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amanda more, you often quote people without adding anything to it, why do you do that?
Thanks for the advice, sounds good. And what do you think about the theory behind all of this, would you agree/disagree have you experienced anything similar yourself? What I should have mentioned is I also have a knack for psychology, that's why I was going all into theory with all this. I just researched the term "cocoon method" and I could not find anything about this through Google - but I think it describes it well.
This is something which is struggling me for a while now. If you look in the business world you'll see a lot of people simply playing their position and not revealing too much about them and just trying to play it safe. Though, if somebody comes a long who does not play by their rules they'll all try to isolate him out. Often they'll even bribe other people behind the scenes and try altogether to isolate that newcomer out of the industry. What I mean are those people who are often a bit eccentric, in a way they wear their emotions out, they are independent thinkers and are not afraid to disagree, they often also go against authorities. They are described as troublemakers by the regular business people. They have potential to reach the top with their attributes but they often also change the game or industry, which means they lead it to a new direction. Though, many regular business people do not want this, they rather want their routine over and over again, they want the quick money, and don't want to have to readjust to a newly changed direction. I've heard many times before that those independent thinkers have a hard time to enter the industry, but once they manage to enter it they often reach to the top. Yet, I never knew why exactly they have such a hard time to enter the industry, I always used to think that an independent thinker is perceived as good by the people, now years later I see the situation much clearer. For example, I've heard of a case where an extremely gifted person who had the potential to change the direction of the gaming industry got isolated out by getting sabotaged by an instructor of a very famous gaming clan - bribe was also involved in this case. I've heard that most business people in the gaming industry want people who are good but not too good. They often ask the new comers "what do you want to do after your gaming career?" they want to hear something unrelated to the gaming industry, if the newcomer says "insider" or "expert" then that could mean a possible danger to the business people, since he may be able to reveal them. They want newcomers to come as gamers and leave as gamers. Many times these independent thinkers will get isolated out by their own people, often managers. Bottom line, gifted people with independent thinking combined with business sense have it very hard to enter any type of industry, I belong myself to this category, I've a great creative thinking as well as logical thinking and I also have enough business sense that people recommended me not to study business because I would not learn anything new. In a way I'm asking for your opinion and at the same time advice. A friend of mine said it is best to just keep everything on the low when entering the industry, and not reveal all your skills right of the bat. It is also good to down play your future a little bit and not put it on blast that you want to become the best or reach the top. It is also good to not reveal too much about yourself, and put a pokerface on just behave in a political way. But then I'm thinking if one would follow these rules and mask himself like this, wouldn't he be one of those business people? Or does that only account for the beginning? Perhaps you could call this the cocoon method? At first he's unapparent and once he's logged in he'll open up like a butterfly? Then I'm thinking once he's a butterfly people still could and would try to isolate him out or stab him in the back they'll just have it much harder. In the gaming industry they used to say there are a lot of extremely gifted people the problem is nobody lets them in, which means they get isolated out - be good but not too good. Maybe I answered my own question but I'd still appreciate your opinions and perhaps advice from your experience. I don't know much about the science industry, I'm just a little bit science interested, perhaps this problem is not as worse in the science industry as in other money concentrated industries.
Though I'm not an old man, I'm just 25 years old, I think if I would do at least slight bodybuilding or just a bit of consistency training it could increase my testosterone, combined with good sex though haha.
Marat, your post almost sounded sarcastic, what you're saying makes a lot of sense though. I'm wondering where and how can I get my testosterone levels checked? There is another information I should mention, I also have a cFS (chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and my doctor told me not to do bodybuilding - which I initially wanted to do - because it could worsen my cFS. Any ideas how I could increase the testosterone levels? Would a lot of good sex help? I'm asking this last question since I'm about to meet a sporty girl.
Hahaha Yoseph I'm really glad you wrote your post, you said I remind you of you, while reading your post I have to say you reminded me of me - the irony - haha. Currently I'm 25 years old, I think if I train my cognitive abilities I may be able to get a good portion of my abilities back, but I also I think I'm still just shocked that I don't have a high IQ anymore, though if I think more about it it even may even BECOME a good thing, because of the advantages I counted above. What I find interesting is, that we both are similar just in a switched way, for example when I was a teenager I was mostly interested in arts and later started composing music and learning to play the piano, I used it like a self-therapy. Later on probably at age 21 I realized that I have an intellect and I easily can research any topic and keep all the content in my mind without the need to memorize everything repeatedly. I still have a giftedness the biggest difference which really sticks out to me, which I already mentioned a few times is the lack of desire for intellectual information. I'm simply not as inquisitive anymore.
