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Everything posted by wr1015

  1. After relentlessly bugging my profs about tips and methods to study for this test the only info i have gathered is that it has a ~65% failure rate and without purchasing one of the old test from ACS there is really no way to study for it. However, it was recommended to me that the semester I have to take this test to take Metabolism concurrently (which i am doing now) since around 40% of the test covers this subject. This test is worth 30% of my final grade and there will be no curve. Does ANYONE have any kind of advice, tips, hints, or anything of the sort that might be of some help? ANYTHING would be greatly appreciated:embarass:
  2. thanks for the replies, looks like i should be ok then
  3. is it ok to store SDS-PAGE gels in ddIH20 overnight and possibly longer after staining?
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