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Everything posted by gonelli

  1. Well I would it should make you more alert/hyper because sugar contains glucose which is one of the main energy sources for the body. When you eat it, your body will put it into the blood - if there's too much there it will get cells to absorb more glucose and use it in some way. I would think the most efficient way to use it is to convert into chemical energy (ATP). In relation to types of food changing your heart rate, certain foods may contain chemicals (natural ones that is) that may cause heart-rate to be altered.
  2. Why should we start with chiral? Like you have mentioned yourself, the whole environment would need to be changed before you could even create chiral life. Wouldn't it be much more intelligent to begin with something like nanorobots for example, which are being designed to work with life in the current form? The whole idea that chiral life we give us health can be seen as a good thing, which is the view you have taken. But, if we are to have this perfect health, no pathogens to infect us, etc. wouldn't organisms be living longer and be using more resources than they would have in their normally shorter, diseased life? This would mean the environment would probably be destroyed/used up a lot faster. Or if not that, wouldn't it be a lot more crowded with all these organisms living longer? And why would chiral life allow better use "of the most clean and powerful source of energy - sun"? If you make the world chiral the sun will still be sending out the same stuff which will still hit earth in the same way.
  3. And the reason why fats store more energy is because they contain relatively little water (when compared with biomolecules like carbohydrates and protein). The lack of water in the molecule means they can carry more energy per molecules that any other kind of compound found in either plants or animals.
  4. When the sodium and water react you produce NaOH and H2 gas. The equation for this is... 2 Na + 2 H2O -----> 2 NaOH + H2 So you will have the outer shell electron from sodium being donated to OH, which comes from the water. Because there is only a single bond between O and H, (and O doesn't a full outer shell) it gets the electron from Na. Because there is an extra electron in the OH, it becomes a negative ion. The positive Na and negative OH attract and you get an ionic compound (a salt). And the extra H atoms from the water combine and form hyrdogen gas. As for the graphite what Rasori said is basically right. You have layers of carbon bonded to three other carbons, with the fourth valence electron becoming delocalised and ending up between the layers. They are free to move which is why graphot conducts electricity.
  5. gonelli

    Nitro Kits

    I don't really think that would be a main reason why NO2 is used, because the boiling temperature of NO2 is higher than that of O2. So if the idea was to get the mixture denser to get more into the engine, then using O2 would be the better choice.
  6. gonelli

    Nitro Kits

    I have heard the reason NOS is better than just adding more oxygen is that using nitrous oxide provides more heat and therefore will drive the engine more than just oxygen gas. Apparently it's because when N2O breaks down to release oxygen, nitrogen is also formed. And due to nitrogen having very stable triple bonds the reaction is exothermic, which is where you get your extra heat from.
  7. In terms of temperature of "empty space" being measured, I think that you can't really measure "nothing". I'm not sure if my thinking is correct, but temperature is a measure of energy or activity in a substance. And to say that something is 0 Kelvin would mean it has 0 activity. And for that measurement to be found you need to have something to test, therefore testing nothing gives an invalid result. Please tell me if this is wrong or doesn't make sense.
  8. gonelli

    Beta decay

    if you have the time, please do post "a little more"
  9. These two links should help for action potential and myelin sheath. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_potentials http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myelin_sheath And i'm sure you would be able to google information about Luigi Galvani's experiments with electricity and animal muscle.
  10. I'm not exactly sure of possible reasons why something like this may of happened, but it could possibly be due to other factors. Like a very unnoticable sickness or infection, even stress put onto the organism may have caused this result. I think you should try the experiment again and see if you get similar trends, if not then you know something must have gone wrong. Are you doing this experiment with yourself as the one being tested?
  11. You can use wikipedia or even google to look up each of these sciences and see what each one involves and how it differs and relates to the others
  12. So are you asking about how they work in terms of operation in a circuit?
  13. gonelli

    Beta decay

    Ok, i see. Do you think that maybe you could have antineutrinos coming into contact with neutrinos or other normal matter (or vice versa), and matter being turned into energy? Or would that also be as unlikely and hard to detect?
  14. gonelli

    Beta decay

    I've been learning about radioactive decay recently, and was wondering about some of the particles given off in beta decay. Do the neutrino or antineutrino, given off in positron emission and electron emission respectively, cause any noticable effects to surrounding matter? Do the presence of these particles result in other forms of radiation being given off?
  15. I would have to agree with dttom, pathogens would find a way to infect organisms after they "mirror". You must also remember that there are many good microscopic organisms we might not know about exactly that could be lost if accidently considered "unwanted life". It is also important to note that some compounds we see as harmless at the moment, could be harmful in their reverse form. In other words, for the amount of testing it would not be worth trying this kind of thing.
  16. I would say that a capacitor would be disigned to have almost zero resistance, because you wouldn't want your capacitors in a ciruit to add noticable resistance to what the resistors may already be providing. As for the empty space, I'm not to sure - but I would guess that there must be something between or around them that helps electrons pass it with little resistance
  17. That's a good idea, any solvent could be used safely to remove it from the statue yeah?
  18. gonelli

    Energy to heat

    Oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the help
  19. gonelli

    Energy to heat

    If energy can't be destroyed, then forms of energy like sound and kinetic would eventually become heat (like if you were to speak or hit a table). Is that right? The other question I wanted to ask was, if things like sound will eventually be changed into an energy form like heat, do the sounds people and machines make everyday put a lot of heat energy into atmosphere/earth? I know that the energy used to speak is very low, but on the scale of all people in the world would it have a large effect?
  20. So serious damage will be done. Is there any other reaction that could be used to achieve a similar result, in terms of turning the statue blue?
  21. There are a few questions in this. I have been told that you can turn a copper statue blue by pouring sulfuric acid on it, because copper sulfate is made. And I was just thinking, would the statue be copper metal or would it be, at least coated with, copper oxide? The other thing I wanted to know was, if this was done to the statue (turning it blue) can the copper sulfate be changed back to copper by just rubbing zinc onto it? Or would there be a better method to do this? And, would this whole process really damage the statue in terms of shape and would it be weakened by doing this?
  22. Well, plants that use a c3 pathway produce a 3-carbon sugar as their first stable molecule (from carbon dioxide). These kind of plants like to have a mild temperature environment. They have their stomata open for most of the day to capture CO2, but due to be open so long they lose some H2O from evaporation. Plants that use the c4 pathway produce a 4-carbon sugar as the first stable molecule. These plants like hot temperatures. They have their stomata open for shorter periods during the day to stop the lose of off too much H2O because of the hot temperatures. The c4 process is much better at capturing CO2 from the air, so the plant can suvive with less "stomata open" time. That's a fairly basic overview, the chemicals and enzymes involved do have names, but i don't know them off the top of head. If someone else knows them please post.
  23. gonelli

    Killing a tree

    Very nice carving, maybe i could do something like that - although the tree isn't a thick at the bottom as that one, but i did do well in wood technology at school
  24. gonelli

    Killing a tree

    The tree is on my property, but not close enough to anything to cause damage if it was to suddenly fall. But there are other plants around it, and i'm sure it's root system would extend far enough to make it impossible to poison without getting complaints from nextdoor. Well, from what suggestions and problems people have put forward, it seems that there isn't a way to make our joke a reality. Even the idea of electrocuting it would be unlikey at this time, as there is a drought in Australia - not much moisture around. Thanks to all for your ideas!
  25. are you refering to c3 and c4 pathways that are seen in different types of plants used during photosynthesis to produce sugars?
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