Several of you have referenced Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" documentary but i think it would be prudent to point out that while his data was Technically accurate, his interpretation was skewed to support his claims.
The biggest example of this is his famous graph of CO2 levels and temperature. Like i said, the graph is scientificaly correct, theres no falce data, and there is definatly a correlation between Temperature and CO2, but not for the reasons Al Gore would like you to think. If you actually look at the Data, you'd notice that the rising and falling of CO2 actually happens 800-1000 years AFTER the rise or fall in temperature. Unfortunately for those of you who would like to believe that CO2 is the problem its simply not true. The reason for the correlation between CO2 and Temperature is that as the oceans heat up they release CO2 that had previously been dissolved in the oceans. High CO2 levels are caused by high temperature, not the other way around.
Another flaw in Al Gores argument is the part of his graph that shows when CO2 dramatically rises during the current time period. this rise in CO2 exists, its a fact, he's right there, but does anyone find it interesting that he doesnt show how temperature is following the rise of CO2? If the temperature DID follow what CO2 was doing (In this case rising to nearly the highest peak on Gore's graph) then we would be dead and temperatures would have increased somewhere around 100%-175% of what they were before the rise in CO2. what they have ACTUALLY done is rise anywhere from 5-10 degrees. that's not a lot, not even close to where they should be if Gore is correct, so i think its safe to say he isn't correct.
But lets forget all that for a minute. lets just say that it really is happening and everything the Global warming/climate change scientists say is 100% correct.
THAT would mean that all of the icecaps and glaciers would melt, and less sunlight would be reflected away from earth and temperature would increase exponentially. BUT that's just not true, and the reason that temperatures would re-balance themselves comes from the very people who would like you to think that it will never be fixed if we humans don't step in. F all of that fresh water from the melting glaciers enters the oceans then it will stop ocean currents such as the gulf stream and the North Atlantic Drift due to a decrease in the ratio of salt water to water. in turn that should lower temperatures in Europe to the point that Europe will experience an ice age.
now first of all that sounds ridiculous, but lets say its true. if Europe DID go into an ice age due to Global Warming wouldn't that mean theres LOST of ice where Europe was? and wouldn't THAT mean that more sunlight would be reflected away from earth and temperatures would drop?
yeah, its almost like nature is fixing itself. But that's not important to politicians, they would rather gloss over that little tidbit because they want people to vote for them.
So it would seem that CO2 is clearly not the problem. The thing is, temperatures ARE increasing. Why? Well what makes the Earth warm in the first place? Thats right, the sun.
The sun goes through phases, just like everything in nature does, and it just so happens that those phases of high and low temperatures correlate quite well with earth's temperatures. At the risk of making the same mistake that Gore made, im going to say that the sun is to blame. Also, the sun is beginning to become a red dwarf, which means its getting BIGGER and HOTTER. and That means higher temperatures here on earth.
so there you go, problem solved?
oh, and also, if this is indeed the case the only way to fix it would be to move the earth back into the habitable zone (Which is moving farther away out toward Pluto since the sun is expanding) and we can even do that. theoreticaly we could re-direct commets or asteroids to slingshot around the earth, moving the earth away from the sun.
or we could just move to mars or something.
[i apologize if i repeated anything that someone may have already said, i did not read every post, and some of them i just skimmed. Again, i apologize if i repeated anything, and if anyone would like me to get specific scourses i would gladly find them, but im out of time at the moment.]