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Amr Morsi

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Everything posted by Amr Morsi

  1. GEMT (Continued):

    The following must be considered:

    1. EM will not affect in Space-Time Curvature

    2. Acceleration depends upon q/m ratio in case of EM

  2. GEMT (Continued):

    Then they are associated, if not of the same nature.

    Added that: 1. The 2 fields (and forces) are very similar in effect.

    2. They travel by the same speed, speed of light.

  3. GEMT:

    1. All sub-nuclear particles decay in a very short time, greater than exp(-7), except (anti-) neutrinos (appr. 0 mass and charge), together with (anti-) protons which also decay in some interactions.

    2. All Leptons and quarks have masses and charges, except for neutrinos as stated above.

    So, whenever there is an electric charge/current, there is gravitational one.. t...

  4. Time:

    1. It is a definition of the creation. The interval is that which is created.

    2. Since, it is a definition, then you can seek about its properties and its dependencies together with effects.

    3. Local Time is always in the positive direction.

    4. It is directly related to any move in space. Classical Effect + Relativistic Effect.

    5. Time is the sequencing of events...

  5. It is the linked sequence of events with respect to certain frame of reference.
  6. Andrew ..... admire. You are a magnificent physicist/mathematician.

  7. O.K. Thanks, I was just asking and I, myself do have the answer very clearly and convinced. Thanks guys. It really does. This is what I think.
  8. Wow! You are so confident!
  9. Geometry can be analyzed to fundamentals. It can be proven to be based only on Pythagoras (some may debate to say on the circle property as well). Even the PI can be deduced from "Differential Pythagoras".

    And, thanks to 2 sincere girls, they derived it first to be analyzable to 4-funds: the above 2 in addition to plane-property and solid angle, which is true but in basics of...

  10. Are Mathematics (excluding Geometry) depends only on addition and subtraction together with positive and negative quantities (away from whether imaginary is included or not)? Or, more or less?
  11. Geometry can be analyzed to fundamentals. It can be proven to be based only on Pythagoras (some may debate to say on the circle property as well). Even the PI can be deduced from "Differential Pythagoras". And, thanks to 2 sincere girls, they derived it first to be analyzable to 4-funds: the above 2 in addition to plane-property and solid angle, which is true but in basics of properties (drawing) not basics of origin. Thanks and Admire to Mapy and Mavy. Regards.
  12. "A concept that satisfies all facts with nothing contradicting it [including unjustification delimas], is a satisfier, but not mainly THE solution" ...... A good rule (if correct to you) in the science of "Modelling".

    But, we must make checks to discriminate the situation, i.e. to confirm exactly the known model. I am just commenting.

