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Everything posted by gonelli

  1. gonelli

    Killing a tree

    the reason why i was looking for a discrete way didn't have to do with some neighborhood dispute or illegal plan the tree is on my property, it is going to be cut down sometime in the next year anyway. the idea of killing it was a joke with a friend, and it turned into a test to see whether it could be done appologies on the lack of explanation as to why it had to be discrete
  2. gonelli

    Killing a tree

    I was just wondering if there is a simple way that a large tree can be killed. I know that you could ring-bark it or even dig up some of its main roots and cut them. But does anyone know of a method that is less noticeable, maybe some sort of poision or something that could be used to leech toxins into the tree? Any help would be wonderful
  3. gonelli

    Blood rush?

    I'm not sure if anyone else has ever expirienced or noticed this happening before. But, i've found that most of the time when i block my ears or do something similar, i can hear what i think is a rush of blood in my ears. It sort of sounds like a low rumbbling sound. Maybe i am just hearing things, but if anyone has noticed that same thing any support would be good. So i was wondering if someone knows if this sound is actually blood moving in the ear, or is it something else?
  4. By saying that we might never be able to understand it, i am refering to whether the complexity of higher dimentions can be understood by the human brain. Taking a quote from The Elegant Universe, "No matter how hard you try, you can't teach physics to a dog." Maybe we are the same with higher dimentions
  5. probably not not enought to understand this topic, so i am officially lost now
  6. I don't really follow with what you're saying, but are you saying that "lucid dreaming" is like another dimention/universe/life in which our minds exist?
  7. I agree with Gypsy Cake, it does provide an interesting view on the different dimentions. But you have to remember that a lot of the stuff related to higher dimentions is at this stage only a theoretical idea. Many people believe that humans, as 3D beings, might be limited to how many dimentions they can understand. So we might never trully understand any of it.
  8. Well this definition is taken from a website i've used before for physics work, it says "Torqueis a measure of how much a force acting on an object causes that object to rotate."
  9. I've read in my biology studies that some bacteria that use chemosynthesis obtain energy by converting ammonium ions (NH4 +) to nitrite ions (NO2 -). While others can use sulfide ions (S2 -) and convert them to sulfate ions (SO4 2-) to get energy. The energy produced from these chemical conversions is then used as a substitute for sunlight in a process similar to photosynthesis (similar in that inorganic compounds are changed to organic compounds). And the organic compounds produced contain releasable chemical energy in their bonds, as was mentioned by JHAQ.
  10. i would like to play with more chemicals, but unfortunatly i live in australia but i still make do with what i can get my hands on
  11. i think that would depend on what part of the industry you wanted to get into after completing the course. if you wanted to get into a commerical company then they might prefer a graduate that went through education in a more formal course environment (eg. university, college). then again, a different area of the industry might be more than happy with an online course.
  12. just a thought, but i would think that urine would contain several different substances that each would somehow contribute to the overall smell. so to have household products to change the chemicals to nicer smelling ones may be unlikely or hard to find. that's just what i thought of off the top of my head, i could be wrong
  13. So in your last equation you've got 6O2, giving you a total of 12 oxygen. And then the output is 6H2O, which only contains 6 oxygen. Where have the other oxygen gone to?
  14. I'm still a little confused. So does the 10 NADH per glucose hold a total of 10 H, and the 2 FADH2 hold total of 4 H?
  15. I'm currently learning about cellular respiration in biology and have looked at the different stage involved in aerobic respiration. The book shows 12 H being left after the NADH and FADH2 have gone through the electron transport chain. So only 3 oxygen molecules are needed to make the 6 water molecules (12H + 3O2 ---> 6H2O). But respiration has 6 oxygen molecules as an input, so i'm missing 3O2. I think that they must be used somewhere in the Krebs Cycle, but i'm not 100% sure. Can anybody confirm that or help me work it out?
  16. This was an idea that i came up with during a math class, where we were learning about perpendicular lines. The way to prove/solve perpendicular lines is by multiplying the gradient of the first line by the second gradient and the answer will be -1. So i had the though that a flat horizontal line has a gradient of 0, and a perfectly vertical line is described as "undifined". Now because the line is undifined i thought that would mean it can be described as infinity. So that would mean that 0 (flat line) multiplied by infinity (vertical line) equals -1. Tell me what you think.
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