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Everything posted by osaka

  1. does XeF2 have polarity? Actaully,XeF2 have 6 unshare electrons. the molecule would be polar.maybe not?
  2. osaka


    eeyana how can this happen?
  3. osaka


    i have a problem with MgO(s). Mg(s) → Mg(g) Heat of sublimation = +148 kj ½O2(g) → O(g) Bond dissociation = +249 kj Mg(g) → Mg2+(g)+ 2e- IE1+IE2= +2201 kj O(g)+2e- → O2- EA= +737 kj look at the EA in peiodic table O(EA= -141 kj). When O charged 2e- it seems to be like F(EA=-328 kj) charged 1e-. it should be - not +. but Why EA of O=+737kj ?
  4. Thank you for your help.
  5. I know the oxidation number of non-metallic elements. But How do I know the oxidation number of transition elements. Such as Fe and Cr Cr = 4s1 3d5 when Cr change to Cr2+ Cr3+ Is it stable?
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