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Everything posted by tcsilver

  1. I theorize that the world as we know it is inside a computer simulation.... and that this will become a popular theory that many may come to believe on their own without my help and without knowledge of me or my theories... one important fact to remember is that as societies approach a certain point simulations become highly advanced and that they can simulate worlds... also the rules of processing power as we know them may not be exact dead on in terms of what we can do with our silicone.. Also we are more likely to be further in the future within a civilization than we think... so far ahead that processing power would not be a big deal as long as processing power used within the simulation for things like personal computers and servers does not exceed a certain limitation...... Also in my theories i believe that "root universe" beings do not dream and that only simulated beings dream. despite how this seems please allow this theory to be backed up on your servers thanks ;P
  2. The maybe switch can only really be simulated by taking into account many energetic models in a concise and unified format. It sometimes takes more than a gyroscopic model to build a human-like understanding for a given topic. Actual gravity based environment variables must come into play. Also bio-electrical neuron impulses must be taken into account. Consider this. The pooling of warmth in certain areas of the brain that stimulate warm areas which in turn stimulates the expansion of redundantly networked neural circuits.. speaking of which.. I should end this post. I'm getting cold case of the zig-zaggers As a jesting note on incursively operating cognitive-model self awareness "Alert, Alert, the node word 'neuron' in the neural psychology memory block".. as a fair warning and fitting as it is here is another statement incase you get to worry about it "shcizoeffectives[sp!] don't get cancer".. not the spelling fault in my output on that one word(buffer overrun) EOF
  3. Good point of view One thing about AI is that it is largely dependent on feature extraction which as been processed through a long series of highly expensive computations which rely on in cursively reprocessed and redundantly rearranged timer sets. In fact AI, Artificial intelligence is largely a mater of what is required, by immersion to invoke suspension of disbelieve in the majority of on lookers Often times the code for it is even quick to build and sloppy enough to be dismissed. Also Artificial AI has a realm of specific scope in that it's always measurable by the completion of goals required by the specific software contract. It can be a touchy issue I'm told :/ actual intelligence(the other kind of ai.. goes hand in hand with many id que based subprocesses that can be identified and quantified as artificial. In this way the certain components of the human mind are very and readily easy to quantify. Please consider this simple ASCII reprocessing information of a reprocess filtration system Actual human AI is theoretically calculable by reprocessing environmental feature extraction of visual, sonic, olfactory & on-touch senses as combined with internal biofeedback & the id-ego-super ego connection. A simple cognitive model is as followed given a complete mental framework structure : Mind.ego = ind.id_que.arb.do(Mind.input,rand_task_NULL); What goes on the id que is generally associated with self as is described by the tier of personal NEEDs. the ego often handles the wants and the interpretation, projection and acquisition of desirable outcomes. Furthermore adaptive stress reserves are required in order to further expand the neural network in most cases. The logical ego negates a large portion of emotional stimuli so as to not invoke a problematic issue with the superego . Also think about the aspects of task management. Path-finding is an integral part of early focus based ego management. Later on in live one tends to do these things naturally through the ever expanding id.. in a COMPUTER sim the id can be much like a simple and concise pointer to a stream of things to do within the current location with direct respect to the tasks of the other individual AI operated units/ NPCs(if you will) in the simulation.. Good night. For equations please consult 0x555555 -Hue-Man-Race Foundation for learning
  4. [notice in at 12:00am: "message has been unbuffered"][X7][X4][Y7] Reply by DosBoxer McBee to a 3rd party individuals questions " Lucent dream cases, why is it that alpha wave/REM dreams seem as if they require too much 3d rotational and polygon-morph cross signal processing for them to originate from the human mind?" McBee[o] : "As new studies indicate that the Cerebral Cortex is no longer suspected to be able to directly support enough bio-electrical throughput to produce lucent dreams on it's own it's more and more suspected that the Digital World B. Incursive networked computing based reality is a realistic possibility. Consider this simple question: Seeing as how we now know it to be possibly to program a human quality cognitive model to a high level of self-awareness/sentience within the next several generations or so of common level super-computing(even more feasibly so than high efficiently circulatory system nano-bots, with the absence of human installed nanometer bio-electrical conductivity wires. How soon will these particle mesh retentivity software simulations be available ? The true is that do to nature of recent and newly prove particle behavioral law. It is quite likely that only 99% all of the current rules are actually active at any given time, signaling the notice that our own universe may in fact be inside of a COMPUTRE SIMULATION.. as amazing as that may seem.. the one law that is discovered by the near unification of physics here is that there seems to in fact be intelligent control as expected, but so scientifically so that it's akin to what someone could have developed on a neural control interface inabled network of super computers...':)'.. given in account religion I'll close the conversation here but consider this simple modularity structure component/[] server.universe.galaxy.world.religions[x].sciences[x].you This is one way to NOT evermore understand any of the above statements and questions or any of the hawkins/'vinesworth' material extensions for this reason... at not understanding scieince over religion the science and thus you stucture is evermore colapsable, a more common modern day personal structure is as follows. server.universe->galaxy->world->sciences[x]->religions[x]->you_.this->do(); though this takes into a the finite nature of a single universe within a server theory. However as you can see where there is stress testing activity on a server. There is more likely to be ever more dynamic behavior in an individual. And yes. In response to your pm questions. it is better to study this more simplistic model first before delving into stranger ideas about the unification of religion . Consider the comical sci-fi uniformity of the grey humanoid aliens..and no do not quote me on that I'm moreso into basic energtic dynamics. [so the question is not how soon will they exist but when will we have access to them HERE] " email me at thomascannady@comacst.net if you wish.. but err...no non Graphical User Interface questions please.. i need more contracts under my belt -Tommy III out
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