Realitycheck, I was thinking about your tip with the puzzles and I'd like to ask what type of puzzles do you actually mean, are there any specific puzzles you have on your mind? What I find interesting is that I figured that I'm not completely weakened from this accident, but I could not clearly define in which way, after reading your post I'm realizing that it must be specific areas I weakened and just like you said it's probably mostly my cognitive area. I was a very content oriented guy and meaning and sense was a primary to me, and I'm noticing that I'm still able to remember content very well, maybe not as clear as I used to but it is still good. The biggest difference I notice is that I simply do not have any DESIRE to deal with topics, like reading books and researching what ever I want to research. I just don't want to anymore. Do you think there's any way to train that desire back? Or am I always going to be an average joe who likes to lay on the beach? *ironically* But I've also noticed some positives as well - yes the glass is not always half empty - for example I'm much better in conversations with people since I'm much more patient and I do not get bored so quickly and also frustrated with people, even when it takes them long to finish their thoughts and I already know what they want to say before they even started their sentence, back then I would just wander with my eyes and look somewhere else in a bored way, people would often perceive that as unfriendly. Another change I noticed is that I'm much better able to write a text than I used, before I had the typical problem that I was thinking way to fast and I could not synchronize my writing to my thoughts and my text would end up fragmented, I do not have that problem anymore. I also seem to be better in finding the fitting words at the right time. I as well do not have the problem with the racing thoughts anymore as I used to. To add one more to it, these new advantages may not be beneficial in science, but they are indeed beneficial in other areas, which means I may not become a scientist anymore or something similar, I may not even become a researcher or advice giving expert but I still can become an entrepreneur which is one of my possible career wishes.
Great post Realitycheck, regarding the last paragraph, thanks for the tip about training my cognitive abilities, I will keep that in mind and try to get into it. Regarding the rest of the last paragraph, when I say "I have a less of a desire to deal with topics" then I simply mean researching topics like a scientist would do. By the way, the opposite is the case, I'm actually way more patient now than I was before, before I was really impatient and would jump up and read 5 books at a time, I simply could not sit or lay still. Now I'm just laying on my bed with my laptop on my lap and I'm "chilling while surfing the web" - I don't even have a desire to research anymore. I used to research so much and so good that people would want me to become a researcher or some type of advice giving expert, I even got offers - I guess I can forget that job now.
This sentence sounds as if the US is perceived as favorable for that. Perhaps I misunderstood it. (?) Though, I think I get what you're trying to say. Germans often like to play safe and never risk anything. To even add my own perception they also often have a facade which looks serious to the outside but is the opposite behind the facade.
I agree with the first sentence, though I disagree with the examples, except of the one with the stores. There are much worse problems Germany has. Considering your examples how would it work without those rules, wouldn't it be a bit too chaotic?
I'd like to ask what your perception of Germany is and please don't be too optimistic with the typical "hard workers" and "always on time". I personally have the feeling that Germany is perceived not as good from the outside world and it definitely does not belong to the top countries people favor. Germany has as well a lot of emigrants since Germany's population went down about a few millions. What do you think?
I'm wondering how do australian people live with those poisonous animals? Are they simply learning every poisonous animal and as soon as they see them they stay away from them? A poisonous spider simply could land on someone's shoulder from a tree.
What's the most dangerous country for foreign workers to work in?
lamp replied to Mr Rayon's topic in The Lounge
^ You're right about those countries, the only problem is you did not answer the OP's question, since he asked for countries which offer work. ;-) -
What's the most dangerous country for foreign workers to work in?
lamp replied to Mr Rayon's topic in The Lounge
Regarding your second sentence I would definitely say Russia, several years ago Russia had a lot of jobs to offer and offered many foreign people to come to the country to get work. Though, racist underground organisations aggressively went against this and sabotaged this decision by bloodily beating up foreign people on the street while filming it to create a propaganda out of that - which indeed worked successfully. -
I'm just wondering are there any statistics or known guidelines how many percentages of the IQ of somebody will get lost when he lies in coma for one week? I always thought there are guidelines, but I recently found out that it's not so easy to predict how much somebody will lose. There are even people with high IQ's which wake up out of coma with their IQ still remaining the same, mostly children or teenagers. Of course, I'm purposely excluding those cases where people suffer from brain damage because of their accident, in this case I'm simply addressing normal coma if somebody simply does not wake up out of the anesthetic. I'd appreciate any information.
Though that article is concentrated specifically on laws, I myself have heard that Australia is big on ethic and honesty, which should be no surprise since it belongs to the top 10 least corrupt countries. There are countries who have all the laws and regulations in the books (as in theory) but in practice those countries are quite corrupt and the laws get regularly broken. What I'm trying to say is that having the laws does not necessarily mean the country will rank in the top 10.
Very cool Mr Rayon, I have not checked the university rankings specifically for Australia out yet, but I did check the overall rankings out, and I pretty much liked Cambridge, I thought the universities in the US are a bit over the top. There are a few countries which stick out to me but I have to say Australia is at the top, I would like to go for a vacation to other countries but when it comes to living then Australia would be my choice for now. I'd like to know, how is it to live throughout the whole year with the same temperature?
