Hello, TheGeek:
While stealth software offers a recovery aspect, the best approach to laptop security is to first take all measures to PREVENT the theft in the first place.
These include:
--Permanent Property Identification with registry database.
--Lock laptop in a safe place when not in use.
--Don't leave it in your car--ever! Not even in the trunk.
--Develop a strong and enforceable laptop security policy at your organization--with serious consequences for those who don't comply.
--Treat your laptop as if it were your wallet or your purse.
--Treat the data on your laptop as if it were currency -- because it is! Encrypt, and Back Up.
Full disclosure: I am the director of customer relations at a laptop security firm that deters theft with a permanent identification system, patented stolen property tattoo beneath the marking plate, and web-based inventory management utility.
Hope these are helpful tips.
Best regards,
Doug Belfiore