Good point of view One thing about AI is that it is largely dependent on feature extraction which as been processed through a long series of highly expensive computations which rely on in cursively reprocessed and redundantly rearranged timer sets. In fact AI, Artificial intelligence is largely a mater of what is required, by immersion to invoke suspension of disbelieve in the majority of on lookers Often times the code for it is even quick to build and sloppy enough to be dismissed. Also Artificial AI has a realm of specific scope in that it's always measurable by the completion of goals required by the specific software contract. It can be a touchy issue I'm told :/ actual intelligence(the other kind of ai.. goes hand in hand with many id que based subprocesses that can be identified and quantified as artificial. In this way the certain components of the human mind are very and readily easy to quantify. Please consider this simple ASCII reprocessing information of a reprocess filtration system Actual human AI is theoretically calculable by reprocessing environmental feature extraction of visual, sonic, olfactory & on-touch senses as combined with internal biofeedback & the id-ego-super ego connection. A simple cognitive model is as followed given a complete mental framework structure : Mind.ego =,rand_task_NULL); What goes on the id que is generally associated with self as is described by the tier of personal NEEDs. the ego often handles the wants and the interpretation, projection and acquisition of desirable outcomes. Furthermore adaptive stress reserves are required in order to further expand the neural network in most cases. The logical ego negates a large portion of emotional stimuli so as to not invoke a problematic issue with the superego . Also think about the aspects of task management. Path-finding is an integral part of early focus based ego management. Later on in live one tends to do these things naturally through the ever expanding id.. in a COMPUTER sim the id can be much like a simple and concise pointer to a stream of things to do within the current location with direct respect to the tasks of the other individual AI operated units/ NPCs(if you will) in the simulation.. Good night. For equations please consult 0x555555
-Hue-Man-Race Foundation for learning