It belongs to the top 10 least corrupt countries, which I find extremely good. I agree with their politics, for example they have very rigid regulations for immigrants like being able to finance yourself and speak English fluently. It is overall a nice looking country with beaches and a comforting lifestyle. It also has more or less the same temperature throughout the year - which is a negative for many people I speak with but for me it is a big plus, I hate the winter and always dreamed about living in a country with the same temperature throughout the year. I think I really may move to Australia. The only thing which takes getting used to is that they drive on the left side. Back to my question, is there anything bad to say about this country? And how are the universities there?
I saw in TV a report about messengers, the seekers will travel the world to find those so called "diamonds" which often have a message or a prophecy. I found this topic very interesting and I'd like to learn more about it and thought I'll ask here if anybody knows any resources about this topic like books for example.
Another thing I've noticed is that I do not get every detail from a conversation with a person. Before, people were always surprised that I could remember 90-100% of the conversation, but now it's different. Sometimes, I just stop listening while a person is speaking and then I have to get my mind back to the person, I have to concentrate a bit more than I used to. People were surprised how I could just absorb everything they were saying and I was always frustrated when people never could take on the details of my own sentences. Sometimes I feel as if I'm one of "them" - the average people. I don't have this feel as if the time is running out anymore as I used to and I also do not feel the desire to deal so much with topics, I sometimes think to myself I could and then I just don't. The biggest problem which is bugging me is the loss of the feel of clarity which I used to have in my mind, it all feels duller than it used to. I've heard on TV an expert mention that the IQ described the feel of clarity in a person's mind, I never could relate to that formulation but now I clearly know what he was talking about. I think I will just start doing some mind training and deal with topics again like I used to I'll just try to not invest way too much time, a few hours a day is enough.
Here in Germany the word corruption is strictly used for bribe. Though in the IT world it is common to say "corrupted file", and I'm asking myself how the definition of this word started? I've looked the word up and I've read about bribe and morally rotten, now I'm wondering does the "moral" part in that word play a huge role? If yes, then maybe, saying "corrupted file" is not correct?
A year ago I was in coma and I lost a good portion of my IQ, I used to be at highly intelligent between 120-130. The doctor said I'm still going to be intelligent and bright, but at the same time I'm going to have a less interest to deal with topics, it also may take me longer to understand systems than it used to. I can only confirm that, by my argumentation and behavior I'm still considered intelligent, yet at the same time I have no problem with just "chilling", before the coma I simply could not just "chill" I had to keep myself busy all the time and I never could understand why other people would waste their time with so called "chilling" - well, now I know both sides of the medallion. It had a positive side effect though, from a psychological perspective I'm not living so much in the future anymore, I'm more in the now and here, just because I'm "chilling". If I could choose I'd like to have my old self back, because sometimes I just feel a bit dull. I'm writing this thread because while reading I've seen 1-2 people mention that they have been through the same story and I'd be interested in your stories and if you have any tips for my situation. I still don't know how to deal with this, I'm still hoping that this desire to chill simply stems from the coma and will take off after a while, at the same time I'm realizing that I may not be like I used to. In that sense I'd be interested in your experiences with this.
Marat, I've heard the theories you wrote before and I have to say I disagree with them, I think they are only to a degree correct. I find the idea that a person can not be hypnotized against his will a misconception, because it is possible to hypnotize a person within 3 seconds. I'm suspecting that this so called "willingness" describes the internal openness of the person to the outside world, e.g. "all people believe in the good" - thus, a person who is critical, analytic, considered as unfriendly, and even mis-trusting to others will be harder to hypnotize. I also disagree with the theory that people will only execute the commands which they want to do. There a documented cases where Hypnosis has been used to commit a murder by simply inducing the hypnotized person to take a gun, walk into a building and commit a massacre, in this specific case I'm thinking of the person was living a honest life and had a status and achievements, though he had a high suggestibility and that was his pitfall. Sometimes the hypnoitzed person will not realize what is going on so he will follow commands which he would find degrading under normal conditions for example yapping like a dog.
Are there any books which describe the inner workings of Hypnosis? I'm not speaking about applying it myself, I'm rather interested in the functioning of Hypnosis. I'm wondering how is it possible that somebody can take control of another humans mind and command this person and even control the brain as if that somebody was the brain himself? This scenario also can take place when the hypnotized person is far more superior than the Hypnotist. It is said that people with a vivid fantasy are highly hypnotizable, thus Albert Einstein must have accounted to one of the most hypnotizable people, since his imagination was his strength. The pitfall of highly hypnotizable people is that they have a harder time of waking up out of Hypnosis, this accounts even to highly intelligent people. From a neuroscience perspective how can it be possible to induce a person with the right timing an audible command through the voice into the ear and to the auditory system of the person, which will then shut the person's conscious off and bring him into a deep state of relaxation (which is similar to the state of being half asleep)? I'm very clear about the fact that there is barely any information available on the inner-workings of Hypnosis, thus I'd simply like to hear your own theories on this topic from your own perspective.