  13. A great but destructive approach / question. "A concept that satisfies all facts with nothing contradicting it [including unjustification delimas], is a satisfier, but not mainly THE solution" ...... A good rule (if correct to you) in the science of "Modelling". I mean: Is there something that says that Higgs is the only satisfying concept - i.e. the solution? If yes then GET SURE that it is the correct one and that it will never end up. But, we must make checks to discriminate the situation, i.e. to confirm exactly the known model. I am just commenting.
  14. Then do it is the origin ..... or a like .......... ajb. Can you make a research in this, to cut it out? GO ahead buddy. But, is it a mechanism also for electrons-positrons interaction for example? I am just trying to open a way or even a door.
  15. Well: Adaptation/Environment (Local Society) and Nature of Body/Soul (Evolution). A may-be-good question: Would a herbivore eat meat in any case, was about to die for example? ''''''''I just wanted to say animals have spirit and they do Feel''''''' So, feel their pain and relief. And, their love and hatred, their like and dislike, their interest and boring. I just wondered that Rabbits are very tasty, that's why I hoped if we can increase their number all over the world! Just a last question: is there a mix between herbivores and carnivores? An example would be very helpy.
  16. Is it always like this: type of organization (not type of specialization of members) is different from that of the concerned point of the target (not the target itself)? Is it always: the type of the first of the first is that of the second of the second and the type of the second of the first is that of the second of the first? Good notation Athena .... Realitycheck. And this is a good point, no one do have everything in this life. And so, you must make use of others and share with them (if you are bad) and/or contribute with others and support a common target (if you were good). Give the bread to its beaker ..... can be mentioned here as an important factor. Thanks fellows I have got a perfect Wisdom's definitions with the conclusion that a have a portion of intelligence with another of wisdom which are enough for me to continue to know why I am satisfied not to be wise nor genius. Null is so bad, but, excessiveness is burny: destructive. I've got the answer: the previous. Whatever wisdom was so nice and so interesting, it will not be like beauty (goodness of a shape [feature?]) ...... Conclusion: Try to make your mind a Beautiful Mind ...... Buy the movie ...... and make your life tragedic
  17. It is enough for me that I can solve problems..... I can think. Once, I crashed into a problem saying: Why Wise men are so descent and have (a very) good looking, while Genius ones are not? I looked into the mirror, and till now I am asking myself why I am neither of them. Perhaps because I am neither specialized in 'Art' nor in 'Science'? False. Perhaps because I like girls ..... or because I don't want anything in life from origin. I didn't know at that time. But, I've got the answer now: that I have already answered the question (or the problem to be more precise) although I didn't know at that time. I forgot (about) it...... and it was an answer, not a question. [] Wisdom is a matter of self description while Genius is a matter of mind interaction. And, since I am not wise ..... just reconsider all what I said as just an extrapolation. I just wanted to share. But, if I weren't wise to any degree, then it is not me, it is another one..... and consider it done.
  18. Very Clearly: Why herbivores like to eat plants and herbs? I think it is not a matter of self-satisfaction and humble in luxury. But, perhaps they feel disgusted and unrelieved and that they find their souls repelled from the shape, taste, smell, and/or effects of meat. [] Is it something like when one gets non-liker to lady's fingers? It is gonna be a perfect movie? A person's history: used to eat lady's fingers but he now doesn't? Wow. Is there any director? Don't care about that, I am kidding. The question is: Very Clearly: Why herbivores like to eat plants and herbs? [ :D :D]
  19. If we determined the area of research, Sir. No absorption, or low effect if absorbed. And, there are many cases for non-absorbability: 1. Low time of remaining in Dig./Cir. System and to reach an organ if selected. 2. Mixed to reach certain stage. 3. Additive substances to prevent absorption. 4. To remove effect when absorbed by cells. A wider window is non-harmfulness: may be a great difference: feature of microbic cells and human cells. Cell walls are the same if I am not wrong and this may be what you meant CharonY. From my deep understanding of Laser/ Electromagnetics [], I can advise with Ketones and Aldehydes, they are like Pyrosols. Hint: Don't forget t write my name, or just mention it as a reference, they will not notice the difference. Haha! Any other advice! Go On!
  20. I think Ahsan that one fatal is more than enough to close the door, a personal point of view. Life is a way, so, we mustn't get out of the way [i swear I am a poet ]. I can understand that we are talking about growth in particular. And so, I think nerves, hormones, chemicals all help and contribute. But, can't it be a feature of muscles tissues/cells?
  21. This is absolutely what I want to stress upon, ajb. It can be an important tool in next discussion.
  22. If you don't like me or my style, just declare your rejection to my idea and you will find me leave your discussion.

  23. I don't think that it is a force, ajb ..... a fifth (fourth) force? Or, do you mean that it is the mediator of Electro-Weak? Can't be. Then, consequently it is a particle and even if virtual, its effect is sensed which is an intermediate stage in Nuclear Weak Force in particular, or NSF in addition. Anyway Higgs effect is recorded, like quarks' one. And, I do stress on this, from my side. But, it is not a must for electromagnetism ... what do you think?
  24. [Latex]Pull Force =~ \frac{HPF * Pole} {R^{3}}[/Latex] Where HPF is the Head Pull Force and Pole is peculiar to each substance (magnet or magnetic) and depends upon magnetization and permeability volume, density and shape. This is on the axis of the magnet, and deviates much more away from the axis.
  25. Nano is evolving. Get prepared. Memory Capacity is supposed to be proportional to Surface Density, but since surface density refers to number per um, as one dimension is considered to be undiminishible, due to implementation consideration, then proportionality is in a square sense. Applying previous, with the technology minimum possible length being considered, which is 'max' in below, with beta being inverse sqrt of proportionality constant between C and squared density ; we can get: [latex]\frac{dC}{dt}=\frac{C}{alpha} (max-beta C^{0.5})[/latex] From which we can get: [latex]C=\frac{1}{(K e^{\frac{-max}{alpha} t} + \frac{max}{beta})^{2}}[/latex] Which matches Moore's to a great extent.
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