I would definately take the pill. The human race is still in its very primitive stages, despite all our developments. I would give anything to be part of or witness phenomenal discovories in science! Like in a thousand year's time maybe scientists would have worked out exactly the theory behind quantum mechanincs and other mysteries in science. what if in a few hundred to a thousand years time scientists would have found a 'safe' way to travel to other galaxies, universes etc. And answers to the big bang? The next few thousand years are going to be the most amazing, since we in our present time are simply building the foundations of science. The possibilities of the future are endless.
i found an article not so long ago stating that microbial life was found on mars! the way in which these microbes were formed suggests that they could only be formed by 'once living' organisms that go back billions of years ago!
for those who think there was never life on mars, what about life on mars a few billion years from now? do you think it is possible?
no i dont, i guess i should have been more specific. i do not know what it is like to be in a coma, but i am guessing that your mind is sort of just doing the basics; making sure everything is functioning. when a person is in a coma he/she is not aware of what is around him/her and has no thought, almost like a computer on standby. So life begins when you are able to think for yourself, form an opinion, able to feel an emotion...
i quite agree with what kylon says. I am still at school and it is very frustrating having to learn things that have absolutely no relevance to my life whatsoever. School limits one's ability in aspects such as exploring life itself. Its all very well learning hard facts, but what about extending our minds and just be given the neccessary tools to learn things on our own. We need to be able to expand our vision, explore the unanwered and find the questions to the answers that even some of the most intellegent people cannot answer. Certain theories are important to learn to understand parts of science, biology etc but we education should offer more than that.
i think life begins when when the first traces of human consciousness is apparent. The very second that one(the developing cells,fetus, whatever) is able to have self awareness or realisation of life is when life begins. However the single cell that is forming is clearly alive else it would not undergo mitosis and differentiate. I suppose that during our life, from being an embryo to being an adult we all undergo different stages of life. life in our developed human form with all our organs etc is certainly different to 'life' of when our cells are still differentiating into whatever. i guess it all comes down to consciousness.
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