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  1. the only limit i would set is that cloning on animals should be perfected before moving onto humans, at this stage i'd assume it'd be pretty irresponsible to try and clone a human.
  2. i do think the gap will eventually narrow though. this kids progression might be more linear where as others could be on a more exponential development path. he might still be above them at the end of the day but he won't be as far above them as he is now.
  3. I was wondering what peoples opinions were on this kid: http://www.indystar.com/article/20110320/LOCAL01/103200369 i know next to nothing in mathematics and physics so i have no gauge on how far along he actually is compared to his peers (university level) or how much potential he has, but he sounds impressive enough to a layperson. are people like him rare, or is this something (slightly) more common that the media is playing up? does being a prodigy really give the person a benefit over an entire career, or does it just put them at a headstart, before his catch up? also the reporter is a little grating, just bear with it lol.
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