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Everything posted by gonelli

  1. That is a fairly general description of what happens. What happens when electrons leave and return to the battery is a little more involved. Have a look at this and it may make some sense... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galvanic_cell
  2. Entering a really old age when doing an online IQ test does make hitting the high end of the IQ scall a lot easier. Not that I would ever do that though:-p
  3. The analogy works perfect, but (for the sake of those who will read this post and retain this information if ever someone else asks them a similar question) it would take longer than 3 seconds to hear thunder from a lightning strike 3 miles away. Probably closer to 12 or 13 seconds.
  4. I agree with that. I recall a chemistry class in high school where we learning about the mole, and every student who attempted to read through the information for everyone to hear was unable to restrain from laughing when they said "mole". ...MOLE!
  5. I actually was thinking the same thing when I first read the OP. Wikipedia (while I don't completely trust it) mentions that "due to the effects of the water circulation pattern, resulting from evaporation and wind stress. Salinity ranges between 3.6 and 3.8%." I'm going to try and see if I can find a more in depth explanation somewhere else, but that could be a good starting to point for explaining the salinity level. As for why there is salt in sea water in the first place... there's a lot of salt around, and plenty of water for it to dissolve into.
  6. I would put both instances down to evaporation, or some other process relating to it. Doing a search on both seas does reveal information on reasons for the different salinities, probably best to start there.
  7. I would think not. Firstly because even though the amino acid sequence is the same, the actual structure of the overall protein may be different. Of course, that's only an educated guess. Maybe the protein in humans and in chimps are structured the same way, I don't know. The other reason why I think it wouldn't work would be because transferring blood doesn't just involve transferring haemoglobin, but rather whole blood cells. Even though the red blood cells don't have a nucleus (the reason blood transfers can be done in humans), I would suspect that there would be other aspects of the cell that differ between humans and chimps. Perhaps different markers and antigens on the surface. Actually, that's just provoked an interesing thought. The antigens would be different because chimps wouldn't have the same blood groups as humans would, I think. I'll have to look that up now.
  8. I believe you wouldn't be able to light a lighter in a propane tank since there is no oxygen to allow combustion. Well, there may be a little oxygen, but the concentrations of fuel to oxygen wouldn't allow anything to happen.
  9. Perhaps someone should pass this information onto this guy... http://www.survive2012.com/geryl1.php
  10. Perhaps there is a commercial market for such technology waiting to be founded.
  11. That does sound like the easiest way to achieve an even sound distribution. I suppose the resistor would be as simple as a volume control dial that would be a little harder to change than just turning a nob.
  12. I was curious as to how a public address (PA) system that operates across a whole school is able to produce signals that allow announcements to be just as loud near the amplifier as they are at the furthest end of the school. I was thinking about my highschool where announcements are made in the main office and will be heard over the whole school even to speakers that are about 200m away. The speakers are all connected in parallel with copper wire, so I was thinking that a lot of the signal strength would be lost as it travels along such a long distance of wire. Any ideas on how they do it?
  13. I'm not 100% sure if dry ice is cold enough to freeze the crude oil. But, I think that using liquid nitrogen would be a better option if you possibly could. Using it removes the problem of things getting stuck to the box, etc. and it will surround the crude oil a lot better and therefore allow faster freezing. Plus the fact that it's at a lower temperature than the dry ice will also make it a better freezing agent.
  14. From what I've heard about such conditions, the damage caused to result in them occuring is pretty much permanante. I haven't heard of the inner ear being able to repair itself. Of course, the other thought that has occured to me is the fact that you've removed a lot of the noises you normally hear in your day to day life. Perhaps hearing only the sound of Tinnitus often has made you less sensitive to it. Although, that's probably unlikely considering how long you've had the conditions.
  15. As Edtharan mentioned, many forms of life would suffer from exposure to high-energy radiation. Given the magnetic field would vanish for a while (as stated on mnh.si.edu), it is interesting that inspection of past events didn't show extinctions or a least serious drops in the population of various flora and fauna.
  16. Okay. Thank you again.
  17. This sounds like a homework question. Have you tried searching for information to help you with this question? If not, Google would be very helpful.
  18. Well, that makes sense. Thank you very much for all the help. One quick question though. Usually with indicators you are given a range of pH values for which it will change colour over. Can this range be determined mathematically, or is it just found from experimental trial?
  19. So methyl orange will appear orange when you've got similar amounts of methyl orange in the acid and base form. Which would also be when the log of those equations is equal to zero, since the ratio of conc. is 1:1. So is the point where the concentration ratio equals 1, where you work out your end point to be, since you couldn't calculate it when near infinity values appear?
  20. At the endpoint, the ratio would be extremely large. Approaching infinity, since you are almost dividing by zero. Right?
  21. If the solution was moving from an acidic pH to a basic one, then at the endpoint there would be slightly more indicator in the base form, which is why you oberve a colour change. Is that right? The Henderson-Hasselbalch equations involve the concentrations of both forms of the indicator. I haven't been given any concentrations in the question, so can I still use them?
  22. I having a bit of trouble finding a way to work out a couple questions on a chemistry question sheet which involve using the acidity constant to solve the endpoint of an indicator. First question involves methyl orange, and gives me Ka = 2 x 10^-4. It asks me to "Determine the pH of the endpoint for this indicator". But I'm unsure on how to do this? I know the Ka will equal [H3O+][conj. base] / [acid], does it involve using that equation? And the second question is similar, this time involving bromophenol blue (Brb). It tells me the colour change that occurs in each type of solution and gives me Ka = 6.31 x 10^-5. The first part of this question asks to determine the magnitude of the ratio [brb-]/[HBrb] for bromophenol blue and the dominant species present in solutions of pH 3 and 8. And then it asks me to work out the endpoint as well. Any help to point me in the right direction would great. Thanks.
  23. I think that, as Klaynos mentioned, the time and money that would go into such a activity would probably outweight the benefit of the extra electricity generated. Although there could be cheaper technologies out there which could make this kind of thing viable for companies to use.
  24. gonelli

    Water Fuel

    That's alright then, I was beginning to think I had forgotten something that made it defy such principles. On that note, is all the belief in HHO being so wonderful the result of poorly researched news reports, or is there someone out in the world you claims to have evidence?
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