I suspect that you are on track with the proposed relationship between electromagnetic radiation and the creation of time-spacial dimensions. A model of my own leads to similar conclusions. I should point out (if this will help any) a major discovery made by Louis De Brogle that I later rediscovered independently involving the ever so popular energy equation. This finding, if you are led to argee with it, will most assuredly effect your model in many positive ways.
It involves the c2 component, and the phase velocity of light. Without going into great detail, I will show the values and permit you to draw your own conclusions.
phase velocity :V, group velocity:c, photon momentum:P, photon mass:M, energy:E, wavelength:W, frequency:v, planck's constant:h
V=W * v, P=Mc, P=h/W, E=h * v
V= W * v, P= h/W, (W * v) * h/W = h * v = E = V * P, P= M * c
meaning that;
thus V *(M * c)=E, not M * c2
In other words, E=McV, not Mc2
Louis De Broglie's equation was E=P*V, of which equals McV.
The reason why E=Mc2 still works is due to the fact that c (determined by the measured group velocity of EMR) will always equal V (the phase velocity of EMR) when EMR is traveling through a vacuum. (And most physics equations set the value for c at the speed in which light travels in an empty medium.) This falls into error when light isn't in an empty medium. Under such sircumstances, the EMR group velocity will slow, while the phase velocity will increase. It will generate the same value as c2 in vacuum but for different reasons. In my own work, there are two forms of time-space that in combination create "phasic" time-space (name derived from a vector with spin, called a phasor.) I attributed the group velocity of light "c" as a function for linear time-space, and the phase velocity of light as a function for "curved" or angular time-space.
Such a model divines many rich conclusions that are observed to be physically true and yet still considered to be anomalous in nature by present day physics.
I originally wasn't going to explain as much, but I couldn't help it.