able to transfer energy to the next ball bearing then that next ball bearing should be able to transfer that energy as well if it is attached to the ruler/track.
However, I think some of the energy that the magnet gains from the moving ball bearing is actually transfered to the ruler/track due to it being physically attached to it.
Does this sound right?