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Everything posted by Kailassa

  1. Do my perpendicular arms rest on the piano, or does the piano rest on my outstretched arms? If the latter, a considerable amount of work would be involved. I'm very strong.
  2. As we can't anchor the moon to one spot on Earth's surface, it's not in a geosynchronous orbit, we'd first need to build a ring around Earth to attach our end of the carbon nanofibre thread to. Any owners of large dog runs here?
  3. In what position do you want it held? I'd find higher than six feet from the floor to be a problem. And what would you want it to be stationary in relation to, the floor, or the fly?
  4. The tail does not wag the dog; the government does not control the country. The government has been bought, as has the media. However the company doing so is a company of aspens only, not a legally recognised entity.
  5. The Australian New Scientist once published an article proposing a mechanism for time-travel. First you catch a worm-hole, then you anchor it. From then on you can travel back along the worm-hole to the time in which it was anchored. They said you could only travel back, not forward, but I have a hunch that travel must be possible both ways once it is set up, and that you will be able to travel to any time in the future in which the worm-hole will be anchored. Much as I like the explanation for why you can't kill your father before you were born, I'm sceptical. I believe the time-line in which your father lived will remain unaltered, and a new time-line will branch from it in which you don't exist. So we have two time-lines from the moment that you changed the past, and you no longer belong in either of them, as, by your actions, you have taken yourself out of the time-line in which you can be born, and landed yourself in a time-line in which you cannot. Therefore, at the moment you change your past, you will simply cease to exist. From the point of view of your peers in the future you came from, your father was not killed, and you got into a time machine and were never heard from again.
  6. The mind would only have to exert force to move an object if the object has mass. Perhaps mass itself is the illusion and the whole universe is mind, in which case "mind over matter" no longer has any meaning. Just as our minds appear to use a holographic method of memory storage, the whole universe could be a mental hologram, powered by some "divine" mind, or perhaps powered by a joining of all our minds, with individuality itself being an illusion. What force is exerted on one of a pair of separated entangled electrons by the other? We know it happens, but the theory explaining why does not sit too comfortably with the old notions of our nicely predictable physical world. Not long ago instantaneous communication over vast distances was a laughable phenomenon of science fiction. Now it is a distinct possibility that is being worked on. On an unrelated note, at Scienceworks, Melbourne, I found a display that had various materials to be touched, and gave the temperature of each one. The aim was to show that, although various materials such as metal and carpet felt warmer of colder than each other, they were actually all the same temperature. Anyway, this gave me a chance to try something. I'm a masseuse, and have learned to warm my hands just by thinking "warm hands", but medical people I've spoken to say that's impossible. Anyway, I found I could make the temperature of the metal plate increase much more that any of my friends or family could. I mention this because it's testable by other people, and I'm confident there will be others who can do the same.
  7. Water can be dechlorinated in a way that is good for fish, according to a site I was just looking at. ( http://www.vita-d-chlor.com ) They sell ascorbic acid, (pure vitamin C) and sodium ascorbate for that purpose. I live in Melbourne, Australia, where low water levels in the reservoirs seem to be leading to an increased concentration of chlorine in the water supply. A Plastic bath-hose has acquired a thick coating of blue-green stuff inside, and the water smells like a swimming pool. For a few years now I've been adding a little ascorbic acid to the drinking water because it improves the taste, but only today, idly web-browsing, did I find the vita-d-chlor site and discover why. I have a question regarding water testing that perhaps people here can answer. What is the difference between total chlorine and free chlorine in water, and what effect do they have on water quality?
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