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  1. well perhaps a little bit crossing those two...but it's what i believe is possible. sci-fi in the past in many cases has recently been deemed possible by recent science. so i am in a way gettin them crossed but at the same time, alot of what i'm saying science seems to be able to back with study and research. however, the comformation of wormholes is another story. has anyone confirmed the existance of wormholes? i'm a futurist, and always have been. i'm open to new ideas though, and will be forever. so i would love some other theories and insight, whatever you might offer.
  2. "wow" as you put it must mean u may have found a flaw or two in my reasoning or logic? i imagine that'd be so, as i typed rather quickly; however, that dosn't change my question. i always believed the universe is too large to have a limited amount of demensions, and that it would be more like a circle, with infinite curvature...i'm merely looking for any input someone might have. just something to draw closer to a, be it, distant conclusion.
  3. I mean partaining to faster than light travel and time travel even. Often times subspace is used to describe different string theory concepts. I'm interested mostly in time travel and if it's even possible to utilize what would maybe be called subspace to travel. Put more simply, I really am intersted in another demension of the Space Time Continuum. So I guess the real question my mind is if we can access other demensions ultimately leading to dicoveries of several unknown universes?
  4. is a dark matter verse one that could be accessed through subspace though? I mean, if it's remotely detectable here and now, what would it take to walk on one and in one? Or is it ever going to be possible?
  5. I think you could access these other verses with a worm hole. Of course only theory, but couldn't you get there through a pocket of sub space? Although it's hard to find much difference between a parallel universe and antimatter verse. That's perhaps because little is known of either of them. I think though, if a worm hole can be established, than so should a path to another verse with a worm hole.
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